Chapter 30 End
Zhao Liang only realized it now, and said excitedly: "Sun Chao, are you really [Resembling a Dream] me? You are!"

Zhao Liang didn't even bother to check the authorized age, but the legal department saw it and thought Zhao Liang knew it.

Sun Chao once again confirmed that he is!

Zhao Liang spoke like a machine gun and said: I thought you were a high school teacher in your 40s and 18s, but you are a high school student, and you are only [-] years old. Why are you so good? I said you don’t have time to add more, I’m so surprised! "

After hearing what Zhao Liang said, Sun Chao smiled and said, "What do you want from me? I'm going to eat later!"

Only then did Zhao Liang remember what he was calling to do!

Oh, oh, yes, Zhao Liang hurriedly said, I was so surprised that I forgot the business. I called you today to tell you that the physical version of the novel will be officially released on August 8 in a week. After the release, you can buy it in bookstores !You give me the address, and I will send you the sample magazine in a few days!
Sun Chao was also very happy to hear that, and replied: "Okay, I know, the sooner you release it, the earlier you can get the share!"

Then he said: "Is there anything else? Just let me know after counting the sold quantity, and I have to rush to the cafeteria to eat!"

Zhao Liang remembered that the author was still a student when he heard that he was going to eat in the cafeteria, and hurriedly continued: "There is nothing else! I just want to tell you that today is over, and there are many leader rewards. Telling you will make you happy too!"

Sun Chao was very happy to hear that there were many rewards!
At this time, Sun Chao also remembered that he hadn't told Zhao Liang about his vest!

He opened his mouth and said: "I didn't expect that there would be so many rewards after the end. By the way, I have something to tell you!"

When Zhao Liang heard something, he asked Sun Chao to speak first!
"I opened a vest and wrote a youth-type campus novel, the author's name is [Mouse].

You go to the background to look for contributions, I have already written tens of thousands of words, and I have uploaded thousands of words, you should also sign it!By the way, help me update it, I really can't get out now. "

Sun Chao forgot that there is no automatic update function, otherwise he would have told Zhao Liang to open a new book immediately.

Zhao Liang opened his mouth wide with surprise on his face: "You are in the third year of high school and you still have extra time to write novels! Do you have enough time to study?"

Sun Chao lied calmly: ""Notes on Tomb Raiders" was written before. Didn't "Notes on Tomb Raiders 2" have already sent you the full version! This youth novel was written in time, and I have already finished my high school knowledge." , it won’t affect my study!”

This time Zhao Liang was really surprised, his sister complained every day that he didn't have enough time, this one is good, she finished all her high school knowledge in the second year of high school!
"This novel is also a popular novel in this association. You should get a lot of bonuses for signing it. We have been getting along well, and you have helped me a lot. Who will make the money?"

Zhao Liang was a little moved when he heard what Sun Chao said!It feels great to be recognized!

"Okay, I got it! I'll send out the signing information in a while, but when will you agree to sign the contract and put it on the shelves? Do you have time to go online?"

"Then I'll ask for leave tonight to go! But it won't be too early. I won't have time to go until after class in the afternoon. When do you get off work? I'll stop by to see how many tips there are today!"

Zhao Liang immediately said: "I'll wait for you tonight, I'm off work after signing the contract!"

Just kidding, Sun Chao even asked for leave to sign a contract with him, can he leave early!It's money, isn't it fragrant? "

After saying a few more words, he hung up the phone, and Sun Chao put away his phone and walked to the cafeteria!

Editorial department

Zhao Liang hung up the phone and walked to the office. He wanted to read the youth novel written by Sun Chao first!
At this moment, Zhao Liang felt that a big piece of pie was coming straight at him, and he felt that this year must be his lucky year!

Open the novel website, open the submission box, and search for the author's name?By the way [mouse]!Click to search!

