Chapter 319 Secret Exposure
Everyone ignored this question at the moment, and all their eyes were on the tip Rumeng received.

Fat Tiger also jumped out after seeing everyone talking about this topic.

Fat Tiger got a big secret this time.

When Fat Tiger found out, he was surprised. It was too hard for Sun Chao to hide it from everyone.

Pang Hu's friend found Pang Hu mysteriously today, saying that he had obtained a super secret from the starting point. After Pang Hu agreed to many unequal contracts, he finally got this so-called big secret.

Indeed, the secret is indeed big enough.

"Fat tiger, do you know..."

Fat Tiger was helpless, this guy kept talking for a long time without talking about the main point.

"Say it or not, I won't listen if you don't." Fat Tiger was very depressed when he said this.

"Could you please be more straightforward and act like a bitch."

"[Suddenly Like a Dream]'s real name is Sun Chao, you know this fat tiger, right?"

"You still need to tell me, I already knew it, okay? Is this the so-called starting point secret you said? It's a secret!"


The friend saw that Fat Tiger's bad temper was about to come up again, and scolded:
"You are still in such a hurry, listen to me and tell you slowly."

"They're all in the same circle, so you must know Rumeng and the mouse, right?"

Fat Tiger's temper has reached the limit.

"Nonsense, which of these two people is not famous!"

"But! Do you know that these ~two~persons~are~one~person~!"

"Surprise or surprise, no surprise!"


Fat Tiger couldn't believe it, the writing style and style of these two were completely different, how could this be possible.

"If you want to lie, you can find a reliable person. What you said is impossible."

Under the sworn oath of his friends, Fat Tiger finally believed it.

Fat Tiger felt as if he was dreaming, which was outrageous.

This guy actually has two identities, and both vests are at the pinnacle of Internet writers.

It's not noisy.

I have an account, and updating a novel is exhausting all day long, and the money I get is not as much as this guy got for a vest.

Sun Chao is great.

Although my friend swears that the news he got is 100% accurate, but this news really makes people feel that it is nonsense.

While in a daze in front of the computer, Fat Tiger saw the chat content in the group.

At this moment, Fat Tiger felt like everyone was drunk and I was alone.

The feeling of having a big secret but not being able to tell it makes Fat Hu, who knows everything, feel overwhelmed.

But Fat Tiger also has a bottom line, since people want to hide it, he will not reveal it, so as not to hurt everyone's glass heart.

But it is still possible to be a prophet and say a few words in the group.

The one who bluffs the most is Rumeng, a loyal fan.

"My idol is omnipotent. Isn't it just a different book to write? No matter how big things are, my idol can't be troubled at all. Whoever overturns my idol will not overturn."

When everyone wanted to argue a few words, Fat Tiger spoke first.

“This time I support Mao Jun.”

After Mao Jun finished speaking, he was staring at everyone's reactions.

"Hey, Fat Tiger, you are also captured by Rumeng, why even you have become Rumeng's fanboy."

"Fat Tiger, did you get some inside information? I know you've always been well-informed."

"You don't need to worry about it, anyway, this guy is no longer human, isn't he just writing a new book, little KS."

"Mao Jun, come and take a look, someone is coming to grab your position as the number one fan boy."

"You don't understand, just trust me."

At this moment, Fat Tiger really wanted to meet this immortal Sun Chao.

The word genius is no longer suitable for Sun Chao, but the word immortal is very suitable.

He quickly sent a message: Xiao Maojun, let's chat in private, let's talk about something private with you. "


And here is the starting point.

The writers and editors at Qidian may not be happy, but the deputy editor-in-chief and chief editor are definitely very happy. They both pay attention to it at work, and they are in a good mood.

Sun Chao made money, the two of them were very happy, and they could be regarded as making money with Sun Chao.

Sun Chao's operation can make a lot of money for Qidian. Can you be unhappy? It's all money.

While Sun Chao was making money, the website also made a lot of money. The website was also beneficial for Sun Chao to make it.

Today, the number of visits to the Qidian website has almost doubled. As long as there are page views and readers click in, Qidian is confident that it can keep these readers.

Ren Haijun made an appointment with Yumi, the technical director of a game company, today.

At the same time, Ren Haijun also knows that his boss's book will officially start charging today.

I also thought that when I announced my boss on the website, if I wanted to add a reward, and it was not online, the Qidian website and blog would definitely be very lively.

Rewards must also be indispensable, if today's matter is not too important, Ren Haijun will definitely change the itinerary no matter what.

Ren Haijun expected that even other writers would be disturbed by what their boss said.

Thinking of this, Ren Haijun is very happy, he is still a boss, as long as there is an action, it is a major event in the industry.

Ren Haijun also knew that his colleagues were enemies, and this time his boss must have drawn a lot of hatred.

If there is any trouble in the future, it will be caused by my boss.

Today Ren Haijun made an appointment with the legendary technical director Yumi. In fact, I was surprised to be able to make an appointment with this Ren Haijun.

After all, Legend of Legend is the most popular game right now, and it was Sun Chao who contacted the technical director of Legend, who contacted friends around him. In the end, he was one of the bosses of Datang Entertainment, because of Hu Feng’s relationship. Sun Chao may not necessarily talk to him.

Why is his face so big when he wants to poach people with empty words.

If you want a company without a company, and if you want people without people, you will be a polished commander when you come, and no one with a normal mind will agree.

Today, this is also Ren Haijun's most optimistic one. After all, the legend can be so popular, this is a must.

Of course, Ren Haijun is very sincere in coming here today.

This time, Sun Chao offered three times the salary of Legendary plus 3% dry stock.

When Ren Haijun came, he investigated this Yumi and knew that this family was in urgent need of money, a sum of money that his salary could not afford.

After several days of negotiations, Yumi jumped to Sun Chao's company, a shell company with only a name.

Sun Chao also named his game company, Future Technology.

As soon as the technicians were in place, Liang Yifei and Meilian set off with the lawyer.

Sun Chao was afraid that this world would be different from the one he used to exist in, and almost no one in the original world would be there anymore; Sun Chao was also afraid that the game company in Bangziguo would not exist.

This time, Sun Chao took aim at the NEXON company in Bangziguo. In Sun Chao's memory, this company was the "Running Kart" released in March 06.

It is now April, if this company exists, it must speed up its pace, and it may be preempted by other companies later; that's why Sun Chao is so eager to let the navy poach people.

However, according to Sun Chao's investigation, this company does exist, and the game is indeed in trial operation, but the market acceptance does not seem to be high.

(End of this chapter)

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