Chapter 391 Accident
In fact, it’s easy to guess. If an entertainment company hadn’t found Mr. Mouse, he wouldn’t have written a similar novel. Mr. Mouse’s previous style of doing things can be seen.

If Mr. Mouse was such a person, he should have done this when the novel became popular in the first step.

But now his popularity is not necessary at all.

In fact, it's not that no writer has done this before. The writer saves worry and effort, but the readers don't buy it.

Readers call writers old wine in new bottles.

While paying attention to the rewards, Wu Zhenzhen also saw the comments under the mouse novel. Although these are all fans of costume novels clamoring, Wu Zhenzhen believes that she can see that this novel is very similar to the TV series "Meteor Garden". Readers You are not stupid and you can definitely see it.

Just wait for the readers to read the ten updated chapters, and you will naturally find out after reading it.

Just don't know if it's good or bad.

But Wu Zhenzhen knew it was unavoidable.

And fans of novels who like the mouse costume genre.

In fact, the number of fans of the mouse is very large, almost the No. 1 of the website. After all, the style of the mouse's novels is very wide, and it is not limited to youth literature.

But this is good and bad, because not every book can make all readers of the mouse buy it.

It is not right to say that the fans of the mouse are lost, it can only be called sleeping.

When the writer Mouse writes a novel that fans of this part like, then the fans of this part will wake up and come out to support the novel of Mouse in an instant.

This conclusion is also drawn by Wu Zhenzhen after so long.

And now Teacher Mouse has written this companion article.

I don't know if readers who like this type of novel will buy it or not.

Wu Zhenzhen didn't know how the readers would react.

After reading the tens of thousands of words sent, Wu Zhenzhen was faintly worried, fearing that the readers would not buy it.

I am afraid that readers will say that the mouse is exhausted, and that readers will say that the mouse is old wine in a new bottle.

Today, Wu Zhenzhen not only pays attention to the rewards and readers' reactions of Mouse Novels, but also pays close attention to the number of visits to their website.

If the novel of the mouse overturns, it will also affect the traffic of the website.

But in the afternoon, the number of visits was not low, and it was still rising.

The number of visits before get off work is still rising.

Only at this time can we truly appreciate the number of fans and influence of the writer Mouse.

of course.

What Wu Zhenzhen was worried about also came, but it didn't seem to have much impact now.

I just don't know if there will be trouble after a long time.


"Did you find the routine of this novel very familiar?"

"I thought I was thinking too much. It turns out that I am not the only one who feels this way."

"I also found out, it's really similar to the TV series "Meteor Garden"."

As soon as the comment area chatted, more and more people joined.

"I came back after reading it. I saw you all said that. Now I think about it carefully; it seems that the more I think about it, the more it seems."

Some readers justified the mouse.

"Isn't it normal?"

"That's right. Originally, both of them are our big books. Even if "Meteor Garden" is not a novel, it is still a script written by our mouse."

"That's right, "Meteor Garden" was originally a script written by the mouse, "Meteor Garden" is so popular now, it's natural to write a similar novel, and the mouse teacher wrote two similar novels, the last one It's just that TV dramas are not written as novels."

As mentioned above, the bad ones still exist.

"Why did the mouse start to play routines, and started to put old wine in new bottles? Is Jiang Lang's talent exhausted?"

"I think so."

As soon as these words came out, there were continuous echoing voices below.

"What did I say? It's really Jiang Lang's talent. When I said it, I said I was a black man. Now I believe it. When the mouse didn't release a new book for a long time, I said that he was Jiang Lang's talent, otherwise How could it be possible for him to stop writing for such a long time at the speed at which he publishes the book, I really guessed it right."

"That's right, I was also scolded by you at the time. Believe it now, if such a novel with a different name is released, it's just a waste of money, you fools."

"How does the mouse think about it? I'm going to lose my reputation."

The loyal fans with the mouse couldn't stand it anymore, so they quarreled with Heizi.

"The trolls upstairs are so thick, I don't want to see who is watching your head, I want to be a bitch and I want to set up a memorial archway."

"Yeah, I've wanted to read the novel "Meteor Garden" for a long time, and this can be regarded as the fulfillment of my wish. I don't want to read it and go away. Who told you to read it."

"Oh, there are really people who are stupid and have a lot of money. Just like this, there are still people who come out to lick their stinky feet."

"You people are really enough. If the novel is not as good as your heart, you will start clamoring here. If you have the ability, you and [Pure Xiaobai] go to college and write it yourself."

Just like that, a pot exploded under the mouse's novel, full of gunpowder.

This is the so-called popular right and wrong. Some writers have long been displeased with the mouse. After all, blocking people's money is like killing their parents. When the mouse publishes a book, it attracts many writers' readers. Every time a book is released, many young writers live. It's hard.

How could they not take such a chance this time.

After all, the mouse has hurt the interests of many people.

If the protagonist this time is Rumeng, the black hand will also be impatient to take action this time.

This is just the beginning, and it will become more and more serious in the future.

It was a week later when Sun Chao knew about it.

Wu Zhenzhen knew about it that day, but she took a fluke mentality and thought that there should be no big trouble.

There are many loyal fans of the mouse, just readers who don't like new books; they are also easy to be suppressed.

But after three days, the situation became more and more serious, and Wu Zhenzhen realized that something was wrong.

There must be someone instigating it, otherwise the matter would not be on the scale it is now, and those sunspots are also very organized in their quarrels.

In this way, Wu Zhenzhen did not seek Ren Haijun, she thought that this matter could be resolved by herself.

Wu Zhenzhen directly ordered Sun Chao's editor to help delete all those unfavorable words about the mouse.

Those trolls suddenly found that the messages they sent were still there in the forefoot, but disappeared in the back.

However, if this happened to use people's money to eliminate disasters for others, of course you have to tell your employer.

After Wu Zhenzhen deleted it for two days in a row, it did have some effect, and the comment area was indeed a lot more harmonious.

But what Wu Zhenzhen didn't expect was that the comment area was clean; but the matter was far from over.

The incident actually got to the blog, and the scale of these black fans became bigger, and the matter of Wu Zhenzhen's deletion of comments was also revealed.

Even the title is very mouse-unfriendly.

In fact, at the beginning, only some people were black-mousing, but because of Wu Zhenzhen's coquettish operation of deleting comments, many neutral readers also joined in.

With the help of other people, things got bigger and bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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