Chapter 37 The Dust Settles
After seeing this house, only this 62-square-meter small house still lives in tenants.

It is small by comparison, 62 square meters, one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom can be found everywhere in the capital, so it is really not small.

Knocking on the door, it was a girl in her 20s who opened the door, she should be a graduate student, and saw that the table in the living room was full of graduate students' books.

Walk in and there's nothing to see and nothing to see.

Entering is the living room, the kitchen is on the left and the bathroom is on the right is the bedroom.

Turned around and came out.

Sun Chao was quite satisfied with several houses.

On the way back after seeing the house.

Sun Chao directly said to the intermediary girl: "Just trade at the price quoted to the homeowner. When you go back, notify a few homeowners and ask when they will arrive."

"It's better tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I'm running out of time, and I have to hurry up to find a decoration company to see how the house can be improved."

The petite girl heard that after the house was handed over, she would find a decoration company.

Remembering that the boss has a friend in a decoration company, he opened his mouth and said: Are you looking for a decoration company?Is there a good company to contact? "

"No, do you have any recommendations?"

"Our boss knows someone from the decoration company. You can ask him. If you are a big customer, he will definitely ask the boss of their decoration company to do the decoration for you." The petite girl said.

Sun Chao heard the words of the intermediary girl and thought: That's okay, at least he doesn't have to look around like a headless chicken.

I also remembered the real estate certificate.

"Give me the real estate certificate within five days, and I'll give you an extra 5000 yuan. Can your boss handle it?"

The petite girl thought in her heart: Go back and ask the boss. The last time I had a house, I was anxious to get the real estate certificate, and it came down in a few days. This should not be a problem.

"I don't think it's a big problem. The energy of the boss is still very good, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Sun Chao heard what the girl said, and felt that the chances of doing it should be very high.

After talking, I went to the store.

The intermediary girl asked Sun Chao to pay a deposit of [-] yuan.

Sun Chao thought it was because he was afraid that the owner would come all the way and that he would not want it again.

Sun Chao could also understand, and paid the money without saying anything.

The petite girl in the store started to contact the owner, and after a while, she told Sun Chao that she had made an appointment and would go to transfer the property tomorrow afternoon.

Sun Chao saw that Zhou Zhou, the intermediary boss, was also in the store.

He went to sit next to Zhou Zhou and talked about the real estate certificate.

When Sun Chao said he was willing to pay 5000 yuan to expedite the process, the boss agreed without hesitation.

Sun Chao could see that this boss had a lot of energy.

Sun Chao just wanted to ask about the decoration company.

"Brother Zhou, I heard from the agent who took me to see the house that you have a friend who owns a decoration company?"

"You want to decorate this house?"

"Yes, I only have a few days, and I want to finalize the decoration plan as soon as possible."

"Is your friend free? Opening up is not a small project, and the difficulty is not low. Can your friend's decoration company do it?"

"Except for the load-bearing walls, most of them will be smashed."

The boss was also very happy to hear that Sun Chao asked him to introduce his friend's decoration company. The friend's decoration team has good skills, but the price is not cheap and has been tepid.

This house is enough for them to work for several months, and this master is not the one who is short of money.

Zhou Zhou said: "My friend's decoration company doesn't need to ask about the technology. It's very good, but it's not cheap."

Sun Chao heard that the technology is good, the technology is good: "Money is not a problem."

Sure enough, this master was not the one who was short of money, so Zhou Zhou immediately called his friend.

This boss did not disappoint Sun Chao.

In the afternoon, the owner of the decoration company came.

The owner of this decoration company is Guo Tian, ​​who graduated from Peking University. He is 27 years old, not tall, very thin, has a good temper, and talks with a smile.

After working in other companies for several years, I came out and started this company myself.

After introducing each other, we chatted. I feel that the boss still has a lot of ideas.

Sun Chao and Jiao Xiaozi took Guo Tian, ​​the owner of the decoration company, to measure the size of the house.

Guo Tian asked: "What style do you want to pretend?"

Sun Chao talked to Guo Tian about the style he wanted, and Guo Tian, ​​the boss, could add a few words on the side.

During the chat, Sun Chao found that the boss could fully understand the style he wanted, and felt that it was safe to hand over the house to the boss.

Back to the agency.

As soon as he sat down, Guo Tian spoke: "The furniture and home appliances are all included, and I bought everything according to the best price, 80."

Sun Chao did not counter-offer.

But he wants to see the renderings, and if he is not satisfied, he needs to do it again.He made this one condition.

Guo Tian, ​​the boss, is very confident, and believes that Sun Chao will be satisfied with the renderings.

Make an appointment to see the renderings two days later, and meet at the agency.

It's fortunate that the intermediary boss is his friend, if you don't know people, the business is done, and you are asked to come to my place to discuss business, it's fine if you don't get kicked out.

After finishing everything, it was four o'clock in the afternoon. At noon, the intermediary boss ordered some food casually and took a casual bite in the store.

Sun Chao didn't eat much, he planned to find something to eat, and felt a little hungry when he was free.

