Chapter 339 Negotiations
"No way, I've only been here for a few months." The new colleague was crying with disbelief on his face.

"It's possible that you weren't there at the time."

"I was the one who received those people who wanted to buy our company. The people who came here were very confident, and they looked like the acquisition had determined our company." The more he talked, the more frustrated he became.

"Then if our company is really acquired by them, the front desk will definitely use people from their own country. As long as our company is acquired, we will lose 100% of our jobs."

The state of the finance department and the marketing department is not as good as other departments. They are all listless, sitting listlessly on the computer.

"Have you found a job yet?"

The colleague next to me stood up and stretched: "I'm already looking for it."

"When do you say our company will be acquired?"

"I don't know, it should be soon; our company doesn't have much money anymore, and our company is not far from bankruptcy even if it is not acquired."

How much money is in the company's account, the finance is the clearest.

"If the company is really acquired, maybe only the technology department will be kept, and our finances have no chance at all. Who doesn't use their own finances after acquiring the company."

The marketing department is also the one who knows how bleak this game is. Without players, the money spent on research and development is equivalent to wasted money.

Although the games I made before were not big hits, they were not so bleak either. This time I invested the most money and time in the game, but who knew it would end up being the bleakest.

In fact, the marketing department has always thought that this game of our company is very good, but the timing of the public beta was not good, and it happened to collide with the games of several large companies, so it would be strange if someone played it.

Their marketing department also reported it to the company before, but what they received was swearing.

Saying something is making excuses, saying that the ability is not good enough.

Later, the colleagues in the marketing department were unwilling to let people be the liver and lungs of donkeys, and they went to the market as soon as they were asked, and no one was willing to express their thoughts.

The thought in everyone's mind is, don't want to hear it?They don't want to talk yet.

The two bosses, Han Minzhi and Park Eunkyung, are also gathered in the office now.

The atmosphere before the two was also very depressing.

The two of them had quarreled countless times in the past few days, but neither of them could convince the other.

It was Park Eun-kyung, who wanted to sell the company, who broke the silence first, and the two of them barely said a word all morning: "Brother Minzhi, you think about things for the better; our company doesn't have much money in the account, even If it is not acquired, it is not far from bankruptcy."

"I've heard that Huaxia people are very generous; if we can sell it at a reasonable price this time, if our company goes bankrupt, the company's equipment can only be sold for a cabbage price."

"This is also my hard work. I don't want to sell it unless I have to. If you don't want it, I know I won't do it either."


"I have heard some rumors in the circle that people from Huaxia are already contacting other game companies. If there is no reply from our side, there should not be too many small and medium-sized game companies like ours in our country. We disagree, and other companies are eager to have this opportunity; if you don’t let go, our company will have to wait for bankruptcy.”

"I can solicit investment, and the company won't go bankrupt." Park Minzhi said without raising his head.

Even he could hear the uncertainty in his tone.

"Brother Minzhi, I know you are not reconciled, and I am not reconciled, but we don't have the capital, and our life will be easier after we sell the company."

"In the past few years, our savings have been spent on this company. Life is a mess. You are not married and you still don't understand how I feel. I am responsible for the one in my family. My lover started this company from the time we started. She started to support me silently, but what kind of life have I given her in the past few years."

"It's good to sell it."

"According to our technology, it is absolutely possible to find a job with a good salary."

"Think about it, dreams can't fill your stomach."

"It's best to give me an answer today. If you agree, I will contact them immediately."

After saying this, he left the office straight away. He was really angry, otherwise such impolite behavior would rarely happen in Bangzi Country.

Park Minzhi sat with his head down all the time, without saying anything.

He had to admit that what Park Minzhi said was right, even if the company wasn't acquired by this group of people, as long as they couldn't attract investment, their game company would have to go bankrupt.

But Park Minzhi is not reconciled, not reconciled to the company he worked so hard to build just like this.

As long as I nod my head, the hard work of those years will be in vain, and everything will be gone.

From the firm opposition at the beginning, Park Minzhi is now hesitant.

The last straw that crushed him was that Ren Haijun and his group were contacting other companies.

People are like this, the state of mind when the right to choose is in their hands, and the choice when they become the chosen; they are completely two states of mind.

And Liang Yifei's side is not going well. Although Liang Yifei's side is not far from Ai Fan's company, time is wasted on investigation and design.

It was two days before Liang Yifei contacted Ai Fan's company. During this time, Meilian was so anxious that she ran to the weathervane twice a day.

It was indeed relatively smooth at the beginning. When Ai Fan Company knew the purpose of their visit, they received them politely.

Liang Yifei was quite satisfied with the price offered by Ai Fan's company. He bought out all the copyrights at a price of [-] yuan, which means that this design will only belong to Ai Fan in the future, and Sun Chao, the designer, has no right to make these styles of clothing.

This price is already a high price for an unknown designer before this.

If it weren't for the fact that fashion design has become popular, this price would have been impossible.

It wasn't until Liang Yifei took out the clothing samples newly designed by Sun Chao that he met Irene, the boss, and it was also because of other cooperation proposed by Liang Yifei.

The preliminary negotiations on Ai Fan's side are all handed over to the negotiators in the company.

Erin didn't put her mind on it after this.

For Irene, this is just a trivial matter, and there are countless things in the company that she needs to worry about.

Irene never thought that she couldn't buy it, and what needed to be negotiated was the price.

The most important thing in a big company like theirs is capable people. If they can't do this well, they can leave.

But when Irene heard their cooperation request and the clothing styles they presented, Irene had the idea of ​​meeting the designer.

In the eyes of professionals, the blueprints designed by Sun Chao are really unreadable.

Sun Chao only has a little drawing skills, so he can only fool laymen.

So the designs that Liang Yifei took this time were all modified by professionals.

Sun Chao was afraid that the blueprints he had designed would be taken directly, and his secrets would be revealed immediately.

Moreover, these styles drawn by Sun Chao are not his, but styles that appeared in the previous life.

Since almost half of the luxury brands from the previous life have disappeared, there are a lot of them that can be used.

Sun Chao wanted to cooperate with Ai Fan because of Datang Entertainment, and this is also a gold swallowing beast.

Liang Yifei found it tricky because he didn't know if his boss had time.

After Irene made this request, Liang Yifei looked hesitant.

But he didn't refuse in the end. After all, Sun Chao is the boss, so it shouldn't be difficult to spare this little time.

Reply to Ai Fan After the company gave them a reply the next day, they returned to the company.

Meilian also did not return to Datang Entertainment, and followed Liang Yifei to Fengfeng Company.

(End of this chapter)

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