Chapter 41 Back to Pengcheng

Sun Chao arrived at the store around 10:[-] the next day, and today he also came to pick up the real estate certificate. Zhou Zhou said that he would find someone to deliver it directly to the store.

Sun Chao was also very happy and saved a trip to the housing management office.

Sun Chao got up early this morning. After dinner, he went to buy a plane ticket and went to the store.

I bought a ticket at 12:45 noon.

Seeing that Zhou Zhou was not in the store, Sun Chao sat on the sofa and waited. Before Zhou Zhou, he first got the real estate certificate, three books, and finally got it.

Guo Tian also arranged to start construction today.

The first thing is to smash the wall, and it will take several days just to smash the wall.

Sun Chao lowered his head and flipped through the real estate certificate. This was the first real estate certificate he had obtained. When he heard the movement, he looked up and saw Zhou Zhou and Guo Tian walking in together.

Guo Tian came to deliver the final design drawings to Zhou Tian. He met Zhou Zhou who had just come back at the door, and they walked in together.

Sun Chao put the real estate certificate in his computer bag, got up and greeted him.

"How is it? Brother Zhou." Sun Chao asked hastily.

"Is there any problem if I go out! Done!"

"Meet in my store in the afternoon, and I will ask the homeowner to clean up the garage in the morning, clean up all his things, and go to transfer at two in the afternoon."

"Amazing!" Sun Chao gave a thumbs-up. Sun Chao really felt that Zhou Zhou had a lot of contacts.

Guo Tian saw that they were almost talking, so he took out the design draft and spread it out on the table.

"This is the final draft, Sun Chao, take a look."

Sun Chao sat on the sofa and looked down.

Found that adding a laundry room didn't change much.

"No problem! Brother Tian, ​​just follow this construction."

"I've already arranged for people to come in and smash the wall. I'm trying to finish the hard decoration before the year, and the soft decoration after the next year."

"The soft decoration is mainly to look around for furniture, choose it and transport it to the house, which is equivalent to drying the house after the year, and drying the furniture for a few months during the summer vacation."

"Actually, there is nothing to dry the furniture. I will find good materials for you."

After listening to what Guo Tian said, Sun Chao felt relieved.

"Do you want to go to the house now?" Guo Tian said.

"No, there's nothing to see now."

Sun Chao really felt that there was nothing to look at, just smashing the wall.

"Let's have lunch together, Brother Tian."

"Forget it, I'll go around the house, you two can eat at noon, I just joined the workers today, I'm not familiar with the place, I have to go and have a look, just take a casual bite at noon, and leave after talking a few words."

"Brother Zhou, what do we have for lunch?"

"It's almost twelve o'clock, and we have to go to transfer the property at two o'clock, and it's not far away."

"Take you to eat bunmian. It's not far from here. It's a decades-old shop, and it's also in the alley."


It's not far from Peking University, just a few minutes' walk. There are no signboards in the residential buildings, so a signboard curtain is hung. It's hard to find here.

One person ordered a bowl of beef noodle. There were no other side dishes in the store. The bowl was filled with a large sheet of noodles. It was really like a noodle. It was chewy. There were a lot of peas in the soup base. The soup tasted delicious. The taste is also good, it should be broth.

After eating and drinking enough to go back to the store, it is only one o'clock when we arrive at the store.

"Brother Zhou, please drive me to the airport tomorrow."

"By the way! Brother Zhou, is your home far from here? If it's far, forget it. I'll take a taxi."

"Brother Zhou smiled and said: "We will be neighbors from now on, and I am in Building No. [-]. "

"That's good. Brother Zhou can take me to eat delicious food in the future."

After chatting for a while, a fat uncle came in, not tall.

Brother Zhou directly introduced the two to each other, and the one who came was the owner of the garage.

Seeing the two people seated, Zhou Zhou quoted the price: the garage area is 24 square meters, and one square meter is four thousand, which is ninety-six thousand.

Asked if the two parties had any objections, the homeowner had negotiated the price with Zhou Zhou in advance, and Sun Chao had no objection, as it was too cheap now.

The three of them drove directly to the housing management office and got out after finishing.

Even if Sun Chao had a garage, he would arrive at the store before four o'clock.

