Chapter 340 Guilty
Along the way, Meilian was rambling: "Why make an appointment tomorrow, can't it just call the designer to come over? If I don't talk for a day, I won't be stable for a day."

"And who is that designer called Mr. Sun? Could it be someone from our boss? They have the same last name."

"How old is this rookie designer? Is he handsome?" Along the way, Meilian became a million whys.

The costume design drawings that Sun Chao provided to the crew at that time were all edited by professionals, and Sun Chao's signature on the design drafts was Mr. Sun.

Therefore, on the personnel list of the TV series, Mr. Sun is naturally written.

Liang Yifei was uttered by Meilian: "If you still want this guy to help you get the endorsement, don't be so curious."

"If it wasn't for the face of the boss, he wouldn't have offered his painstaking design to you in exchange for an endorsement. If you said it, he would come over? Our boss doesn't have such a big face."

Liang Yifei sighed in his heart, if the boss didn't want to come, it would be useless for anyone to say it, but Meilian said it lightly, it's fine if he doesn't want to come.

Is this what he can call when he says it?

Mei Lian waved her hands quickly when she heard what Liang Yifei said: "No, no, I didn't mean that, of course I thank the designer, but President Ai Fan has asked to see the designer by name; can you say something nice to make this designer happy?" Come here during your busy schedule?"

Liang Yifei knew that his boss liked to keep a low profile, so the chances of him coming were really slim.

"I will, but I'm only [-] percent sure I can convince him to come."

"Then if, I said, if, if this designer really doesn't want to come, what are the chances that we can get an endorsement?"

"I think Ai Fan's president is very interested in this designer. If the designer can come over with some face; I think the chances of us getting an endorsement will be much higher?"

Liang Yifei: "..."

He may not know, but he can't be the boss of the boss.

Along the way, Liang Yifei felt as if a Tang monk was chanting scriptures by his ears.

Looking at Meilian's appearance as a royal sister, Liang Yifei thought that this person would have a cold personality, who knew that there was such a big contrast between his image and personality.

"Meilian, are you going to sit in our company for a while, or..."

"Don't you want to call the designer? I'll wait for you upstairs. I want to know the result as soon as possible."

The black line on Liang Yifei's head, when did he say that he was going to call the boss, even if it was true, he couldn't let him know.

"Aren't you busy at work? I haven't seen you go to the company these days."

How could Meilian be in the mood to go to work now, she wished she could spend 24 hours in Ai Fan's company.

Now Ai Fan's endorsement is the most important thing for her now.

As soon as he entered the company, Liang Yifei went straight into the office.

Mei Lian originally wanted to follow in to help with an assist, but Liang Yifei shut the door directly.

Meilian almost bumped into the door, and Meilian couldn't make it to the sofa in the rest area.

Looking at the company with his eyes, this company and Datang Entertainment's buildings are too shabby, with few employees and a small place.

As soon as Liang Yifei entered the office, he dialed Sun Chao's number.

When Sun Chao heard Ai Fan's request, he looked embarrassed.

Sun Chao himself knew how much he weighed, and Ai Fan was a group of professionals, but Fan Kexin said that his mother was a top designer, so he just revealed himself when he saw him.

Their company is full of professionals, and Sun Chao is a fake designer; he doesn't have the confidence to go there.

If you talk about design concepts and ideas, wouldn't Sun Chao just go straight to the gang? Could it be that I didn't learn anything and didn't understand anything, but I designed it?
When everyone is a fool?

Besides, it's already Saturday, and Fan Kexin still doesn't know what's going on with Fan Kexin, and Sun Chao can't afford to apply.

"No time."

Sun Chao didn't explain too much, but said something straightforward.

When Liang Yifei heard that his boss directly refused, he was so anxious that he stood up from the sofa.

"It's not the boss, why? Is the school so busy? It won't take long; half a day or three hours is fine; the other side wants to see you bluntly, and the subsequent negotiations haven't started yet. If you don't go, over there Are you unwilling to continue the talks? And the current negotiations have been suspended, waiting for you to go."

"You just say that I don't have time. It's better if you want to or not." Liang Yifei also thought that Sun Chao would refuse, but he didn't expect that Sun Chao would refuse directly without even thinking about it.

He believed that if Sun Chao could come forward, the terms of the negotiation would be better, and his boss was so handsome; Liang Yifei couldn't understand why his boss didn't want to, and it wasn't because he was ugly and shameless.

The school is busy, so it's impossible not to spare half a day.

Liang Yifei also didn't understand why Sun Chao didn't want to show up. He would rather not do this business than show up. What could he do?He is also very helpless.

"That's it." Sun Chao didn't wait for Liang Yifei to say anything, and hung up the phone directly.

"Boss, you know..."

"Hello? Boss?"

Liang Yifei looked at the phone that had been hung up, speechless.

Before he finished speaking, he just... just hung up the phone?

Liang Yifei sat in the office for a long time before walking out.

As soon as Meilian saw Liang Yifei coming out, she leaned forward eagerly and asked, "How is it? Did you agree?"

"No... hang up on me directly."

Sometimes Liang Yifei can't understand this boss. If you say he loves money, he would rather not make money and not show up. If you say he doesn't like money, companies open one after another; the speed of writing books is also very fast, even Even in preparation for the competition, I didn't stop writing novels. Isn't it just to make money?

"Let's talk about it tomorrow morning. Whether you can sign it or not depends on the destiny. The boss said that it is best to get an endorsement. If they deliberately make things difficult, then give up."

Of course, this sentence is what Liang Yifei understood.

When Meilian heard this, she immediately became anxious, "Why? Could it be that this person is really shameless? Or is he unable to come abroad?"

Liang Yifei was in a very depressed mood at this meeting, and he was not in the mood to explain to Meilian: "I don't have time."

"Then can you ask the boss to help? The designer should give the boss face."

Liang Yifei rolled his eyes in his heart; it was the boss who said he didn't have time, so he asked the boss to do it; Liang Yifei could only swallow this bitterness by himself.

"Then in the current situation, what are the chances that we can win this endorsement?"

"do not know."

Meilian: "..."

When Sun Chao came out of the library, he received a call from Fan Kexin. This guy had already told his father about his guess, and installed the teacher's improved firewall and small software on the computer of the research institute.

(End of this chapter)

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