Chapter 392

And that's not counting, other things happened later, and they were all about the mouse.

At the beginning, there was indeed only one person in Hei Sunchao, but it was far more than a few days after the incident happened.

Things come out a little bit almost every day, today it is said that the mouse is just bad money, and fans' comments are deleted.

The next day's material was even more explosive, directly spreading rumors saying; [The writer's mouse and the editor's mouse are not the same person at all. 】

The headline is very explosive, and the story begins to be narrated in the post.

What to say, the writer Mouse paid someone to write the script, and then put his name on it. Even the novel that is currently being updated has been deducted as a novel adapted from someone else's script.

As things spread more and more truthfully, more and more netizens believed it.

Also joined the crusade against the mouse.

That's not enough, the next day they started to break the news [The author's mouse novels are all written by someone else! 】

The title is also very attractive to netizens.

These people talked more and more vigorously, and even the speed at which the mouse wrote novels was taken out by them to make a fuss, and it became evidence that the mouse was hired as a ghostwriter.

This title adds another sentence at the end: Even if the novel is written by the mouse, it is not all the novels written by the mouse.

You can see that it has been going on for so many days, and the writer Mouse has not come out to refute it, so more people believe it.

The trend of this matter is getting more and more biased, and it has broken away from the matter of the mouse's bad money.

At the beginning, many loyal fans of the mouse came out to argue with the black fans, but someone in the background operated and deleted the comments, and the loyal fans of the mouse never made a fuss.

The crowd of black fans is getting bigger and bigger. With the deletion of comments and rebuttals, things will get bigger.

If the mouse didn't come out to refute if he had a guilty conscience, this sentence became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

In fact, anyone with a heart can see that this is aimed at the mouse himself. This is a direct attempt to destroy the writer of the mouse.

And now Heizi has also formed a scale.

If Heizi really got the truth out about this matter, they could call the white ones black.

In fact, everyone does not understand why the mouse does not come out to clarify.

Who would have thought that Sun Chao, a writer, would not know about this until now.

Wanyue and Qiu Ning have been paying attention to this matter, especially when it comes to the blog, they are staring at it every day.

Qiu Ning's writer is named [Shu Fan].

After watching today's excitement, the two chatted together again.

"Wanwan, you said that the mouse is really not a ghostwriter. I think the owner of the blog today is quite right. The speed of writing a book with the mouse is too unscientific."

"As for the rest, it's a bit of nonsense."

Wanyue thinks that the mouse should not be able to find someone to write, but the speed of creation is really unreasonable. Wanyue thinks that her writing speed is already very fast, but there is still no way to compare with the mouse.

Now she's not sure either.

The reason why Wanyue thinks it shouldn’t be someone else’s writing is because if the ghostwriting person can have this writing power, why should she be someone else’s ghostwriting, and she can write a book herself, so Wanyue thinks what this person said is totally unreasonable.

"Probably not. If Ningning were you, would you be willing to be someone else's ghostwriter?"

Qiu Ning, who was sitting in front of the computer, also scratched his head.

"It seems like hey, who would be so stupid." Qiu Ning said to himself.

"It's not right either."

Qiu Ning thought of something again.He quickly typed: "If it's not a guilty conscience, then why didn't the mouse come out to clarify?"

"Let's stop guessing here, we'll find out sooner or later whether it's true or not."

Wanyue believes that this time will not be long.

As soon as this matter came out, all writer groups exploded.

Some suddenly realized, some were unbelievable, some gloated, and there was a lot of excitement in the group.

But in the group, Fat Tiger was watching the excitement, thinking that these people were just jumping around like monkeys.

If they knew that Mouse and Rumeng were the same person, they wouldn't know what their expressions would be.

Ghostwriting?What I said is not wrong, but I don’t know whether Rumeng is the ghostwriter of the mouse, or the mouse is Rumeng’s ghostwriter.

Publishing group of authors.

Fat Tiger was also here at this time.

"No, no, I said that the mouse is so fast to write a book, it takes a long time to find someone to replace the pen."

"This man is really shameless."

"And didn't you guys see that they advertised that the mouse was a screenwriter, and spent a long time finding someone to write it; it really put money on their faces."

"Hey, this man's face is really big."

"I said, why is this person unwilling to show his face? He has no ink in his stomach for a long time."

"This is big news in the industry, right? Will the ghostwriter for the mouse use this opportunity to write a book independently?"

"The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong. Why is such an awesome character willing to ghostwrite the mouse? Have you ever thought about it? If you say that the adaptation of the mouse was ghostwritten, I will believe it. If you say that the novel is also ghostwritten, Why am I so unbelievable?"

Someone came out smart enough to answer this question: "Don't you know that the mouse is the boss of the vane? What does this prove? It proves that the mouse's family has money. Isn't the old saying that money can turn ghosts around? If the mouse is given If this ghostwriter gets more money than writing novels, why don't you want to... If it were me, I would agree."

Someone asked this person again.

"Then who, how did you know that Wind Vane Company is a mouse? Who told you?"

"Didn't you know this a few years ago? Mao Jun knew it."

"Did Mao Jun say it himself?"

When this person asked, the writer upstairs stuttered, as if he hadn't really said it himself.

It is only said that Ren Haijun is the agent of the mouse.

"Isn't Ren Haijun the agent of the mouse? Doesn't that explain everything?"

This one is still quibbling.

The writer who asked Sun Chao if he was the boss of Wind Vane was one of those who framed Sun Chao.

And there are not just one or two in this group.

"Then why don't you say that Rumeng's manager and Tentacle Monster's manager are Ren Haijun; this only proves that they know each other."

In fact, when this person said this, he still lacked confidence.

Not to mention whether Ren Haijun is an employee of Windvane Company, but if he can come out to negotiate a contract for Windvane Company, then it is not an ordinary relationship.

Moreover, Ren Haijun is also the agent of these big shots.

The writers in this group who participated in this matter are a little bit regretful now.

Regret if I was a little impulsive this time.

But, I quickly thought about how the mouse knew who made it, even if I guessed it was a writer, but there are so many writers.

And there are taller ones in front of them, no matter how round they are, they won't be able to get their turn.

Even if you fail, you have nothing to lose.

The most is to pay for the navy.

Now things are almost a foregone conclusion.

Others didn't come out to help the mouse, so it can only be said that a few people are in a cooperative relationship, and the relationship is not as good as they imagined.

And this time, Rumeng didn't come out to help with the conversation. These writers knew that the relationship between the two was better. Does this mean that they really guessed right?
Like a dream can't come out.Is it also the default that the mouse is to find a ghostwriter?
(End of this chapter)

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