Chapter 53
Time slipped away slowly, and when it was time to hand in the test papers, Sun Chao gathered the test papers together and handed them to the class teacher.

Sun Chao thought that even if his affairs came to an end, he had made arrangements for himself.

Sleeping late, looking at how much money I made last month, writing some words.

But Sun Chao's Taoism is still too shallow.

Early the next morning, the homeroom teacher went to the class and called Sun Chao away as soon as he got to work. Sun Chao still happily thought it was to hand over the evening self-study.


But the head teacher asked him to change the paper!Change papers!
Sun Chao wailed crazily in his heart, but there was also one paper that needed to be corrected.

Sun Chao found a vacant seat in the office and began to plan to correct the papers.

Only then did Sun Chao realize that the English letters written by the students in the class are too ugly!

Sun Chao's eyes hurt after reading a few papers without correcting them!It's too eye-catching!
Finally, he understood why the class teacher asked him to correct the papers together. If Sun Chao corrected the papers by himself, he felt that his brain would be turned into a muddle.

After a whole morning of hard work, I finally finished the correction. I rubbed my wrists, turned my neck, and put down the pen.

It took all morning for the test papers of 62 students in the class.

I finally understand why the college entrance examination requires so many teachers to correct the papers together, and it takes so many days to correct them.

The grades are still gratifying. The grades of the students in the class are ten to twenty points higher than the grades of the last exam.

If this is the college entrance examination, one score can surpass thousands of people, let alone twenty points.

The head teacher smiled in relief after counting the scores.

God knows how much pressure he put on the students in class, luckily he didn't disappoint.

Patting Sun Chao on the shoulder, the class teacher asked Sun Chao to go back to class without saying anything.

After lunch, Sun Chao planned to skip class and went to the Internet cafe to code Braille, and sent the saved manuscript to Zhao Liang by the way, and he had no saved manuscript after sending it out.

The first thing Sun Chao did after leaving school was to check how much money he made last month.

Insert the card and enter the password.

Three hundred and one hundred and thirty thousand yuan

Whoops!This month, "Tomb Raider Notes 2" and "Full-time Master" have made so much money not long after they were released.

Turning around and walking towards the Internet cafe, Sun Chao remembered to get a text message to remind him on the way, it was really troublesome to always run out to check.

Start calling and open it here, and it will be done in a few minutes!
Next month, I finally don’t need to come out to check, and I don’t need to bother Zhao Liang, perfect, why didn’t I think of it earlier, maybe my brain is out of order! ! !
At [-]:[-], I arrived at the Internet cafe I often go to. When I entered the door, I saw the proprietress, the kind boss who found a place to rest for the three people who stayed up late.

Finding a private room to sit down, Sun Chao found that the computers on the second floor had been replaced, and pressed the keyboard, um, not bad.

Log in to QQ.

Click on the starting point to see how the new book is. First, click on "Full-time Master" and find that [-] chapters have been updated. Go to the background to see how the reward is, it's okay.

This afternoon I will send the manuscript of Pirates 3 to Zhao Liang. "Full-time Master" still has more than 100 million words, and I can last for a while.

Opened the backstage of "Tomb Raiders 2" and looked at the rewards, and found that it was at least 2% higher than "Full-time Master". Also, after all, many old book fans followed the second book, so they would have the current results of "Tomb Raiders [-]".

It's almost finished, I just sent the saved manuscripts of "Full-time Master" and "Tomb Raider Notes 3" to Zhao Liang's mailbox.

Within a minute, Zhao Liang, the editor in charge, sent a message.

"Are you there?"

Sun Chao saw that Zhao Liang was responsible for the editor, and replied: "Yes!"

"Shouldn't you be in class now?" Zhao Liang saw the manuscript that Sun Chao sent him, and tried to send a sentence, but it really did.

"Skipped class!"

Zhao Liang saw the reply and found out that Sun Chao was skipping class, so he fled with confidence. He really cried bitterly for his head teacher, it's not easy for this head teacher.

"I saw that the tipping of "Full-time Master" generally last month's manuscript fee is not low, where is the income?"

"Grandma, whether your finished novel is finished or taken off the shelves, you will still earn income one after another. The last two novels accounted for nearly half of your income."

"So that's the case, I see, how long will it take for "Tomb Raider Notes 2" to be updated?"

"I have already sent you about 110 million words of "Full-time Master" and "Tomb Raider Notes 3."

See Zhao Liang replied to two consecutive messages.

"I didn't know you came online until I saw the manuscript in the mailbox. "Tomb Raider Notes 2" will be finished in about ten days."

"Have you started filming the film and television adaptation you bought over there?"

"It seems to be in preparation, I didn't pay attention to the specifics."

While Sun Chao and the others were chatting, a major event happened in Huaxia Publishing House recently.

Vice President Peng Huan was sitting in his office, in a good mood, but not long after sitting in the office, Xu Chang, the director of the publishing department, came to him.