Sun Chao planned to take a taxi to Niujie, although it was a bit far away, but after hearing what Qian Haobo said: "BJ's food is in Xicheng, and Xicheng's food is in Niujie", Sun Chao wanted to go there to find something to eat.

It was almost four or 10 minutes after arriving at Niujie. Get off at the vegetable market. It turns out that the snacks at Niujie are at the crossroads.

Arrived at Bai Kee Rice Cake.

After buying a glutinous rice cake and paying the bill, Sun Chao couldn't wait to take out the donkey roll and ate a mouthful.

There is no place to sit here, everyone walks and eats.

Taste the taste of bean flour first in the mouth, not greasy, the bean paste filling, the mouthfeel is delicate.

Walk and eat.

Sun Chao wanted to see what else was delicious, and saw that Qian Haobo said that the Jubaoyuan Shabu Shabu restaurant was very delicious. He had just eaten hot pot, and it was not easy to order by himself, so he would not eat this.

Looking forward to see what else to eat.

After a few steps, I saw toothpick meat and beef cubes.

I bought a little of all kinds, and I couldn't finish eating too much.

After eating these, Sun Chao felt that he was [-]% full. Fortunately, he had just repeatedly emphasized that he should eat less, otherwise he should go home.

Sun Chao saw another delicious one.

Sugar-coated haws.

buy a bunch

Holding the candied haws, Sun Chao planned to walk around the area, Xiao Xiaoshi went back.

It's almost 8 o'clock after turning around like this, thinking about what to do tomorrow morning?I only went to transfer in the afternoon, and I couldn't go too far. It would be bad if I made people wait. They are all professors at such an age, and they would rather go to the meeting early than let people wait.

If I go to Peking University tomorrow, I won’t be able to go any farther. In addition to the time to go back and forth, it’s too late.

At this time, Sun Chao had thrown the code word out of the blue.

It was more than nine o'clock when we took a taxi to the hotel.

I saw the computer when I was going to sleep after taking a shower, and then I remembered the code word.

I stopped after writing 1 words, and I will be coding the last [-] words tomorrow!

I have to go to the agency tomorrow, it's too early now.


Woke up at [-] o'clock in the morning, ate something casually, and walked to Peking University. He wanted to go to the library first, and then to the foreign language department. Sun Chao completely underestimated the size of Peking University. When he arrived at the library, it was already ten o'clock.

After walking around in the library, it's time to go back.


He still didn't do his homework well, and he really couldn't go anywhere without a car all morning.

After leaving Peking University, Sun Chao found a stir-fry restaurant and ordered a few stir-fried vegetables, and then hurriedly ate them.

It's almost twelve o'clock now, and I have to go to the intermediary store after dinner, so I want a little.


Sun Chao finally arrived at the agency before one o'clock. Seeing that there was no one else in the agency except the employees, he felt relieved. It would be a crime to keep the old man waiting.

After saying hello to their staff, Sun Chao found a sofa, sat down, and waited.

In less than half an hour, three people came in at the door.

In front were two elderly people, followed by a young man in his 20s.

Sun Chao thought, this might be the owner of one of the houses.

Seeing the petite girl greet her, Sun Chao also hurriedly got up.

After hearing from my sister that this is the owner of 201, my sister introduced Sun Chao by the way.

We greeted each other and chatted.

"I heard that you bought Sanhu on the first floor at once? Why did you buy so many?"

"I wanted to open up the first floor, it would be bigger, I had some money, and I liked quietness, so I bought it."

The old man didn't want to get to the bottom of it, so he just asked casually.

One after another, several families have arrived.

The other old man was accompanied by his granddaughter, and the couple who came to the small house were two middle-aged people under the age of 50.

It was past two o'clock when everyone arrived.

We took two taxis together and rushed to the housing management office.

This time, Sun Chao gave the money directly to the intermediary, and after completing the formalities, they each went to get their share.

After finishing the formalities, it was past six o'clock, which is still an accelerated speed. Every household has audit materials, and those who need to print have to queue up to print.

The staff usually leave work at 05:30, this is overtime for them.

There was no dissatisfaction with overtime work, but Sun Chao felt embarrassed. Seeing the staff member smoking, Sun Chao took the time to buy two packs.

Sending it to the staff after finishing it will delay people from getting off work.

Before leaving, Sun Chao put the cigarettes on the counter, turned around and walked out. Sun Chao was afraid that people would not accept them, and it would be too troublesome to push them around, so he left without saying hello.

Back to the agency together, they took the money and gave Sun Chao the key by the way.

Sun Chao wanted to give money to the intermediary, and this couldn't be delayed, and he even bothered them to do the renovations. The boss is a nice guy, and if he buys a house in the future, he will still be looking for him.

After leaving the door, Sun Chao felt physically and mentally comfortable, stretched his waist greatly, and finally a big rock fell to the ground.

It was almost eight o'clock after finishing. Sun Chao planned to visit the ghost market, bought a flashlight from a nearby supermarket, and drove directly to Panjiayuan by car.


(End of this chapter)

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