Zhao Liang thought to himself, Sun Chao is really simple and rude, directly calling [mouse], it is easy enough, and he doesn't want to move his mind at all.

The search results are still women's articles, and yes, the sales of youth novels will be better in women's articles. In the past, the editors at the starting point did not divide them, unlike the future where each category is clearly divided.

Zhao Liang took a look at the data and it was really good, with thousands of words, the collection is almost catching up with the thousands of words of the Tomb Raider Notes!

Click on the introduction and have a look, yes, very innovative!Zhao Liang sent a signing text message, and now he will sign the contract when Sun Chao goes online tonight, do you want to give a recommendation?
Now Zhao Liang no longer needs to go to the editor-in-chief for the small recommended position, he can now make the decision!
Zhao Liang has decided!Just give a recommendation and give it a push!
I am also worthy of Sun Chao's trust in himself!Thinking about it again, do you want to take this book as a reward?

Now that Sun Chao is a senior high school student, it is not realistic for him to come to Jiageng. One sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also released!

Just now "Tomb Raider Notes 2" has not started serialization, so I will be busy with this book first.

Zhao Liang was thinking that after signing this book, he should get a salary increase earlier. The editor-in-chief had previously revealed that he would give himself a salary increase.

It is said that Tomb Raiders Note 2 will be raised when it is released, and now the salary should be raised at the beginning of the month!

Zhao Liang hummed happily. Seeing him so happy, his colleagues thought that he was happy because he received a lot of rewards at the end of the Tomb Raider Notes today.

Colleagues are indeed very happy for him, but it is inevitable that they will feel sour in their hearts, which is unavoidable.

This Zhao Liang is too lucky, the first book became a hit, and even those old editors have been compared this month!There are definitely a lot of mid-year prizes!
On Sun Chao's side, after hanging up the phone, he went to the cafeteria, and stood at the window looking for Fatty and the others after eating. Fatty had noticed Sun Chao as soon as Sun Chao entered the cafeteria.

Seeing that Sun Chao was looking for them, he stood up and waved his hands. When Sun Chao saw the fat man, he walked towards them!
As soon as he sat down, the fat man asked, "Is it a call from home?"

Sun Chao replied vaguely, and Wang Bin then asked, "Is there something wrong at home?"

"It's okay, I just didn't remember to call back, call home to ask!"

After a hasty meal, he went to the dormitory. Sun Chao was used to eating at home with his mother's cooking, only to find that the canteen food was just enough. On the way back to the dormitory, Sun Chao remembered that he had asked for leave at night and asked them if they could go.

"Ask for leave in the evening to go to the Internet cafe, do you want to go?"

The fat man and Wang Bin looked at each other and said: Can the teacher agree?

Sun Chao said with a smile: "I just asked you two whether to go, and said that you two have something to do with me going out, and you will come back before the lights are turned off. It shouldn't be a big problem!"

The two nodded quickly, staying at school every day, the two wanted to go out and relax!
The two directly lifted Sun Chao up and ran to the dormitory!The frightened Sun Chao hurriedly said: "You two will avenge your kindness. You scared me to death. If you two slipped, I would have to drop my bag. Let me down quickly!"

After Sun Chao came down, he ran directly to the two of them. Seeing that the situation was not good, the two ran up. The two ran in front, and Sun Chao chased after them!
In the afternoon, Sun Chao found the head teacher and said that he had something to go out for evening self-study, and asked Wang Bin and Zhang Wei to accompany him. The head teacher agreed without saying anything. When he arrived in the class, Wang Bin couldn't wait to ask!

"Did the old class agree? Tell me quickly!"

Sun Chao looked proud: "Can I disagree if I go out!"

Both of them were happy to hear the answer!Cheers in a low voice!

 The author is changing the screen name of [Previous Life Like a Dream], and now it is changed to "Like a Dream", which can't be finished for a while, so change it as soon as possible in the next two days, without affecting reading.

(End of this chapter)

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