Chapter 31
After the last class in the afternoon, Sun Chao cleaned up the things on the table, and saw Fatty and Wang Bin excitedly discussing what to eat while packing up.

"I've only had a few classes, so I'm so excited to go out!" Sun Chao jokingly said seeing them so excited.

"What shall we eat?"

"Just eat something simple, don't you still want to go online? Eating complicated food is too time-consuming!" Sun Chao said.

Wang Bin also echoed: "I know there is a good haggis soup not far from the school, let's eat that! It's faster!"

Hearing Wang Bin say haggis soup, Sun Chao also remembered that there is a haggis soup in the alley that is really good.

This haggis soup shop was still open when Sun Chao came back to play in the county more than ten years later in his previous life.

It's almost 06:30 to the Internet cafe.

After logging into QQ, Sun Chao directly sent a message to the editor in charge: "I'm here!"

Zhao Liang is playing games alone in the office.

The editorial department is usually not an important matter, and if it is really necessary to stay, there is usually not a single person left who will run away as soon as get off work!
Seeing that it was Sun Chao, Zhao Liang quit directly, and his teammates in this game had to scold Zhao Liang enough.

"Author, you are here! I sent you a text message about the contract signing, please take a look!"

Sun Chao saw the information, directly logged into the [mouse] account, and saw the contract message.

Agree directly!

When I clicked on the mailbox, I saw that the time was sent in the afternoon. After reading it, it was the same as the release contract of "Tomb Raiders Notes".

Zhao Liang sent a message at this time: "Master Rumeng, you also wrote this book very well. It is completely in two styles. You are too good. I, a college student, can't write it!"

"If this novel is adapted into a TV series, it will be very popular!"

Of course Sun Chao knew that adapting it into a TV series would be very popular, and it was a hit back then.

Zhao Liang then sent another message: "Master Rumeng, do you want me to help you take care of this book and add a reward for it?"

Sun Chao saw the message, thinking that the editor became more and more considerate.

"Of course I need it! I can't even get out now! I'll send you the coded manuscript before I leave!"

"If the update is almost over, you can call me again!"

"Author, you sent me your address, and you didn't fill it in the information before, so I'll send you a sample booklet!"

Sun Chao saw the message and sent the address directly!

Sun Chao sent another message asking: "Have you counted the rewards for me today?"

Zhao Liang directly sent the calculated data directly!
Sun Chao opened the message and looked it up, the total number of rewards: 22 yuan Total: 150 yuan

Sun Chao was shocked when he saw the details! More than 100 million!It's still a day.

Even if it wasn't so much before, it should be quite a lot. This month's manuscript fee can buy two houses in Shanghai!

Sun Chao had never seen so much money in his previous life, and the money will be available in one week!Sun Chao was so happy that his brain was about to shut down!
People may be like this, the first large amount of income is extremely exciting!
It took a while to calm down!

I can't bear to code words at this meeting!He wanted to celebrate with Wang Bin and Fatty. Although he couldn't tell them how they made the money, they wouldn't be happy if they were invited to eat!It's only past seven o'clock, so it's too late!

Send the coded words to the responsible editor.

"I'll send you the contract tomorrow."

After replying to the responsible editor, he shut down the phone and left.

I ran to the private room between Fatty and Wang Bin and told them to get off the plane, saying that I would treat them to a meal, but the two of them were at a loss, didn't they just finish eating?
"Brother Chao, we just sat here after eating, and you asked us to eat again? Did something good happen?"

When the fat man saw Sun Chao's excited face, he knew that something good happened to Sun Chao.

"How about we go kebab together?"

"I'm making money again! Please go, both of you."

Both Fatty and Wang Bin could see that this was real money, and it should be quite a lot.

I usually have a lot of money on my body, and three people can eat enough to eat, and 100 yuan can't beat it!If it wasn't for making money, poor students like them would not be able to afford to eat skewers.

"Hurry up, time is running out!"

Seeing the two of them chattering, Sun Chao started to urge him again.

"Then where shall we eat?"

"Of course it's the one with the best food!"

When Sun Chao heard Wang Bin's question, he replied directly.

"My buddy made money today, you two can eat freely."

Sun Chao really brought a lot of money with him. It was left over after buying a house in Pengcheng last time. Although it was not enough to buy a house, it was more than enough for barbecue.

When I went to the front desk to refund the money, the girls at the front desk looked at them curiously.

The girl at the front desk thought in her heart that before starting the machine, she heard them say that she was on leave. Could it be that she sneaked out without asking for leave?That's why I hurried back to school now!
The barbecue they are going to is indeed the best nearby, but the price is also more expensive than other restaurants.

When we went to the barbecue restaurant together, Sun Chao didn't ask them what they were eating, and just took forty skewers of mutton, twenty skewers of pork tendons, some roasted eggplants, roasted peppers, all messed up, Wang Bin and Fatty were watching , They have ordered so much, they can't finish eating after ordering.

"Brother Chao, tell me, how much money have you made?"

"It must be quite a lot, or can we come to have a barbecue?"

Sun Chao saw that they were all so curious, so he directly stretched out two fingers to let them guess. Sun Chao was just teasing them, making them want to break the sky, and they couldn't figure out how much money he had made.

"two hundred?"

"two thousand?
"Anyway, it can't be [-]!"

"Your tuition fee for one year!"

Sun Chao watched them guess with a smile, and Sun Chao finally said.

"Then I want to be full!" said the fat man.

"From now on, I will follow Sun Chao."

"Brother Chaochao, you've got it this month."

Wang Bin said with a smirk.

Sun Chao is now a rich man, he doesn't care about the money at all, and said proudly, "No problem."

Suddenly Sun Chao remembered to ask Fatty and the two of them where they would like to go to college if their grades were improving.

He has already saved enough money now, and he can't wait to buy a house. He doesn't ask how to buy a house!
"Do you two have a goal? Which university do you want to go to? What major?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet."

"I want to go to Tsinghua University and study computers!"

"Since you've made up your mind, Binbin, you will go all out this year!"

"I believe you can!"

Hearing their reply, Sun Chao asked Fatty, "Thinking about it now, first decide which city you want to go to and what major you want!"

"I want to study law."

Fatty's answer was a bit beyond Sun Chao's expectations!Such a funny person wants to study law.

The fat man should have gone to the capital as well. The two best law schools are in BJ, or Renmin University and Peking University also have law schools. If he can pass the exam, he will be the best. If he can't, he is planning.

Then let's work hard together and strive to go to Capital University!

"I might go to Peking University!"

Turning to the fat man, he said, "Renmin University is the best place to study law, Peking University also has law studies, if you can get in, how do you choose!
"Brother Chao! If I can be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, we will still go to school together."

The fat man hasn't spoken yet. Wang Bin spoke first.

Sun Chao thought, it would be best if they could be together.

"What about you fat man? You want to go to a college with us?"

"Of course it's together. It's so boring to be alone, so I have to work hard for someone to keep company."

"You all work hard! I believe you will be able to!"

The two nodded seriously.

Sun Chao believed that the two of them would be able to pass the exam, so that they could be in the same school again.

Although they are not in the same department, why are they still in the same school? Will there be less time to meet each other?

Hearing their choice, Sun Chao decided to buy it near Peking University. If the two of them really strive to pass the exam, his family will not be quiet in the future.

 Thank you, Shinhwa boss, for so many days, I voted for my younger brother every day. My younger brother took the time to code words, and I really didn’t save the manuscript, so I couldn’t add updates every day.Many thanks


(End of this chapter)

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