Chapter 342
Qi Yu got up early on Saturday morning and put on the only suit he bought when he was a tutor.

In fact, Qi Yu was still very nervous. It would be best if he could do the job that he was looking for. He was afraid of serving tea and water after that. Qi Yu thought he really couldn't do such a job.

It’s not that Qi Yu didn’t want to find a suitable part-time job in the past, but as a part-time employee, after joining the company, let alone a job that matches the university’s major, he can’t even access the computer, and he is called by the old employees all day long. Drinking, serving tea and pouring water are all small, and sometimes he has to do the cleaning.

Although Qi Yu is relatively low-key in his work, he is still a talented student of a top university. Although he has not graduated, he still has some arrogance. Qi Yu insisted on working for a week, and finally resigned.

Although Sun Chao helped to say hello this time, who knows what happened, after all, Sun Chao is not the boss of this company.

Qi Yu arrived downstairs at Kukugou Company four or ten minutes earlier.

Bertha handed over the job of picking up newcomers to Jin Dezhou.

Jin Dezhou also arrived at the company half an hour earlier today. In fact, Jin Dezhou did not expect that Bertha would arrange for him to pick up a part-time college student, and Bertha also specially asked himself to observe this college student. It seems that this person has two brushes.

If it is just a purely related household, it will not have such an arrangement, but will arrange a job casually.

Jin Dezhou guessed that his boss might want to keep this person in his company, otherwise it would be just a part-time job.

It's not my turn to pick up people.

Jin Dezhou also wanted to see how skilled this part-time college student whose boss had greeted him was.

Jin Dezhou went downstairs and looked around, but he couldn't find anyone who met the conditions in his heart.

In the distance, there were three people standing there as if they were waiting for someone. The one in his 30s definitely wasn’t, and the one who looked like a high school student didn’t look like that either. He was a sophomore in his 20s or in his 20s. The one holding a skateboard was still Wearing high school uniform.

Then there is only one other one left, but this one in a suit doesn't look like a college student at all, and he looks about 24 or [-] years old.

Jin Dezhou looked around for another week, and saw no one else; he looked at the time on his watch and it was 10 minutes before it was time to go to work, so the college student hadn't come yet.

This made Jin Dezhou lose a lot of impression points for this college student he had never met.

And Qi Yu is also observing the surroundings, it seems that only the one who is looking around in the distance is the most suitable person to pick him up.

Qi Yu wasn't sure if this person was, so he took out his mobile phone and broadcast the number.

This is also the mobile phone number given to Qi Yu by the staff who notified him yesterday.

As soon as the call was broadcast, Qi Yu saw the man on the opposite side take out his cell phone from his pocket.

Qi Yu walked over directly.

"Hi, I'm Qi Yu."

When Jin Dezhou heard his cell phone ringing, he was still guessing that this person might not come.

It hurt me to stand for a long time, this person is too unreliable.

Just thinking about it, Jin Dezhou found that there was an extra hand in front of him, and then he introduced himself.

Jin Dezhou looked at the man in a black suit, no matter how he looked at him, he didn't look like a college student, but he looked like someone who had been in society for several years.

"Hello, I'm Jin Dezhou, the technical director of Kukugou."

Qi Yu really didn't know that it would be the technical director who came to pick him up, and the surprise in his eyes flashed away.

At that time, the person who notified him sent a mobile phone number and asked him to call this person when he went downstairs to the company.

"I looked around and didn't see that you are a college student."

Qi Yu is used to it, and many parents asked him when he was a tutor.

"I'm more anxious about growing up." Qi Yu joked to himself to ease the embarrassment of the first meeting.

"Hahaha, we code farmers are all in a hurry." Jin Dezhou had a good impression of this student. He didn't have the arrogance of a top university student, and he spoke very kindly.

"Let's go, I'll take you up there and everyone is coming soon, I'll introduce you to the company as we go."

"The development of our company is still very good. You should have heard of our company's name."

Of course Qi Yu knows that Kukugou Company has developed very well in the past year, and there are very few users who only listen to songs without knowing this company.

After all, the music website is also in line with his major, of course Qi Yu knows it.

He is still very thoughtful in doing things, and considers things more thoughtfully; although it is still a year before he starts looking for an internship company, Qi Yu started to pay attention to these companies as early as his freshman year.

Big companies are of course Qi Yu's first choice, and Qi Yu will not look down on small companies if they have development prospects. His vision is not so short-sighted.

"The company's development has been very good this year." Qi Yu didn't say too much. He didn't know what kind of personality this technical director likes.

Of course Jin Dezhou was very happy to hear Qi Yu boasting about his company, and the smile on his face got bigger.

"Qi Yu, you came at the right time. Our company is expanding during this period, and it is also a time when we need talents; and our company does not have as many twists and turns as other companies, as long as you have the ability; even if you are a temporary worker will not be buried."

"What's more, you are the person our CEO specially arranged for me to take care of, so you don't have to worry about being bullied in the company; our company is very fair, everything depends on ability; especially our technology department."

In fact, Jin Dezhou is not very familiar with other departments, but their technology department really doesn't have so many troubles.

Qi Yu didn't answer, but listened quietly from behind.

Whether it is what Jin Dezhou said, or not, can only be known after joining the job.


After the two got out of the elevator, Jin Dezhou went on to introduce: "Our company is on the left, and the other half that is being renovated has also been bought by our boss. From now on, this entire floor will be our company's site, how about it? Our company is fine."

Qi Yu really didn't expect this company to be so big, how could a whole floor cost three to four thousand square meters.

"I'll take you to the technical department first, and I'll take you to go through the formalities after the HR department goes to work."

"Director, am I here to work in the technical department? What do you do?" Qi Yu wanted to ask when he saw Jin Dezhou, the technical director.

"Of course, I'll pick you up. Where are you going if you don't come to the technical department? And I heard that you are a sophomore majoring in computer science, right? What are you good at? I can arrange a job for you."

Only then did Qi Yu introduce himself: "This year, I am a sophomore, majoring in computer science and technology. If I am good at it, network information security is one of them."

Tracking the invasion is also one, Qi Yu added in his heart.

"This scope is very large, what about the specifics? Forget it, let's talk about it after you finish the formalities."

(End of this chapter)

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