Chapter 365 Fragment
But this was also the first time Yao Lihua saw Sun Chao.

Yao Lihua made this trip because he wanted to meet this writer, but he knew that Mouse was still one of the bosses of Huaxia Publishing House.

Of course, he also saw the bosses of Huaxia Publishing House sitting at the same table with Sun Chao.

This time, Liang Yifei sent invitation letters to the Literature Publishing House and two novel websites, both using the author identity of [Mouse].

Liang Yifei from Datang Entertainment didn't send any invitations, after all, Sun Chao had already notified him.

Qian Duoduo didn't know that Sun Chao had other companies, but after hearing everyone's comments, he also knew the power of this company.

Although for rich second generations like them, Wind Vane Company is really a small company.

They were surprised that Sun Chao was able to obtain the novel copyright of [Mouse].

Qian Duoduo met Sun Chao at the fan meeting of "Tomb Raider Notes", but he really didn't know that Sun Chao and the writer Mouse were still good friends.

Sun Chao invited a few people to come because they are not only his book fans, but also Sun Chao's partners. Sun Chao also believes that the second generation of them will not be so boring and spread around.

"Xiaochao, do you know the writer [Mouse]? Can you get me an autograph?"

"I want one too; although I didn't like the youth novels written by the writer Mouse before, the next few novels are still good."

"When I watched your interaction before, I thought it was just a friendship between writers. Who knew that your relationship is so good." Qian Duoduo continued.

"By the way, your relationship is so good, so why didn't this person come? Or did we not know each other?" Qian Duoduo suddenly thought of this, and asked hastily.

Everyone also looked at Sun Chao together.

This fellow Shen Dong laughed out loud as he listened to the conversation of the few people.

Several people at the table heard the laughter, Qian Duoduo and the others looked at Shen Dong together.

I don't know why this person suddenly laughed. Although Zeng Yan was a little older and more mature, he also had a smile on his face when he heard their chat.

An expression of looking at what your kid is making up.

Sun Chao was also a little embarrassed to be watched by a table of people.

Just at this time, an actor came, whom Sun Chao didn't know; but this was a good opportunity to change the subject.

Sun Chao stood up quickly.

But it was because of Sun Chao's actions that Sun Chao was almost lying on the table.

At Sun Chao's table sat four people from Shen Dong and three from Qian Duoduo.

Sun Chao's invitation list to Liang Yifei was either the person in charge of his own company, or someone who knew Sun Chao's identity.

Hearing Sun Chao's self-introduction, Shen Dong and his coach Zhao Liang were the only ones who didn't have any surprised expressions.

Sun Chao didn't do anything all night, and drank one after another after toasting.

Among the toasts were the two bosses of Datang Entertainment, Shen Dong and Zeng Yan. Apart from them, there were only a few directors.

Many of the actors who came this time came because of these directors, and everyone wanted to get acquainted with these directors.

Or to see if there is an opportunity to ask for a role in an upcoming drama.

Fortunately, Yuan Kai prepared red wine this time, otherwise Sun Chao would have been lying on the table long ago.

When Sun Chao was almost done drinking, Liang Yifei and Yuan Kai stopped the drink for Sun Chao.

People in charge of other companies also want to go, but this occasion is not suitable either.

Sun Chao was woken up early in the morning, and his head was still foggy when he got up in the morning.

After he regained his composure, Sun Chao listened carefully, and it turned out that the teams of various artists came over.

What Sun Chao heard most clearly was a woman's shrill voice: "Open the door quickly, or it will be too late for makeup."

Sun Chao guessed that this person should live opposite or next to his room, otherwise the sound would not have passed through the door of the room so easily and reached his ears.

Sun Chao checked it, and the sound insulation of the room is still very good.

The sound was so lethal that Sun Chao couldn't fall asleep.

Sun Chao picked up the mobile phone next to the bed and looked at it. It was not yet eight o'clock.

"It's too early to put on makeup now." Sun Chao muttered.

Although it disturbed his dream, Sun Chao didn't feel much displeased.

Who let these people come to cheer for him.

Sun Chao met Zhang Xiao and several directors in the restaurant.

Sun Chao knew that these people did not drink less last night, but he did not expect to wake up so early.

Sun Chao didn't plan to show up, so after Sun Chao finished his breakfast, Sun Chao greeted the visitors one by one.

Only at noon did Sun Chao know how many reporters had come this time. Standing upstairs, Sun Chao's eyes could not bear the flash.

Last night, Sun Chao handed over the matter of cutting the ribbon to the four of Shen Dong, plus Yuan Kai.

In fact, Shen Dong had expected that Sun Chao would not show up in normal times, and Sun Chao would definitely hide when there were so many reporters.

No, Sun Chao talked about it just after dinner.

The four of them now understood Sun Chao's character, and they all readily agreed.

The guests who came were all dressed up to attend, and they did not stop the reporters who came.

The paparazzi of Xiao Zhuo's company also followed in and stood together with other reporters.

When they saw that the person who cut the ribbon on stage was indeed the owner of Datang Entertainment, they even believed that this hotel was owned by the owner of Datang Entertainment.

They really guessed right by mistake.

Xiao Li has been looking around, he still wants to see the identities of the two people Hu Ge received yesterday, if it is really what they guessed, it is really the actors of Datang Entertainment who will make an appearance this time, but until The final ribbon cutting; Xiao Li didn't see the two of them either.

Now Xiao Li, the old paparazzi, has confirmed that these two people must not be the newly signed actors of Datang Entertainment; then who are these two people?And what identity?
He felt that he should have dug up a big piece of material, but whether it was true or not, he had to wait to go back and investigate to find out.

Sun Chao stayed in the bedroom all day, how could Xiao Li and the others see him.

Qian Duoduo also stood upstairs with Sun Chao and looked downstairs.

In fact, Qian Duoduo wants to go on, so many celebrities can catch up with the annual meeting or awards.

Qian Duoduo thinks so, but in fact, whether it's the annual meeting or the award ceremony, there are more than 01:30 points more than the stars here.

Sun Chao didn't intend to go down, it was too late to hide, if not for the opening of his own hotel today, Sun Chao would have left early.

Qian Duoduo hesitated for a while and decided to stay with Sun Chao. Qian Duoduo felt that it would not be good to leave Sun Chao here alone.

Qian Duoduo has been excited since last night. After dinner at night, Qian Duoduo couldn't wait to ask the celebrities he knew for autographs.

In the afternoon, Yuan Kai will take guests and reporters to visit the hotel, also wanting them to go back and write manuscripts.

Sun Chao knew that his hotel had become famous in the first battle.

As long as the company does well, Sun Chao doesn't need the hotel to lose money.

Sun Chao left after watching the ribbon cutting. Last night, Sun Chao said hello to everyone present, so Sun Chao didn't say goodbye to them one by one.

Sun Chao left directly through the door of the parking lot, but Qian Duoduo did not leave, he still wanted to play with his idol for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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