Chapter 32
There are still four or five months before the winter vacation. Should I wait until then to buy or go during this time?
Sun Chao thought again, he should ask for leave recently, he had too much expectation for this house.

I'm afraid I won't be able to find the right one.

I'm afraid I can't find a satisfactory decoration company.

1 don't worry..

The first point: He thought of learning to learn a driver’s license during the winter vacation. Summer vacation is too hot, and he prefers winter to summer.

The second point: He is afraid of not having enough time!Although there is still more than half a year left, he is still afraid of any accidents. He wants to live in it as soon as school starts, and he wants to go to Shanghai to buy a house during the summer vacation!My wish to buy one in the east, west, north and south around the Oriental Pearl Tower has not been fulfilled yet!
After the house is finished, he still wants to buy two cars. Now that the BJ license plate is still available, he will buy two cars, so that he can drive with a limited number in the future.It's easy to change the car in the future, but it's not easy to get the number.

After thinking a lot, the first thing to do now is to ask for leave and go to Beijing to buy a house.

Just wait until the monthly exam is over and get the report card, so that I can ask for leave. This time I will go for at least a week, and at most ten days.

Thinking back to the skewers, these two foodies.

It took a magical effort, and the skewers on the table were almost eaten!
Sun Chao grabbed a bunch of meat tendons and ate them while exhorting, "Now it's clear that I'm going to Peking University, and my grades can only improve and not regress, although there are still many gaps in the current grades?"

"Now that you have decided, you must go all out!"

It's better to be a little higher in the exam.

The two also agree with Sun Chao's idea. After eating a barbecue, the lights will be turned off immediately. Sun Chao hastened to pay the bill. This meal costs 140 yuan. Starting from one meal, one meal is half a month's living expenses.

After running to the dormitory, the lights were about to be turned off in 5 minutes, and the three of them rushed to the bathroom together.

Lying on the bed, Sun Chao was thinking about it. He would talk to the head teacher tomorrow, and go out during lunch. The contract hasn't been printed yet!
Recently, I always ask for leave. I don’t know if the class teacher will have any opinions. I ask for leave today, and I will ask for leave at noon tomorrow, and I will ask for leave at the beginning of next month.

I don't want to either, head teacher, you have to give me a leave of absence, it's a big deal for me.Sun Chao thought in his heart.

I don't know when I fell asleep in a daze.

In a blink of an eye, it was the first day, and Sun Chao was sitting in the classroom examination room for the monthly exam today.

In the past few days, I have received calls from the editor-in-charge every day. On the first day of release, 110 million copies were sold, and in the next few days, nearly 300 million copies were sold.

Sun Chao didn't even think about why his novels sold so many copies.

In my mind, I was calculating how much I could get for the manuscript fee, but now I have no way to determine how many copies, and the editor will give him the total at the end of the month.

A few days ago, I sent back the contract of the new book to the responsible editor.

I also thought about asking for leave to go to the capital. The exam will take two days, and it will take two days to get the papers, so it will take four days. Then ask the teacher for leave on the 4th, or ask for a week.

This time is not too long, it should be easy to please.

I got the manuscript fee today, but I don’t know how much, I’d better go to the bank after taking leave on the 5th, let’s take an honest exam now!
Editorial department

Zhao Liang is quite busy, while following the publication of "Tomb Raider Notes", he is also helping to take care of the new novel.

Now that Zhao Liang's salary has been raised, he is in high spirits!

Now the colleagues in the office know that Zhao Liang has signed another novel, and his grades are also very good, which is the envy of his colleagues.I think all the good things have happened to him this year!

Everyone's eyes are red with envy for a copy of "Tomb Raiders Notes", and colleagues are under a lot of pressure. This contrast is too strong. Several colleagues who came in the same period now try to minimize their presence, for fear of being noticed by the editor-in-chief.

After finally finishing the book, who knew there would be two more!

The second book is the second book, it can't be helped.

It's just finished, and I haven't caught my breath yet, and I signed another popular campus novel!

Since "Why Shengxiaomo" was put on the shelves, there have been a lot of rewards in this period of time.

Zhao Liang roughly estimated that there must be 50 yuan, and Sun Chao can get 25 yuan.

Because this novel was written by Sun Chao, and Zhao Liang was told to keep it a secret, so it can only be regarded as a newcomer, and so is the contract.

Zhao Liang believed that according to this result, the master's contract would be changed within a month.

