Chapter 47 Traditional Copyright
After lunch, Sun Chao wrote novels in his own room. "Full-time Master" has written more than 50 words, and he will write some at night during this time.

Sometimes he didn't want to study by himself at night, so he told the class teacher that he was studying by himself in the dormitory.

The class teacher also had no objection, thinking that Sun Chao disliked the class being too noisy.

There are tens of thousands of words every day, and now there are five to 10,000+ words.

Sun Chao wanted to write more today, and went back early tomorrow afternoon, and went to the Internet cafe to hand over the manuscript to the editor. "Why Shengxiaomo" has been finished for ten days.

The new book should also be arranged.

Sun Chaozheng wrote, "Tang Rou and Su Mucheng worked together to wipe out the dozen or so leapfrog residents, mobs and Christmas thieves.

Among them, Tang Rou is still the main output force.Han Yanrou, who has the will of a full-level fighter, naturally exhibits an attack power that is incomparable to Feng Shuyanmu, a gunner of the same level.

The mobs were wiped out, and the Christmas thief was killed to recover the stolen gift. Tang Rou controlled Han Yanrou to chase after where Jian Feng pointed. "

Sun Chao spent time in the code words, and looked at the time, it was past ten o'clock.

go to bed.

The next day, Sun Chao didn't go anywhere after breakfast.

Just typing in the room and writing for a while, Sun Chao felt that the little brother's room was dark enough, so he got up and went to the door to turn on the light, stretched his arms and neck, sat down and continued to write.

As soon as I go to school, I don't have time. It's okay not to go to the classroom once in the morning and evening for self-study, but I can't keep going.

It's only less than nine o'clock now, so I have to write more than 4 to [-] words.The time was spent bit by bit as Sun Chao tapped the keyboard.

The alarm clock on the mobile phone rang, and I saw how many words were written.

I wrote more than 7 words last night plus today's, which is not bad, save it, and shut down.

Mom should be back soon, just after finishing packing and walking to the gate, I saw my mother coming back with big bags and small bags.

Sun Chao hurriedly walked a few steps, and took the things from his mother's hand.

Mom said: "I saw a beef seller today, so I bought some. We have beef and potatoes for lunch. I also bought some bananas. You can eat them in the car."

They went into the kitchen together, Sun Chao helped him, washed the vegetables, cleaned the pot, and when it was almost done, the younger brother also arrived home.

Your brother took the monthly exam last month and passed the eighth grade. You gave your brother summer tutoring and the effect is really good!
"Come on! Eat more beef."

Sun Chao held back a smile and looked at his younger brother.

Seeing the younger brother with a bitter face, Sun Chao said quickly: "This is because the younger brother has learned well by himself. I can teach it. It is useless if he doesn't study hard, right?"

"Little brother has worked very hard during this time."

When Sun Chao's mother heard it, she also put a piece of beef in the younger brother's bowl and said, "Yes, our little handsome is also working hard. Come, eat beef."

Seeing the younger brother's face immediately turned cloudy, he said with a smile, "Thank you, Mom!"

The younger brother is really easy to coax, and the mother just followed the words when she saw the younger brother's bitter face.

When the mother left for work, she gave Sun Chao 200 yuan, and Sun Chao passed it on to the younger brother. As long as he had a few dozen yuan on him, he just had to pick it up in the county.

At three o'clock, Sun Chao was sitting in the Internet cafe in the county.

He took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Liang.

Today was number one, and he didn't have time to check how much money he made.

Thinking about it, if you want to come to an Internet cafe, the fastest way is to directly ask the editor.

"I'll send you the next book today. I'll create a document later and save it in the draft box. You can check the arrangement. We'll contact you online, but I'll hang up."

"it is good!"

Zhao Liang also felt that it would be better to contact online. There are so many people in the office, and he didn't want to expose too much Sun Chao's information, so Sun Chao said that he immediately agreed to contact online.

As for Sun Chao, he felt that after all he was making a phone call in an Internet cafe, and it was inappropriate to say these things, so he wanted to chat directly on the Internet.

There are still several websites eyeing up to poach Sun Chao.

Sun Chao put down his mobile phone and typed: "I have coded about four or five 10,000+ words now.

You update five chapters every day. If you let me know in advance when you put it on the shelf, don’t be stingy to update a few more chapters. You can update ten or twenty chapters on the day you put it on the shelf, you can figure it out. "

"The whole book can be written to about 500 million words, you can update it with confidence."

