Chapter 42 Cleaning
"Hello, do you want to inquire about decoration?"

"My house in Tianshan Oasis wants to be furnished by your company. How long will it take for you to finish it?"

"By the way, all the hard and soft decorations are included for you. Do you have any renderings of the decoration!"

Hearing that it was for renovation and not for consultation, the young man became even more enthusiastic.

"Sit down, please. I'll get you a glass of water. We have a lot of decoration drawings here. Sit down and have a look."

When Sun Chao sat down, he saw several booklets on the table, and flipped through them. Most of them were very complicated, and there were also many Chinese ones. Sun Chao picked out a few pages and folded them.

The young man saw that Chao Sun was watching carefully, so he put the water glass on the table and sat aside to watch Chao Chao turn over the samples.

Sun Chao finished flipping through a few books, and directly took out a few renderings he wanted from the album, and began to talk about his requirements.

Sun Chao still wanted to pretend to be modern and simple this time, but he was afraid that they would not understand, so he described it very carefully. The young man felt that Sun Chao wanted something that was very simple, not fancy, and the color should not jump out, and felt that he understood.

He began to describe it to Sun Chao. After listening to it, Sun Chao felt that he understood what he meant, so he planned to take him to see it.

Follow up with a designer when you go out.

On the way, the designer spoke directly first: "I have heard all the things you just described in the store. After measuring the size, I can draw a rendering for you."

"Can you come out today? Four o'clock. I'm going out in the afternoon!"

"The expedited fee is two hundred." The designer said directly.

"OK, no problem."

"Then it can be made, and a few people will make it for you when you go back."

When we arrived at Tianshan Oasis, we measured the size, and the designer started to quote. Sun Chao saw that the young man didn't say a word, knowing that he could make the decision.

All the soft and hard decorations add up to 8 yuan, and Sun Chao agreed.

It turned out that the designer was also their boss. This store was opened by three people, one running the business, one managing the store, and the other designing. It was quite well-proportioned.

When I arrived at the store, I signed a contract and paid 4 yuan, and the other half paid in one lump sum when the house was handed over.

Make an appointment in the afternoon to see the design draft and turnkey.

It was past twelve o'clock when it was finished, and Sun Chao went to eat some meat.

I took a taxi back to the house in the city center that I bought for my parents. When I came in, I saw my aunt cleaning the glass. It had been cleaned in a few hours.

Sun Chao thought about going to the neighbor next door to ask if they wanted the unwanted furniture.

The one who opened the door was an old couple, probably just about to go out, so Sun Chao spoke.

"Aunt and Uncle, I'm a new neighbor next door. I want to replace some of the furniture in the house, but the furniture in the house is still very new. Do you want it?"

The uncle didn't react much when he heard it, but the aunt was very excited.

At that time, she bought it with the neighbor next door, and she often went to visit the house. She didn't expect that it was a young man who bought the house.

I heard the aunt say: "You go to work first, I think it is cleaning, I will ask a few little sisters to go and have a look together, you pick out the unwanted ones, we will go and see what we want later."

Sun Chao said hello and went back.

He wants to see what he doesn't want, he doesn't want a few beds, he doesn't want the sofa, he doesn't want the wardrobe, he doesn't want the shoe cabinet, he doesn't want the curtains, no, he has to keep it now.I don’t need any kitchen utensils or washing machines, that’s all I can give away.

A few aunts will come in soon, and nothing left will be scraped off.

As soon as he heard that there was no need for large items, Sun Chao saw the aunt next door and yelled at his son and grandson directly in the yard.

After a noisy hour, it was finally quiet.

The aunt cleaned the place where the furniture was removed, and found that the room was much empty without the furniture.

Auntie finished cleaning at three o'clock. Seeing that she was sweating, she gave her another 50 yuan, as a reward for cleaning up again just now.

This aunt is very authentic, she doesn't want to live or die, Sun Chao said for a long time before accepting.

When we got to the yard, we saw the vegetables in the yard, and asked the cleaning aunt if he wanted any. Knowing that Sun Chao was generous, he nodded. Sun Chao took out the big bag from yesterday's shopping, and picked the vegetables together with the aunt.

Most of the peppers in the bag, as well as eggplant and beans, filled a big bag.Sun Chao locked the gate and the courtyard door, took a taxi and rushed to the decoration company. It was exactly four o'clock.

I saw the freshly released design draft, with white as the main color and black as the guide, interspersed with dark brown. The study room has two bookshelves and a bookcase, all of which are brown.

It's not bad, Sun Chao is quite satisfied, and there is no need to smash the wall in a large area here, as long as the combination of what Sun Chao said can be designed.

Just tell them to follow this construction, but the house will be handed over before the winter vacation.

They discussed it and agreed.

After finishing the work, Sun Chao hurried to the school.

It was almost eight o'clock when Sun Chao stood at the school gate with his computer bag on his back.

Sun Chao looked at the school gate and felt as if he had been away for a long time.

He stepped into the school and walked directly to the dormitory.

On the way back to the dormitory, Sun Chao called Zhao Liang, the editor in charge, and asked about the current results of the two books.

I forgot to care about the book when I went out, and I forgot the code words.

Just two days before I went there, I coded tens of thousands of words, and I forgot more than 1 words in the finale.The computer was not turned on directly afterwards.

After thinking about it twice, the other side answered it, and then heard Zhao Liang's loud voice coming from the other side.

"Sun Chao, if you don't call me again, I will call you too. There are not many manuscripts for "Why Shengxiaomo", when are you sending me some?"

Hearing this, Sun Chao decisively turned around and walked outside the school.

Fortunately, I called Zhao Liang now. If I call again tomorrow, I will have to cancel the update if there is no manuscript. I just came back and asked for leave. The teacher can approve it, and Sun Chao himself is embarrassed to go to the teacher.

""Tomb Raiders Notes" broke 300 million yesterday."

"The performance of the new book is also very good now, not much worse than "Notes on Tomb Raiders". The female frequency is really crazy, and there are a lot of rewards every day. Today, the editor-in-chief came to me and said that he would change your appointment with the gods. This is worse than "Notes on Tomb Raiders". How many days earlier!"

""Tomb Raider Notes" has a lot of rewards during the climax, and "Why Shengxiaomo" has a lot of rewards every day."

Sun Chao had been listening to Zhao Liang all the way, and when he heard that what Zhao Liang had said was almost finished, he began to speak.

"I plan to speed up the completion of "Why Shengxiaomo", and add a few more copies every time I tip. I want to finish NO.20 and write the next one."

"Also, can the contract be signed tonight? I'm not free during this time."

"By the way, you can tell your editor-in-chief that the [mouse] is my vest, and the others forget it."

Zhao Liang heard Sun Chao say to speed up the update of "Why Shengxiaomo". Zhao Liang, who was lying on the sofa, sat up from the sofa immediately.

Immediately afterwards, when he heard that the contract was signed today, Zhao Liang stood up directly, saying that there was no problem, and walked out the door while putting on his coat.

Parents asked him why he was there, but he didn't have time to answer, so he waved his hands and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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