Colleagues don't know that the two novels he signed were written by one person!So now Zhao Liang is the big celebrity in the office.

Now Zhao Liang is adding more updates to "Why Shengxiaomo".

As for Sun Chao, he was in a daze!

Sun Chao finished it in about four and ten minutes. He stayed in the classroom and looked at the trees outside in a daze, thinking about why he could ask for a week off.

Say go home?
If the head teacher calls home on a whim, he will reveal his secrets.

How can I get the old class to agree to go, and I won’t be able to wear it?

Worry to death!

When the results came out today, Sun Chao couldn't sit still in class.

"I'm going to the office!"

Seeing that the math teacher hadn't come in yet, Sun Chao talked to the fat man, and then walked to the office, thinking all the way, why the old class could agree.

Without thinking of a reason, I went to the office, knocked on the door, and went straight to the head teacher.

The head teacher saw Sun Chao walking towards him.

"What's the matter?"

The class teacher said with a smile.

Sun Chao had a bitter face, and now his mind was spinning, and he couldn't think of a reason.

"What happened?"

Seeing Sun Chao coming out with a sad face, the head teacher thought something had happened.

"Teacher, I want to ask for a week off!"

So be it, he can't decide whether to approve or not.

The homeroom teacher heard that he just wanted to ask for leave, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and jumped him, thinking that something happened,


This agrees?He has been so worried these days, did he agree so easily?
Sun Chao didn't understand the influence of his quasi-Qingbei!Isn't it just asking for a week off, a month is fine!
Sun Chao couldn't believe it when he walked out of the office.

Is this the end of leave?

so easy?

It was too difficult to think before, but it was so easy to agree, like winning a lottery!
Sun Chao returned to class with an excited expression on his face.

After class, call the editor in charge, ask how many manuscripts are left, and pass them on to him at night.

Recently, the sales of physical books have been stable, and there is not much downward trend. "Tomb Raider Notes" is priced at 28 yuan, and now it has remained at around 30 million copies in the past few days. It seems that it will break through 500 million copies.Then Sun Chao has a share of 2000 million, which is not available now, only the books are off the shelf, and the publisher will pay together.

Early the next morning, Sun Chao was woken up by the alarm before seven o'clock.

Wake up and take a shower, the plane ticket is at eleven o'clock.

It takes three hours to get to the airport by car, and it takes six and a half hours to take a taxi to the airport.After getting off the plane, Sun Chao didn't think about going home this week, nor did he think about getting the real estate certificate.

At six o'clock in the evening, Sun Chao was at the exit of the airport. He took a taxi and went to Peking University first. Let's go to Peking University first, and then find a place to live.

The driver is a talkative uncle. When he heard that he was going to Peking University, he introduced Peking University to him. He didn't stop talking all the way. Sun Chao was in a state of wandering all the way. He only heard the driver say where there is delicious food. Only then will you concentrate on listening to a few words.

After almost an hour, I finally saw the gate of the South Gate of Peking University!The taxi trip cost Sun Chao more than 100 yuan.

Walking slowly along Haidian Road, I have never been to BJ in my previous life, so I don’t know the difference between now and the future, but walking on the tree-lined road, watching people come and go, Sun Chao feels a sense of tranquility.

Walking along Haidian Road, he wanted to find a nearby hotel to stay in, so that he could find a house nearby tomorrow. After walking for more than ten minutes, he saw a chain hotel. I didn't bring any luggage.Sun Chao went straight out for a walk.

First look for a place to eat, and when I came to BJ Sun Chao, I wanted to look for some special snacks.

On the way, I found someone to ask how to get to the snack street. The person who asked was a man from the Northeast, who almost took Sun Chao into a ditch when he spoke Northeast dialect.

They directly recommended Wangfujing to Sun Chao, so let’s go to Wangfujing. Sun Chao didn’t know anything about BJ, so he was persuaded to eat enough.

By the way, I asked the man from the Northeast how long it would take to walk there, and he just told me that it would be faster to take a taxi.

Before leaving, I said another ten kilometers.

Then Sun Chao decisively took a taxi, it was more than ten kilometers away
He was so hungry that his chest was sticking to his back, so he wanted to arrive early.

 Thank you Shinhwa boss for insisting on voting for my younger brother every day, and thank you brothers and sisters who voted for my younger brother. Voting for new books is very important to my younger brother. I also hope that all the bosses who read books will vote for my younger brother

(End of this chapter)

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