Chapter 364 Original
Sun Chao's position was at Shen Dong's table.

When Sun Chao got off the podium, the discussion that had stopped started again, and the voice continued unabated.

"This man in his 20s is the boss of Wind Vane Company? This is too young."

"Who says it's not? This person's identity is too tightly concealed. I don't know how many companies in the entertainment industry want to get acquainted with this weather vane boss."

"Don't even think about it."

Some people can see clearly.

"Didn't you see that the only person invited by Sun Chao this time is the boss of Datang Entertainment?"

"It seems that the speculation that Feng Vane's boss has a good relationship with Datang Entertainment's boss is really not groundless. The private relationship between Feng Vane's boss and Datang Entertainment's boss is really good."

Such a sour tone, of course, is not an actor of Datang Entertainment, if it is an actor of Datang Entertainment, this sentence is another way of saying it.

"Then you say it's still too late for me to change jobs?" The voice of this sentence was a little low, and the discussion in the restaurant was loud, only the other actress sitting with her heard it.

The one who said this was Li Xiaoling, the lead actress in "Why Shengxiaomo".

He didn't expect that the man who didn't know his name at the casting scene turned out to be the now famous boss of Windvane Company.

Li Xiaoling now thinks that if she knew Sun Chao's identity or knew that he had such a good relationship with the boss of Datang Entertainment at that time, she would definitely choose to sign with Datang Entertainment.

Although the drama "Why Shengxiaomo" has become popular for a while, it may be a drama that is very popular, and I have a high starting point, but now many people say that she is going downhill.

At this moment, she was annoyed by her unsmooth character, if she could have said a few more words at that time; could she continue to act in the script of [Mouse] now.

The actress sitting next to Li Xiaoling said with a smile: "Our company's treatment is also good, don't think too much about it."

How can you not want to.

When Jin Dong, Dai Yue and Wu Heng heard what Sun Chao said, their eyes widened. They only knew that Sun Chao was the boss of Datang Entertainment, but they didn't expect that Sun Chao was also the boss of Windvane Company.

The coffee seats for the three of them were almost the same, so they were arranged to sit at the same table.

The three of them were discussing in low voices, their voices were inevitably a little excited. In order not to let the people at the same table hear, the three of them put their heads together, looking sneaky.


"It turns out that Sun Chao, the boss, is also the boss of Wind Vane Company. I said, how can we get the two of us into this new drama of Brother Media." Jindong looked at Wu Heng.

Jin Dong only knew Sun Chao was the boss of Datang Entertainment, and this was the first time he knew Sun Chao's identity.

Dai Yue also got the news that Jin Dong and Wu Heng had received the role of male number one.

"Do you think we don't have to worry about not having a good script in the future?"

"I also want to thank my original company, otherwise how could I have such a good opportunity."

Of course it was Wu Heng who said this, but he knew that he was used by Brother Media to exchange roles with Datang Entertainment.

I am equivalent to an item, and if I say give it away, I will give it away.

He didn't object at the time but he wanted to gamble. This time is also an opportunity for him. If he stays in Brother Media, he will either compromise or be hidden.

When I learned about this from a friend, I made a quick decision.

Anyway, Datang Entertainment is no less famous than Brother Media, even if that person wanted to suppress him, it would not be so easy, so Wu Heng decided to take a gamble that if he got it right, his acting career would have a way out.

In fact, at the beginning, Wu Heng didn't know that Sun Chao, the boss, had taken a fancy to him, and Wu Heng also thought that his company wanted the role, so he exchanged it with himself.

He also prepared for the worst. Even if he really has no resources after arriving in Datang Entertainment, it will not be worse than in Brother Media.

At least there is no threat of being perverted and being hidden at any time.

In fact, Wu Heng's thinking is very simple, at least he can get rid of that pervert when he reaches Datang Entertainment, he believes that as long as he works hard enough, he will have a bright future sooner or later.

It was only after he joined Datang Entertainment that Wu Heng realized that it was Sun Chao, the boss, who wanted to dig him out, not because he was uncompromising, so he gave him to Datang Entertainment.

It wasn't long after joining Datang Entertainment that Wu Heng got the role of number one male. Only then did Wu Heng make sure that he would not be hidden by the snow.

And the company is really going to flatter itself.

The moment he got the male number one, Wu Heng knew that he had made the right bet this time.

Dai Yue can best understand the meaning of Wu Heng's words, after all, she has the same experience as Wu Heng.

When Dai Yue learned that her contract was transferred to another company, her parents began to oppose her entering the entertainment industry

Jindong also knew what happened to these two people. Compared with them, Jindong felt that he was much luckier.

A comforting sentence: "Then let your original company take a look, they have no vision for pushing you out."

The chatter in the restaurant has not stopped.

"What do you think is the relationship between this Sun Chao and those two writers? He actually got the copyright of the novels of Mouse and Rumeng?"

"Sun Chao's company is a gold-eating beast. Do you know, inside information! The adaptation rights of "Tomb Raiders Notes 1" were sold for 800 million yuan, and this company does not count the adaptation rights of other novels sold; You have earned a lot of power, do you think this company is a gold-swallowing beast?"

"I didn't expect this young man to have such a worth."

"After going back this time, people in the circle immediately knew that we had met the boss of Wind Vane."

"No, I have to toast a few more glasses of wine later, so I have to get acquainted with such a good opportunity." After finishing speaking, one of the actors walked towards Sun Chao's table with a wine glass.


There are more than one or two who have this idea.

These words passed into the ears of Bertha and Jin Dezhou verbatim.

They never thought that another company of BOSS would be so famous in the entertainment industry.

Although Bertha let the navy say something, but this can be compared with this meeting with her own eyes.

It's no wonder that my boss can get the exclusive rights to the song. Bertha and Jin Dezhou rushed over after the company got off work.

When Bertha found Sun Chao, she immediately saw several people sitting and chatting with Sun Chao.

Although Bertha had never met the boss of Datang Entertainment, she had seen the photos.

Sun Chao didn't miss this opportunity, and even introduced each other, and Bertha and the others can contact them by themselves in the future.

Of course, Shen Dong also knew about Sun Chao's music website, after all, he had cooperated with Datang Entertainment Company.

This news is a good thing for their Kukugou company, after all, music companies are closely related to the entertainment industry.

Shijie and the others were not too surprised when they heard Sun Chao's introduction. After all, they had also stayed in Wind Vane Company for a while.

Listening to the discussions around them, a few people felt like everyone was drunk and the only one was sober.

Yao Lihua was also one of the people who knew this in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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