Chapter 48 The first effect
After Sun Chao came out of the Internet cafe, he went to the dormitory to find Fatty and Wang Bin.

I don't know if they are there, but I checked the time, it's almost five o'clock, they should be here, take them out to improve the food.

When he reached the downstairs of the dormitory, Sun Chao also climbed the stairs lazily, and shouted directly downstairs.

Just after shouting, many heads appeared on each floor.

Sun Chao also waved his hands at his classmates. For so many years in his previous life, he didn't know how thick-skinned he had been.

The two fat guys also stuck out their heads, and Sun Chao yelled again: "Hurry down and eat."

As soon as they shouted, the heads of the two were put back.

The sound of Fatty's feet stepping on the stairs can be heard downstairs, bang bang bang bang.

Sure enough, after the sound stopped, the fat man also came in front of Sun Chao. Seeing the fat man's wheezing, Sun Chao recalled how the fat man had lost weight in his previous life.

Comparable to plastic surgery.

Putting his arms around Wang Bin's neck, he said, "I'll take you to improve the food today. If you want to eat out later, it may not be until the Chinese New Year."

The two were also very depressed: "Why are they not allowed to rest again, and they are also notified that they will not be able to go home until the winter vacation. The school leaders are all perverts!"

"Fatty also echoed Wang Bin's words."

Sun Chao comforted: "It's not for the students to concentrate and stop thinking about going out. Now I give you an ultimatum to cut off your thoughts so that you can study with peace of mind."

Seeing that the two of them still had bitter faces, Sun Chao said, "I'll take you to a barbecue today, so don't be depressed. There's no use in being depressed, and it can't be changed."

Hearing that if they eat barbecue, the faces of both of them will improve a lot.

In order to distract the two of them on the way, Sun Chao chatted about grades.

"You two work hard this year, I believe you will be admitted to Peking University!"

Speaking of the results, the two became happy.

"Brother Chao, do you think there are many girls in college?"

"Of course there are many, and they are all very beautiful and have never been in love."

The two said in unison, "Why?"

"Think about it, isn't the beautiful one particularly cold?"

The two nodded.

"Is it only when you don't fall in love that you can devote your mind to study!"

The two nodded again.

"That's it, so! Good schools are all beautiful girls who have never been in love."

The two nodded.

"So, are you looking forward to college life?"

The two nodded frantically.


While talking, they also went to the barbecue stand, each ordered what they liked, and sat down and started chatting again.

"Brother Chao, what department has the most beauties?" the fat man asked.

"No matter which department has more beauties, you should lose weight with your ton, so that you can catch up with beautiful girls."

Wang Bin laughed out loud.

The next day, Sun Chao went to class normally, and today is the first day of release of "Full-time Master".

Starting point editorial department

You said [mouse] how to change the category?

"I do not know!"

"I don't know how to write it!"

"This [mouse] is not good at writing about youth, so why go to write game articles."

"I don't understand."

Sitting in his seat, Zhao Liang heard the vague discussions of his colleagues.

He thought with a wry smile, he didn't want Sun Chao to change, but he couldn't be Sun Chao's master.

At this time, the editor-in-chief walked to Zhao Liang's seat, knocked on the table, "You and I come to the office."

Colleagues watched Zhao Liang follow the editor-in-chief to the office.

"Do you think Zhao Liang will be punished?"

"It's weird if you don't get scolded. Finally, a popular novelist came out and rushed to the street on a cross-channel. The editor-in-chief was sobbing and passed out in the toilet."

"I heard that the editor-in-chief is going to be promoted?"

"Then if this book hits the market, is there any hope for the editor-in-chief?"

"So! The editor-in-chief should be very angry now."

Editor's Office

"In the past two days, Huaxia Publishing House and Literary Publishing House have contacted me. They all want to publish "Why Shengxiaomo". You and the person in charge of negotiating have a chat with them to see who gives the right share."

Zhao Liang didn't expect that coming in was not the first to be criticized, but good news.

"Okay, I'll contact the two publishers when I get back."

After the editor-in-chief finished talking about the publication, he talked about the new book: "What do you think Sun Chao thinks?"

"If you don't write about youth campuses, why do you think of writing about games?"

Zhao Liang hurriedly answered, "I think this "Full-time Master" will have a higher click-through rate than "Why Shengxiaomo", and there will be a lot of rewards."

"I took a rough look, and it's not bad."

"And Sun Chao told me that this novel has more than 500 million words."

"Sun Chao's three novels so far are all very good, and I have no reason not to let him cross channels. Speaking of which, Sun Chao started as a male fan."

After hearing Zhao Liang's words, the editor-in-chief felt that this was indeed the case.

"Sun Chao also explained that this book can be updated more every day. I think Sun Chao is also afraid of acclimatization. As long as the content is good enough, readers can be retained."

The editor-in-chief heard Zhao Liang say that it could be updated more, and explained: "Then update more every day, hoping to turn the situation around quickly, I see that the comment section of "Why Shengxiaomo" is now in decline.

Zhao Liang walked out of the office, and on the way back to his seat, he was worried about how many words he would update on the first day.

Seeing Zhao Liang's distraught look, the colleagues knew that Zhao Liang had been scolded, and the others who came in with Zhao Liang were secretly happy.

Zhao Liang opened the [Mouse] background, directly uploaded twenty chapters, and clicked upload.

I hope that the works can save some readers.

After uploading, Zhao Liang called the two publishing houses.

This time, the Literary Publishing House is more sincere. It should be because they saw that Huaxia Publishing House's last book sold so well, and they wanted to make a hit.

Directly pay [-]%, while Huaxia Publishing House only pays [-]% this time.

It has been a morning since the new book was uploaded. Zhao Liang went to the fan group to peek at the screen, but he didn't see many discussions about whether the new book is good or not.

I went to the message area to look again.

"What I saw was similar to good youth campuses. Instead of writing, I ran to write male video games and gave up."

Upon seeing such comments, Zhao Liang felt heartbroken.

When he was about to get off work, Zhao Liang went to the fan group again, and this time he saw someone discussing "Full-time Master".

In the dormitory of a sophomore girl in a certain university, Zhao Qi was flipping through the catalog of novels on the computer, looking for a novel to read, when there was news in the fan group of "Why Shengxiaomo" she added.

Click to open it, it turns out that 【Mouse】has released a new book, and it's a male frequency article.

Zhao Qi reads both men and women, and she likes to read women's youth books, and doesn't like the kind of books that are full of all kinds of top-notch novels.

She also watched the male video City City often, so he didn't have anything to reject it.

Click on it, and I watched it for more than half an hour. At the beginning, I read it relatively quickly. In the end, I read it almost word by word, but the progress bar still didn't hold up.

I got up and stretched, and I was still complaining mentally, this is not good-looking, so what good-looking.

I want to promote it in the fan group, it is a pity that such a beautiful novel is not allowed to be seen by everyone.

I picked up my mobile phone and started to make amends in the group. Those who have watched "Full-time Master" in the group praised it one after another in the group. Some readers saw that they had seen good reviews, so they clicked in out of curiosity. have a look.

This is a good start for the new book.

(End of this chapter)

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