Chapter 40 Roasted meat
"You earned it yourself? Why don't I believe it so much!"

"Then you are still a rich generation?"

"What kind of book can make so much money?"

Sun Chao heard Zhou Zhou asking several times, and said with a smile.

"I wrote a novel on the Qidian website, and it became popular by luck. I made millions."

I heard Sun Chao say lightly that he made millions.

He was even more surprised, is this child so calm?

"What's the name of your novel?"

""Tomb Raiders Notes" should be sold in bookstores."

"I know this novel, you are the one, that [Resembling a Dream]!" Zhou Zhou said loudly in surprise.

"The employees in my store have several books. They are all fans of your book. It would not be surprising if this book made millions. They also said that it is often out of stock, and they only bought the book after going to the bookstore a few times."

"Brother can, you can be worth several million by yourself!" Zhou Zhou boasted.

"It's a fluke!" Sun Chao said modestly.

As he said that, he was almost at the store, and he saw someone at the door from a distance, it should be Guo Tian.

Zhou Zhou drove the car over.

"Sun Chao, this is your new car? Why didn't you buy a better one?" Guo Tian said with a look of doubt.

"Let's keep it low-key. It's too high-key to buy too good ones in my grade." Sun Chao replied.

Hearing what Sun Chao said, Guo Tian felt that this little brother was stable enough. When he was a teenager, he understood the truth that others only understood for decades, and knew that one should keep a low profile. This little brother will not be an ordinary person in the future.

"Sun Chao, you can. If other rich second generations have money, they will definitely buy a sports car. I thought you were going to pick up a sports car too!"

Hearing this, Sun Chao couldn't help but think of Qian Haobo. Isn't that guy who would rather sell his house than buy a sports car!

"Guo Tian, ​​you're wrong here. This dude belongs to the rich generation, not the second generation." Zhou Zhou patted Sun Chao on the shoulder and said.

What the hell?
what's the situation?
Seeing that Guo Tian was very curious, Zhou Zhou told about Sun Chao.

"Sun Chao, you are really good. You are worth a few million. I admire you." Guo Tian boasted in a tone of emotion.

"You've already boasted all the way, it's almost enough."

"Where are we going to eat?" Sun Chao quickly changed the subject, he couldn't take it anymore after boasting like this.

"Take you to eat grilled pork, the specialty of the capital, and the restaurant I'll take you to is the most authentic."

It took another 10 minutes to drive to the destination. The store is not too big, and there are only 6 tables in the store. Now the seats are almost full. He found that the store that Zhou Zhou brought him to is not big but has a business They are all very good. Is this the difference between locals and foreigners?
This store is located in an inconspicuous alley with seven turns and eight turns. It takes a few minutes to walk in and it is almost the end of the alley.

When he came in, Zhou Zhou greeted the boss and exchanged a few words.

Then Zhou Zhou greeted and ordered.

Sit down and start giving him science.

Some shops serve it directly after baking, but this shop does it fresh.

Sun Chao saw that Zhou Zhou didn't even use the menu, so he directly started talking about the dishes to order.

Black pepper beef, mutton sauerkraut, fried steamed bun slices, beef tongue, fat beef, chicken wings, edamame, enoki mushroom, mushroom platter, and grilled noodles, that's all.

Sun Chao saw that during the ordering process, the waiter put the charcoal fire and broiled seeds on the table.

Another waiter brought up the dipping sauce, still two servings.

I heard from Zhou Zhou that the soup dipping sauce is made in secret by their family.

Another dipping sauce that Sun Chao took a closer look at was chili noodles.

Zhou Zhou went on to introduce
Their meat is marinated with a secret marinade, which is particularly delicious when grilled.

The sunburn is uneven, and the oil flows down the grooves, so it will not be very oily.

As he said that, the dishes came up, and he saw the waiter pick out the meat from the plate, put it on the broiler and start roasting.

When it was almost cooked, the waiter added a little more oil, and then stir-fried, and the meat was squeaking and oily.

Then add sesame, and cumin, and stir-fry the remaining vegetables on the plate, such as onions and coriander, Sun Chao's mouth is watering.

When the waiter said it was almost done, it was ready to eat.

Sun Chao quickly put down his chopsticks, dipped some dipping sauce in it, and put it in his mouth.

The meat is very tender, and there is no smell of mutton. The meat is rich and fragrant. The best thing to eat in BJ is to eat with these two old brothers.

Sun Chao ate several bites in a row.

Said: "If you want to find delicious food in the capital, you still have to be accompanied by a person from the capital. If you say that I don't know anything about the capital, where can I find such corner shops?"

"The two best meals I ate were with you two old brothers." Sun Chao said with emotion.

"Next time you come, I will take you to eat delicious food. When is your flight ticket?" Guo Tian said.

"I haven't bought it yet. I'll go see what time it's available tomorrow morning."

"When did you buy it?"

"Buy the ones from the day after tomorrow. The ones at noon are the best. If you don't have them, the ones in the afternoon are fine. I'll just ask for a week off. I'll be in a hurry if I don't go back to the head teacher." Sun Chao said.

"Does your family not know that you have come to the capital?" Zhou Zhou asked curiously.

"My parents don't know about my book writing, so I want to tell them after the college entrance examination."

"The main reason is that I'm in the third year of high school, and I can't say anything. I even bought a house and a facade for my parents in our city. I want to take them to see it after the college entrance examination."

"Your parents must be very happy to know." Zhou Zhou said.

"Now that I know I'm going to be beaten, I'm still happy. If I get the admission letter after the college entrance examination, I won't be beaten. I might be happy."

Sun Chao said with a bitter face.

Zhou Zhou thought for a while and said: "If I have a child, I will be beaten for things that have nothing to do with studies when I am in my third year of high school. light."

"I don't dare to say it."

"It's also your kid's ability. You can keep your grades at the top and earn millions. You are really not an ordinary person."

"Back when I was admitted to Peking University, I had to sleep in the classroom in the third year of high school. You are better than not knowing. This is too shocking." Guo Tian said with emotion.

"Okay, two old brothers, why are you picking me up again?"

"It was all a fluke."

"At that time, I had no money, so I just wanted to earn some money for tuition fees, and I didn't think too much about it. How did you say that I was so good?"

Sun Chao quickly changed the subject, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Brother Zhou, ask me about the garage tomorrow."

Zhou Zhou said: "I will contact you when I have time today. I will find out the specifics only after I meet him tomorrow morning. I know you are short on time. If you can sell it, I will try my best to transfer the property tomorrow afternoon."

"You can come to the store at noon tomorrow. Don't let the owner of the garage think that you are in a hurry, in case you raise the price again."

"Okay! Thank you Brother Zhou."

"You're welcome, I'm making money here too, and it's not in vain."

"It's right to make money, and I will often trouble Brother Zhou in the future." Sun Chao said happily.

It would be best if the ownership can be transferred tomorrow afternoon, if not, please ask Brother Zhou to find a place to put the car.

Eat and drink enough to fight back home.

(End of this chapter)

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