Chapter 318
In fact, for them, the second generation of mines, the family doesn't care whether he makes money or not; how much money he makes; Qian Duoduo's father is so happy because this is the first time Qian Duoduo has made money with his own vision.

In the future, he is not afraid that his son will ruin all the family property to Huo.

"Is there anything else? Duoduo, don't tell me that's what you called today."

After listening to Qian Duoduo's faltering, Sun Chao knew that this guy still had something to do.

Qian Duoduo did have something to do when he called today, but he just used this excuse to call Sun Chao.

Since Sun Chao, the idol, asked all the questions, Qian Duoduo just said it straight.

"Then what, idol; can you get the signatures of Brother Hu, Wang Kai and Zhong Liang? I went to the Kukugou company to ask around, and they all said that only you can contact them."

"You talked for a while, and you called today because you want the autographs of the three of you."


Since this guy likes these three people so much, let Qian Duoduo meet these three people.

After all, this guy is also a shareholder of Kukugou, so it's a benefit.

"When are you coming to the capital? I really couldn't spare the time when you came the last two times."

"As compensation, I will give you a surprise when you come, but you need to tell me in advance when you come, so I can arrange it."

Before Qian Duoduo could ask, Sun Chao hung up the phone directly.

Qian Duoduo was holding the hung up phone with a dazed expression on his face, and was talking about signing autographs, why did the topic change to when did he go to the capital?

Qian Duoduo seems to have thought of something, surprise?Surprise will not be the signature of the three of them.

Thinking of this, Qian Duoduo jumped up excitedly.

In fact, it is not surprising that Sun Chao offered a reward. After all, Rumeng, a writer, is not a small transparent writer. Sun Chao can also say that he is now the pillar of the starting point.

But everyone paid so much attention to this matter because there were a lot of rewards this time.

Really, is that a bit much, that's a lot; it's outrageously much.

Sun Chao's announcement was made within an hour, and Sun Chao's novel directly dominated the list.

This is the reason why it is so lively inside and outside the circle.

No matter which website or which writer has this appeal.

The rewards of other writers for a month are not as much as Rumeng's rewards for an hour, whether it is exciting or stimulating.

Sun Chao was excited, readers were excited, but other writers who were on the same website as Sun Chao were about to cry.

In an instant, several posts about Rumeng's incident popped up on the blog.

The title party also knows what netizens like to watch.

# Let's see what is a great god in the industry. He has more fans than Brother Hu. Do you know who is a great god? #
Brother Hu, the hottest celebrity recently, was taken out by the bar owners as a background board.

I don’t know how Brother Hu felt when he found out.

#Who is the writer who crushes all writers?do you know. #
This one, you know the essence of the headline party very well.

Sun Chao's reward amount can be said to be unique in the industry.

All the pillar writers on the website did not have this amount of reward, although Sun Chao was a bit of a coincidence this time, publishing three books together.

But speaking of it, the number of Rumeng's book is only so much, and the three books together don't have as many words as any other author's book.

Some authors have a lot of words, and it is common for a book to have 200 million words.

How many writers are still in the mood to code words today? Everyone gathered on the Qidian website, which almost collapsed the website. Fortunately, Tian Guang had already made arrangements, otherwise would be the first website among novel websites that was crushed and collapsed by readers .

Looking at the continuous rewards, and they were all large amounts, the writers called it sour, even more sour than eating a whole lemon.

Even writers from other websites stopped coding today, and all opened the Qidian website to watch this crazy tipping frenzy.

As long as the writers who come to the website are shocked, they are also very envious; when they see the reward banners constantly refreshing on the homepage, they are all surprised that the protagonists are like dreams.

There is also news of 99+ in an instant among the published writers.

"Damn it, this is the first time I've seen such a grand event in so many years, and I'm also so sad. When will I have so many diehard fans?"

"Who else!!!" God Rumeng is amazing! "

"He's cheating, okay. If I distribute the three books together, the rewards won't be too bad. It's just that I'm not as shameless as him."

Mao Jun, a super fan, immediately turned back into a little fan after he recovered his blood.

Seeing everyone boasting about their dream-like appeal, they are sour about the amount and quantity of rewards.

Mao Jun peeked at the screen in front of the computer, seeing the writers boasting Rumeng, Mao Jun felt happier than boasting himself.

Every time he sees a writer commenting bitterly or boasting a dreamlike dialogue in the group, Mao Jun will triumphantly add a sentence later.

"Who else!!!"

"Master Rumeng is awesome!!!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

The writers who had been in the group early saw Mao Jun replying frantically, as if this guy was the protagonist of this matter.

"I just went to watch it again, wow! The amount of rewards is really awesome. I think the amount of rewards that God Rumeng has donated in just over an hour is more than I have spent in a year. He is definitely at the top of the food chain."

When everyone sees Mao Jun, he will follow up in an instant: "Who else!"

This made everyone laugh.

There are writers in the group who can't stand it anymore.

"Then who, you are number one Rumeng, does your idol Rumeng know?"

"I didn't see anyone at the moment, I just saw you, Mao Jun, jumping around there; we all know that your idol is great."

When Mao Jun saw these two messages, he looked proud.

"That is, who is my idol, can it not be amazing?"

Seeing Mao Jun being so shameless, Qi Qi rolled his eyes at Mao Jun.

Some writers said sourly in the group seeing everyone blowing up Rumeng to the sky.

"Yes, everyone, don't hold Rumeng too high; the higher you hold it, the worse it will be when you fall. Didn't you also see the announcement? After the three books are released this time, "Tomb Raiders Notes" This series of books is completely over; even if his current novel is very popular, which writer can guarantee that his next book will still be so popular? Are you right?"

This writer thinks he is the most sober person in his group. Rumeng does indeed have a lot of popularity and die-hard fans. Accumulate more fans at a faster speed, Rumeng's fan base is indeed huge, this cannot be denied.

but!Success is Xiao He, failure is Xiao He, although the series of novels can accumulate more fans, but!What happens when Rumeng's series of novels ends?There is more than one writer of this type, because after writing series of novels for a long time, after changing a novel, there should not be too many writers who fail.

As soon as this long series of words was typed out, it pleased many writers.


 Merry Christmas everyone! ! !I went out on a date today, the update is a bit late, sorry for that.

(End of this chapter)

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