Zhao Liang readily agreed after seeing the message.

Zhao Liang typed: "Didn't you ask me to show you the house last time? After looking at it, there are two houses with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters that I agreed with the agent. I haven't seen how good the house layout is for the others."

"Last time you emphasized the house type, so I'll take it easy for you. If there are several suitable houses in a community, do you want them, or do you want to separate them?"

"How much is my total monthly manuscript fee? I need to see how much it is, and then confirm whether I want to buy a few more places in a community."

When Zhao Liang saw the message, he replied, "All of them add up to 590 million!"

Sun Chao calculated in his heart that if you pay seven thousand, you can buy 800 square meters. If you get rid of the big house you want, you can count three hundred square meters, and there are still five hundred square meters. If you buy a hundred houses, you can buy five.

"Then you can help me buy around 100 houses around the Oriental Pearl Tower. If I want to keep the one I want to live in, I will buy the bigger ones. If I am not afraid of the big ones, I am afraid of the small ones."

"Let's release the facade room first, and wait for the publisher to settle the bill before buying it."

When Zhao Liang saw it, he felt that the tone was bold enough, and it felt like buying Chinese cabbage.

"Okay, I'll give you a set not far from Fuda, 112 square meters."

"There is another set of 124 square meters near the Oriental Pearl Tower."

"They all have a large living room."

Seeing the news, Sun Chao felt that the location of this house was good, and if the younger brother wanted to go to Shanghai to go to university, he would have a place to live.

He replied to Zhao Liang: "It's all good, let's continue to look at it, do you want to pay a deposit for the house you fancy?"

"Give me your card number and I'll transfer some money to you."

"No, I still have the money for the deposit. Give it to me when you come to Shanghai. It's not convenient for you to come out of school now."

Sun Chao thought so too, it will be over in a short time.

"That's fine, I won't be polite to you, I'll give it to you when I go."

Zhao Liang went on to talk about other things: "I received a call from Xiangjiang this morning and wanted to buy the copyright of traditional Chinese characters. I only offered 5 yuan, but I directly refused. The price was too low, so I didn't call you. "

"Next time, if the price is too low, just reject it directly. It's not sincere."

"How much do you think the traditional Chinese copyright can be sold for?" Sun Chao asked again.

"I discussed with the editor-in-chief. The price is between [-] and [-]. This is the money for a buyout. It is recommended that you buy it out directly. The traditional characters have no value to be tapped."

"Then you can figure it out."

"Brother Zhao, see if you can take a good look at the house before negotiating the contract. I'll go to Shencheng and do it together."

"Depending on the attitude of the other party, it will take ten days and a half months. I should be able to find the house almost. I am urging the agent."

Zhao Liang remembered the new book again and asked:
"How did you think of updating the new book so quickly?"

When Sun Chao saw it, he replied: "I want to finish this book before I go to college. This book is about 500 million words, and I can't finish it if I don't speed up."

"Then I'll post a preview on the last book I finished today. I don't know how your book fans will react when they see you switch directly to the male channel."

"Isn't life like this, isn't it all grown up in various compromises?"

"Does this have anything to do with your book?" Zhao Liang was bewildered.

"Experience it yourself!" It seems that it doesn't matter, I just want Wenqing to take a look.

Sun Chao and Zhao Liang got off the plane after chatting.

Zhao Liang posted the name and introduction of "Full-time Master" under the completed "Why Shengxiaomo", so that readers who subscribed will be notified.

Wang Meng is a graduate student who is taking an open class. Suddenly, the phone reminds me. Wang Meng picks up the phone in a hurry and apologizes to the students around her. When she clicks on it, she turns out to be the author of "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" A new book has been released.

Click to watch "Full-time Master"?
what the hell!

Then we chatted in the fan group.

"You see that there is no author of "Why Shengxiaomo", and after finishing the book, he will update another one. It seems that [Mouse] is going to open a new book again!"

"What type of novel? Is it still about campus?"

"I don't think the name looks alike, why do you think it's a male text?"

"No way! I only like to watch female videos. What's so interesting about male videos?"

"I still want to see the youth campus class, how did it turn into calling and calling, abandoning books and abandoning books."

Zhao Liang saw that the fans were all agitated. He didn't know if the fans of this book could accept it. The female frequency jumped to the male frequency, which was even more exaggerated than the urban fairy dance.

Zhao Liang could only choose to trust Sun Chao.

Hope his book gets better results.

 Add a new chapter, ask for tickets and collect.

(End of this chapter)

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