"When can I get the real estate certificate of Brother Zhou's garage?"

"If you can trust me, brother, it's only a week. Give me your address, and I'll send it to you."

"no problem!"

This trip to the capital is considered a perfect completion.

I bought a house that I like, a car, and a garage by the way.

"Brother Zhou, let's go to the house to find Brother Tian and have dinner together. How about it! I still want you to take me to eat delicious food."

"Not today. I'm going back to the old house to have dinner with the old couple. When you come next time, my brother treats you."

"The sky is big and the earth is big, and being with my parents is the biggest thing! Then I'll go and eat with Brother Tian."

"You don't want to go either, he definitely won't go, once the house is renovated, he won't be in the mood to eat, it happens every time." Zhou Zhou complained.

"That's all right, brother Zhou recommends a place for me to eat by myself."


The next day, Sun Chao had already boarded the plane back to Pengcheng.

Brother Zhou sent him to the airport early in the morning, and Sun Chao also gave Brother Zhou the garage key.

"Brother Zhou, just put the car in the garage. If you have time, Brother Zhou will take it out for a walk, don't let it break."

Zhou Zhou jokingly said: "There are also cars driving now, and there will be no less driving."

Sitting on the plane, Sun Chao was thinking, time flies, he can't wait to come to the capital.

Sun Chao arrived in Pengcheng after taking a nap.

It was seven o'clock when we got off the plane, Sun Chao thought, why don't we just take a taxi back to school?
I also remembered that the real estate certificate of the house in the city has not yet been obtained!Sun Chao was already in the capital when the agent called before.

The houses in the city have not been cleaned up yet!
Sun Chao took a taxi directly to the agency, and after getting the real estate certificate, he turned around and walked to the supermarket in the city center.

Sun Chao directly bought a four-piece suit, two pillows, a quilt, and some daily necessities.

I took a taxi back to the house I bought for my parents. Only here is everything, and there is a bed. It was right not to leave a day to throw away these things.

At that time, I thought it was quite new, and it would be a pity to lose it.

It's no use now.

When making the bed, Sun Chao was thinking, tomorrow I will find a cleaning lady to clean up my parents' house, and I am looking for a decoration company to see the house in Tianshan Oasis, and I will also cover it all for them, but I don't know how the technology is.

It's almost ten o'clock after all the tossing, wash and sleep, and talk about it tomorrow, if not, go to the real estate agent tomorrow and ask them to introduce a house.

The next day, Sun Chao got up early and called Lao Ban, saying that he would be there in the afternoon, so don't worry.

Head teacher here.

After receiving Sun Chao's call, I was really relieved. After thinking about it when I got home, I agreed without thinking about it that day, and I forgot to ask him where he was going?As soon as he entered the class the next day, Sun Chao had already left.

Sun Chao didn't want to look anywhere, so he went directly to the agency.

The little brother who sold the house was very impressed with Sun Chao. He just came to get the real estate certificate yesterday, sold several houses to Sun Chao, and earned half a year's salary.

Hearing that Sun Chao wanted to find Aunt Cleaning and a decoration company, he called the cleaning company directly, and gave Sun Chao an address, saying that there were several on that street, and let Sun Chao choose by himself.

After Sun Chao waited for a few minutes at the agency, an aunt who was about the same age as Sun Chao's mother came in. Sun Chao asked the price directly, but Sun Chao didn't counter-offer after asking for [-] yuan.

I gave the key to the cleaner and asked him to clean it by himself, and agreed to hand it over at home at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Sun Chao took a taxi directly to Jianzhu Street. He was in a hurry.

After arriving, Sun Chao picked a store that looked more formal and walked in.

When he came in, he saw a few people drawing design drafts on the left hand side. Sun Chao looked up and looked around and was busy. No one paid attention to him, so he stood aside and watched them draw.

After looking at it for a while, Sun Chao felt that it was not bad. In a third-tier city, the drawings can be so detailed. The pictures Sun Chao saw only had hard decoration and no soft decoration. Maybe the customer only paid for the decoration company, and the soft decoration Customers do it themselves.

Sun Chao was walking towards the middle of the decoration company lobby, when someone saw Sun Chao, and a young man with average appearance and size greeted him.

(End of this chapter)

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