Chapter 38 Ghost City
I took a taxi to the ghost market and saw the lights of flashlights everywhere.

Sun Chao planned to go to dinner first, but the busiest time had not yet arrived.

I found a restaurant that seemed to be very popular, and ordered some stewed pork intestines, and Zhu Wuhua ordered fried bean puffs.

I bought a bowl of staple food and started eating in the store.

When Sun Chao returned to the Panjiayuan Ghost Market, it was much more lively than before, and the flashlight was much brighter.

Most of the booths are placed on the ground, and there are tables similar to the booths at the back. There are many shelves behind the tables, and many things are also placed on the wall shelves.

Everyone took a flashlight and squatted on the ground looking at things they were interested in.

Sun Chao also saw a lot of old objects at a glance, it really depends on everyone's eyesight.

I also saw a lot of collected comic books, tapes from the 80s and 90s, some old newspapers, and a piece of large-scale porcelain.

Sun Chao also saw Shitou Xie. He didn't understand this, so he didn't join in the fun.

Going forward, I saw a booth surrounded by many people. I went in and saw that it was selling old cameras.

After walking around, Sun Chao stopped at a Wenwan stall, picked around, and bought a string of stars and moons, which looked more eye-catching. He spent 80 yuan, just as a souvenir from a trip to the ghost market. up.

Sun Chao directly crossed his wrists.

I walked around again and checked the time, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Hurry up and go back, I have to go to see the design draft tomorrow.

Sun Chao forgot to write the complete novel that he planned yesterday and went to Java.

The next day, it was already ten o'clock in the store, and it was already one o'clock when I went to bed yesterday, and I really didn't get up.

It was Zhou Zhou, the boss of the agency, who called him after seeing his friend coming for a long time.

Sun Chao was woken up by the phone call.

When he went to the shop, he apologized quickly, but he was really wronged, whether it was because of his young age or because of money, Guo Tian smiled and handed him the steamed stuffed bun.

"I'm sorry, Brother Tian, ​​I went around the ghost market yesterday, and I slept late, so I didn't wake up. I'm really sorry."

Guo Tian smiled: "It's okay, I'm not busy now, I chatted with my brother in the store for a while."

"You eat breakfast first, and we'll talk after we're done."

Sun Chao was not polite when he heard that, he picked up the steamed stuffed bun and took a bite. It was stuffed with beef and tasted very good.

Guo Tian saw that Chao Sun had finished eating soon, so he took out the design draft.

Sun Chao glanced at it. It was still hand-painted, but it was very detailed, no worse than computer-made ones.There are floor plans, three-dimensional drawings, and complete drawings with all the furniture and appliances. Sun Chao was very satisfied after reading it.

When I chatted with Guo Tian before, I knew that he could understand my thoughts very well, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good.

The demolition of the walls is also very reasonable, leaving two bathrooms, changing a master bedroom into a cloakroom, and changing a bedroom into a study.

The walls of the study are surrounded by bookshelves.

The whole house is dominated by white, black and gray.

A very large kitchen was rebuilt and a large U-shaped open-room kitchen was made. Sun Chao took a closer look, and it turned out that the bathroom behind the kitchen was directly connected to make the kitchen.

A rectangular water table is placed in the middle of the kitchen, and the dining table is placed next to the kitchen.

Three rooms were reserved, each with a large wardrobe, and a living room was changed to make the master bedroom, but only the master bedroom has a cloakroom, and a rectangular jewelry cabinet is placed in the middle of the cloakroom.There is also a small living room in the master bedroom.The layout is very reasonable, almost a major renovation.

But Sun Chao found that every room is a single-control switch.

Sun Chao raised this point with Guo Tian, ​​and installed the control panel of the whole house at the entrance, and installed switches at the head of the bed in each bedroom.

Guo Tian's eyes lit up when he heard it, this idea is very good.

Just write Sun Chao's request on the design drawing.

Sun Chao continued to talk about his requirements, the sofa in the living room should be very soft, the best down filling, and wider.Just follow the length on the drawing.

If you want three plus two, put a rocking chair in the living room.

Sun Chao said that Guo Tian remembered, Sun Chao remembered again, and said, "Squeeze out a laundry room for me."

"Then we have to move a part of the design."

"As long as the general layout remains unchanged," Sun Chao said.

"I still like your color scheme."

Guo Tian smiled and said, "Then I'll show you the revised one tomorrow."

"nighttime then.

Let's watch it tomorrow night, I plan to go out tomorrow. "Sun Chao thought for a while and said.


"Let's have a meal together at noon and talk about decoration together."

Sun Chao also thought it was okay to hear it. He was not familiar with the capital by himself, so he talked about the details during the meal.

"Well, I invite you to call your brother Zhou Zhou."

Knowing that Sun Chao was not short of money, he was not polite to him, at worst, he would treat him tomorrow night.

Ask Zhou Zhou, the intermediary boss, to have dinner with him.

When Zhou Zhou heard that they were going to have lunch together, he said that he would take them to eat grilled fish across from Huada University. He talked about how delicious it was in Amway along the way.

When they arrived at the store, they saw that the tables were almost full. It seemed that the business here was very good, so they found an empty table and sat down.

Zhou Zhou introduced them to the shop's signature, garlic grilled fish.

I ordered garlic grilled fish, dry pot chicken offal, dry pot fat intestines, dry pot Chiba tofu, and ordered two cold dishes.

After ordering the food, we started talking.

"Do you want to live in this house by yourself or with your family?" Zhou Zhou asked.

"live alone."

I plan to live here during my breaks when I come to Peking University next year. "Sun Chao replied.

Guo Tian answered: "You're still a top student! Then I'll call you my junior in advance."

How can your parents let you buy a house alone, why didn't they come together?

Sun Chao heard Zhou Zhou's question and said with a smile: "They don't know about buying a house, so I did it myself."

"Are all the second-generation rich now so wealthy? The selling price is more than 300 million." Zhou Zhou said.

Sun Chao also didn't explain, after all, he was not that familiar yet.

Guo Tian found out that Sun Chao didn't want to take up this topic, so he started talking about the house.

"You plan to come to live in September next year, and I will decorate it for you before the summer vacation, just for a summer vacation, and you can live in it when you start school."

Sun Chao has no objections, as long as he doesn't delay his start of school and living.

"Okay, as long as you can live after school starts."

Sun Chao remembered that the laundry room should be facing the sun, and there is also a place to hang clothes.Sun Chao couldn't remember whether he had talked to Guo Tian just now.

"Brother Tian, ​​which part of the laundry room do you plan to change, so that the clothes can be dried in the sun?"

Guo Tian took out the rendering and showed it to Chao Sun with his fingers.

look over here.

"It used to be the original living room of 101. After you said that, I was thinking about where to change it. My idea was to open a door here to expand a little, and then tear down the wall to close it in, so as not to affect the layout. Also come out to the laundry room."

"Install a drying rack and a washing machine, and the lighting here is just right for drying clothes."

Sun Chao was very satisfied with the five-square-meter laundry room he had drawn out.

"Okay, then I won't go to see it tomorrow, I will transfer 50 to you later, and I will give you the rest when I pay the house."

Guo Tian didn't have any objection when he heard it, and there were others with even less down payment.

 Add more tickets

(End of this chapter)

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