Chapter 341 Prepare in advance
The current firewall in the institute is the work of Professor Weng.It has also been improved.

As for the computer system of the institute, the two professors had no choice.

Moreover, the small program made by Professor Bai has no effect on the computer at all, and it will not be triggered at all when it does not encounter this virus; it will stay quietly in the corner of the hard disk.

Moreover, this small program has also been tested by Fan Gang, even if it is a trusted friend, Fan Gang put it into the computer of the research institute without checking or checking.

Fan Kexin's father, Fan Gang, didn't believe it at all at the beginning. He felt that his son was messing around. In the end, there was nothing he could do. After Fan Kexin directly dialed Professor Bai's phone number, Fan Gang had to believe it.

Professor Bai Xu is an old friend of Fan Gang, and he also believes that Bai Xu will not joke about this kind of thing with himself; and it will not be so boring and necessary.

After Fan Gang read the source code of the virus, he really had no doubts; such a virus was completely designed for their research institute.

After listening to Professor Bai's conjecture, Fan Gang's eyes flashed with confusion for a moment;

Why would anyone harm themselves?
And it doesn't count if you harm yourself, even your own son is counted.

He really can't guess who this person is, who has such a big hatred against him, if this person succeeds.

Not only did he ruin his own future, but even all the achievements of the researchers in the research institute will be wasted because of this time.

His own son will also be imprisoned, and his whole life will be ruined.

After he regained his composure, Fan Gang installed and replaced a firewall on every computer, even the computer at the front desk was not spared.

He is very confident in the technology of Bai Xu and Professor Weng. If our country can find people who can do better than Bai Xu's virus, of course there are still some, but if they can catch up with Bai Xu's research on computer viruses, That can be said to be rare.

He also did a second job here, and after finishing it, he found two very trustworthy researchers. He planned to ask these two people to help cover up tomorrow.

He wants to ensure that when a virus really invades tomorrow, no one can touch the computer.

Fan Gang didn't know who the person who harmed him was, what he would do, and how he would hack into the computer.

Moreover, Fan Gang knew in his heart that small programs are small programs after all, and the technicians in the research institute are not ordinary computer experts.

Just ask them to double check and find something amiss.

In case the person who wants to harm himself is in the research institute, wouldn't this be a way to wipe out the alarm.

The best way is to keep everyone away from computers.

When everyone believed that the hard disk of the computer was really damaged, Fan Gang wanted to find out who this person was.

The last thing Fan Gang wants to see is the people inside the institute.

Fan Gang wanted to contact the police after the incident to see who would jump out and point the finger at his son.

Although this cannot guarantee 100% that this person is the murderer, it can also remove some of them.

As soon as Sun Chao arrived at the door of the dormitory, Fan Kexin greeted him.

Seeing Fan Kexin's excitement, Sun Chao knew it was over.

"Super God, why are you here now? It's been more than an hour."

Sun Chao didn't stop: "I finished reading my book and went to the library."

Fan Kexin only saw five or six books in Sun Chao's hands now, and all of them were computer majors.

"I just want to tell you that I have made arrangements with my dad, and I will go to the research institute tomorrow."

"Are we thinking too much, or someone really wants to kill my dad? We just need to know."

"Do you know Super God, I am on my way to the research institute today; I feel that someone is following me everywhere, and my nerves are tense along the way."

Sun Chao was carrying a bag and holding a book, and walked beside him listening to Fan Kexin.

"When my dad first said it, I thought I had persecution paranoia. I pulled Professor Bai out and my dad believed it. You said I'm such a good person, but my dad didn't believe me."

"Thanks to the professor, and thanks to Professor Bai and my dad, otherwise I don't know how much I would have spent to convince my dad."

Seeing that the two of them walked to the dormitory soon, Fan Kexin took Sun Chao's arm and said, "Chaoshen, do you think we are thinking too much?"

Sun Chao looked at Fan Kexin, this guy still had illusions.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Seeing that Sun Chao was about to leave, he quickly stopped him: "When do you think I will go back tomorrow? Should I stay a little longer, in case this person doesn't see me."

"How it was before, how it will be tomorrow, depends on how nervous you are."

At 06:30 in the evening, Qi Yu arrived at Sun Chao's dormitory.

Fan Kexin saw it immediately, and Wang Bin was also in Sun Chao's dormitory, so he brought the desktop computer over by the way.

Putting down the towel in his hand, he said loudly, "Welcome our new team members."

After speaking, three people walked in.

The three were none other than Qian Haobo and his two roommates.

They didn't know that Qi Yu had joined Sun Chao's team until they came to Sun Chao's dormitory that night.

They have lived with Qi Yu for two years, of course they know that Qi Yu is amazing, and the scholarships every year are Qi Yu's.

But they don't know that Qi Yu is also so proficient in this game.

When they discussed the game in the dormitory before, they never heard Qi Yu interject.

They used to think that Qi Yu was the kind of nerd who was obsessed with reading, because Qi Yu didn't have a computer, and when he returned to the dormitory, he still read books in his arms and rarely talked.

When they went back at night, they had a discussion with Qi Yu, and finally came to the conclusion that there was a master hidden in their dormitory for a long time.

When Qian Haobo came in, he began to complain: "Sun Chao, you are not authentic, the master of our dormitory was poached by you just like that."

Sun Chao smiled and said, "I didn't dig this. If you want to find it, you can go to Wang Bin. He found it."

After finishing speaking, he began to introduce: "This is a formal meeting, our new member Qi Yu."

"The computer has been brought for you, take it with you when you leave at night." Wang Bin patted the computer host and said.

Qi Yu looked at Wang Bin's host, and said with a smile, "Thanks, then I won't shirk; I will pay you back after the game."

"tell you later."

"Qi Yu, have you reported for duty? How is your work?" Qi Yu received a call from Kukugou in the afternoon, and the interview was skipped, and he was asked to go to work on Saturday.

It was only then that Qi Yu realized that Sun Chao had such a big face, and it seemed that Sun Chao had a little friendship with the boss.

It was only at this time that Qi Yu believed Sun Chao's words a little bit.

But it is also a little bit, how the work is, and I will not know until I arrive at the company.

In a company of this size, intrigue in the office is unavoidable, and this is what Qi Yu dislikes the most, especially since he is still an intern and has no right to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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