He told everything that happened recently, and emphasized that he wanted to sign the very popular "Why Shengxiaomo", but the president refused to let it go.

Before leaving, I said one more thing, what kind of position do you do, and those who should retire, please help.

Peng Huan waved his hand after listening.

Then I fell into deep thought, this old man really should go back to live in his old age.

After making a decision, he made a phone call and told all the recent things, stating the truth without embellishing it.

Three days later, the president received a notice to let him retire, and the person who took office was undoubtedly his deputy.

A week later, the vice president officially became the president, and the office was moved to the president's office.

Sun Chao chatted with Zhao Liang for a while, and then began to code words.

Before I knew it, it was five o'clock in the afternoon, and I coded for a while. When Sun Chao felt hungry, it was almost six o'clock. He went downstairs to eat and came back in the evening.

Sun Chao suddenly wanted to eat haggis soup, so he went around and ran to the alley to eat haggis soup, ordered two more steamed buns, and continued to type after eating.

Go upstairs and turn on the computer, open the writer assistant, and start coding.

In the evening, Sun Chao and the afternoon wrote more than 6 words. After checking the time, it was 08:30, and he had to buy some food for the fat man and the dormitory.

Just after Sun Chao left the Internet cafe, he found that the restaurant diagonally opposite the Internet cafe was not closed. Sun Chao went in and ordered five dishes and six bowls of rice. sound.

Before entering the dormitory, the fat man started to sniff his nose. He smelled the aroma of vegetables, so he stood up and said, "Brother Chao is back!"

Wang Bin originally wanted to ask, how do you know?Before he could speak, he saw Sun Chao walking in with food in both hands.

"Wow, fat man, your nose is a dog's nose!"

Then he said to Sun Chao: "Brother Chao, before you came in, the fat man said you were back."

Sun Chao felt that Fatty's nose was quite sharp, and it was the same in class last time: "Fatty, your nose is sharper than a police dog."

The fat man went there with Wang Bin and took the food from Sun Chao.

"I bought you some food, and I'll give you extra meals." Sun Chao handed the food to them and said.

The fat man took the food and was still quibbling: "I'm hungry, okay?"

Sun Chao remembered playing basketball. He originally planned to pick it up in his third year of high school, but now he only remembered it after one semester was almost over.

"I plan to pick up the habit of playing basketball every day recently, do you two want to go together?"

"Especially fat you." Sun Chao also emphasized.

The fat man is now showing signs of growing taller, a few centimeters taller than when he first wore it.

But he's too fat, and he can't see it unless he looks carefully. Let him lose weight first in high school, and only in his sophomore year in his last life.

The fat man wailed: "Don't! It's tiring enough to go to class every day. I won't go. I'll go to you two."

"Binbin, what about you?"

Wang Bin said indifferently: "I can do it, if you want to beat me, I will accompany you."

Sun Chao made a direct decision and said, "That's two to one, the fat man must go."

I saw the fat man wrinkle his face, and he raised his voice and said, "No way, I was shot while lying down, who said two to one? I didn't say that, I won't go!"

"Then you are not counted as a member of our trio, you can play by yourself!" Sun Chao said with a shake of his hands.

"That's right, your size lowers the average appearance of our trio, either you lose weight or you play by yourself!"

Wang Bin knew that Sun Chao was doing it for Fatty's benefit, so he agreed.

The fat man struggled and argued for a long time, but in the end he still didn't argue with Sun Chao and the two, and said with a bitter face: "That's fine, you are so authoritarian, and I have no human rights. If I can do anything, then go!"

Sun Chao concluded directly, "That's a promise. I'll start after lunch the day after tomorrow. For 10 minutes a day, I'll go buy basketball at noon tomorrow."

Even if the game is settled.

Two days later, the publishing house of "Why Shengxiaomo" officially stopped printing, and a total of 300 million copies were sold.

Just after lunch at noon, Sun Chao took them to the class to pick up basketballs, just to let them digest. It took a few minutes to walk back from the cafeteria, and he walked slowly to the classroom to pick up the ball, and when he got to the playground, he just digested it. about there.

After arriving at the playground, Sun Chao said, "Let's get started."

Sun Chao took off his coat and put it aside, and the two followed suit and took off their coats too.

Sun Chao moved his hands and feet and began to dribble the ball, but he made a fool of himself as soon as he came up.

He was hitting the ball, and he didn't know if the ball hit something or something, and he didn't come back on the original track. Sun Chao stretched out his hand to hook, and almost fell a shit, the fat man laughed and slapped his thigh, Wang Bin He also bent over with a direct smile.

"What about the two of you, didn't you almost fall!" He laughed as he spoke, feeling that he was quite funny just now.

 I signed a contract today, and there are not many manuscripts, so I will post a chapter to celebrate.Sahua asks for a monthly ticket and asks for a reward

(End of this chapter)

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