Chapter 39 Scooter

Sun Chao remembered about buying a car, these two must be more familiar than himself, so ask these two.

Remember where you bought the car?Is it eating ashes outside?

Ask Brother Zhou if there is no garage for sale.

"Does Zhou Ge Yanbei Park have a garage?"

There are, but very few, do you want to buy? "Zhou Zhou asked

"Yes, I plan to buy a car, but I have no place to put it. I want to buy a garage to save money."

Then he said, "I want a garage that can park two cars. Is there one? What's the price?"

"There are a few larger garages. I'll go in the afternoon and ask the owner if they can sell them."

"The garage is not expensive. There is no water in it, so you can put sundries in it. If it is not good enough, it will be rented to rent a house, but the price cannot be rented."

"One square meter is about [-] yuan. If the garage I know can be sold, it will be about [-] to [-] yuan. There are [-] square meters, which is not much more."

Sun Chao was very satisfied when he heard the price. He doesn't take the garage seriously now, but it will be worth a lot of money in the future, and it is not much cheaper than the price of the house.

Although he only has 4 yuan now, Sun Chao thinks it is not a big problem to ask the editor in charge to advance the manuscript fee.

"Brother Zhou, please help me to ask in the afternoon. It would be best if I can transfer the ownership this afternoon. If it doesn't work, I will go back tomorrow. I will go back the day after tomorrow, so I will take a week off."

Zhou Zhou promised that he could sell a basement after a meal.

He is acquainted with the homeowner who wants to sell the garage. Before, he heard him complain that the garage is useless and can only be piled up with debris. This is to give him money.

Money is not a bastard.

Sun Chao thought about buying a car again and asked, "Is the license plate ready now?"

They didn't know that the number would be restricted in the future, so they thought that what Sun Chao was talking about was whether they could get a good license plate on the day they picked up the car.

Zhou Zhou said: "If you want to buy a car, I will find someone for you, and the license will be issued on the same day."

Sun Chao was very happy to hear that, he didn't have time to waste here.

He opened his mouth and said, "Brother Zhou, I'm still looking at the house in Wangfujing. Now that I don't have enough money, at most school will start. I will buy a front house near there, and I will look for you when the time comes."

Zhou Zhou was very happy when he heard what Sun Chao said. Isn't friendship established by helping each other?

Zhou Zhou never thought that Sun Chao was talking big, and that someone who bought a first floor in order to live in a quieter place needed to talk to him.

Sun Chao's thinking is, why not let acquaintances earn money if they have money to earn.

This time, when buying a car and getting a license plate, Zhou Zhou helped to find a relationship.

This way the relationship will get better and better.

In the afternoon Zhou Zhou planned to accompany Sun Chao to watch the car.

It's like not having him in the store, usually he only comes to visit in the afternoon.

I got up early that morning, came to the store, and met Sun Chao.

As for Guo Tian, ​​he planned to go back to catch up with work so that Sun Chao could see the complete design draft when he left.

While eating and chatting, the meal didn't end until two o'clock. When Sun Chao went to the bathroom, he called the editor in charge, Zhao Liang.

The money for the meal has already arrived.

Zhao Liang, the editor-in-chief of the restaurant, called as soon as he left the restaurant.

"I'm looking for the editor-in-chief to prepay the rewards you've received since the first day.

The total is 35, and I will transfer it to the bank card of your manuscript fee for you. "

"Is it enough? The money. Not enough. I'm looking for the editor-in-chief"

"It's enough, thank you, I will go to Shanghai to treat you to dinner someday," Sun Chao said.

"Your manuscript fee was several million last month, isn't that enough?" Zhao Liang asked suspiciously.

If Sun Chao hadn't called him himself, he would have thought it was a liar.

"I bought a house in the capital and used it up. I want to buy a car. I have no choice but to ask you for help."

"My God! Why is the house so expensive? You have been cheated!" Zhao Liang said excitedly.

"No, I just bought one floor. There are three households in total. The area is a bit big."

Sun Chao thought, in your eyes I am just a fool, I can think of being cheated.

When Zhao Liang heard what Sun Chao said, he thought, then this house must not be two to three hundred square meters. Sun Chaocai is worth several million. This is a properly rich generation, and Zhao Liang envies him.

"Okay, you have to be careful there, then I'll hang up."

"it is good!"

Went to Auto Street with Zhou Zhou, there are auto shops on both sides.

"How much car do you want to buy?"

"Only one hundred thousand yuan is fine, I just want to use it for transportation.

"Then which car do you want to buy, sedan or off-road?"

Sun Chao thought for a while and said, "Let's just use the hatchback."

Also cheap.

Zhou Zhou recommended to him the Honda Fit, which is around 13. Sun Chao knows this car, but he doesn't know how different it is from the current ones to the later ones.

We went to have a look together, and Sun Chao chose a blue car with automatic transmission.

In the afternoon, he was waiting to go through the formalities. Sun Chao also bought a full set of all-inclusive seats and steering wheel covers. He was lazy and bought them one by one outside. He bought them here, installed them by the way, and just drove away.

After deciding which car to buy, Zhou Zhou called his friend at the vehicle management office to talk about getting the license plate.As soon as it was done here, I drove directly to the vehicle management office, and when I got there, I went directly to his friend, went through the formalities to install the license plate, and left in one go.

It's almost six o'clock when it's done.

"let's have dinner tonight."

"You local people lead the way, I don't know where there is good food."

"Call Brother Tian, ​​I will trouble him more in the future."

Hearing what Sun Chao said, he felt that he should be called. He thought Sun Chao was a good person, open-minded, and worthy of a friend.

Zhou Zhou took out his mobile phone and called Guo Tian.

"Brother, are you done with your work? Come out for dinner, and Sun Chao, the three of us."

"I'm not done yet! I'll be working on it tomorrow. Where are you? I'll go find you." Guo Tian said.

"I haven't decided where to eat yet. Where are you? We'll pick you up."

"Then come to your store, I'll walk over now, and I'll walk over when you arrive," Guo Tian said.

"Okay, see you at the door of the store."

Sun Chao was sitting in the co-driver. Fortunately, Zhou Zhou came today, otherwise he would have to be dragged back with a trailer.

After buying the car and going through the formalities, Zhou Zhou heard that he came to buy the car before he had a driver's license, and said that it was too early for him to buy the car.

No way, all the money has been paid.

Sun Chao couldn't remember exactly when the number was limited, so he could only buy one first, in case the number was limited next year, it was because he had no money now, otherwise he would have bought two.

Now that the meeting is idle in the car, Zhou Zhou wonders why Sun Chao's family is so rich?Just take out a few million to buy a house for the children to go to school.

"Sun Chao, I have been curious for a long time, what kind of industry does your family work in, and your family is so rich?"

When Sun Chao heard Zhou Zhou ask this question, he told the truth, and he would often deal with each other in the future.

Getting along with Sun Chao in the past few days also found that Zhou Zhou and the two are still good and can be friends.

"My family is an ordinary family, a rural person, who just makes some money by writing books."

Zhou Zhou heard that Sun Chao earned the money himself, and his reaction was no better than that of Qian Haobo.

(End of this chapter)

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