Chapter 54

"You two should try it too. It's been a long time since you touched a basketball, and your hands are raw." Sun Chao said with a sigh.

Fatty still resisted a little, but after Sun Chao said something, he became very positive.

Wang Bin also took two shots and shot directly, which went straight to Java.

Sun Chao took the basketball and patted it again. It was purely a blind cat who encountered a dead mouse and threw it directly.

"Come on, Fatty, come and vote for one, even if you can't vote, no one will laugh at you."

"It's a cool game to play."

Sun Chao directly fabricated a sister.

My elder sister went to the basketball court to watch boys play basketball every day, so she was with her boyfriend who often played basketball, and brought water to his boyfriend every day. My sister said that his boyfriend was the most handsome when he was playing.

My elder sister is a school girl, and her boyfriend is just plain-looking, but he likes sports, especially playing basketball. Every day, many girls come to play on the playground, and they often bring water.

After Sun Chao finished speaking, he and Wang Bin looked at Fatty.

I saw the fat man's face change again and again, at first he looked yearning, and then he looked directly at the sky and smirked.

When the fat man heard what Sun Chao said, he thought, playing basketball can find a very beautiful girlfriend, and there are countless girls watching and delivering water, wow!I seem to be doing it again.

Sun Chao and Wang Bin exchanged glances.

Wang Bin said, "Hey! I'm really embarrassing you, Fatty, if you can't do it, you can go back to class."

"Yes, if you don't want to fight, you can go back, I can fight with Wang Bin."

The fat man hurriedly said, "Don't, don't."

"Brothers, I want to fight."

Sun Chao said: "Don't be ironic, you just looked like you were being forced, it's okay, you go back, we just fight."

"Yes, you can go back." Wang Bin was still echoing.

"Brothers, I know I was wrong, I want to fight, really." The fat man said anxiously.

Sun Chao and Wang Bin exchanged glances again.


"Really, better than gold."

"Then it's settled, if you decide to play basketball, you have to stick to the college entrance examination, okay?" Wang Bin said.


"Didn't you do it?" Sun Chao then asked.

The fat man rolled his eyes in a hurry.

He kept repeating that he didn't do it, he didn't do it.

"If I didn't do it, I'll be responsible for buying breakfast for you for a year, so I'm determined enough." The fat man said fiercely, he was worried that these two people would really not bring him.

Sun Chao took out the phone with a smirk on his face, and tapped the record button to let the fat man talk from beginning to end.

Seeing Fatty recording there, both of them looked like they had succeeded in their bad deeds.

After finishing it, Sun Chao put away his mobile phone and started playing basketball.

In less than half an hour, the fat man seemed to have just climbed up from the river, almost dripping water, and there was no dry place for his clothes.

After fighting for a while, the three of them went back to the dormitory to take a shower together. On the way back to the dormitory, the fat man regretted his big words.

Looking at the two flatteringly, Wang Bin pretended not to see it, and Sun Chao was even more ruthless, directly lifting the phone and turning the volume to the maximum.

Fatty regrets it!My stinky mouth even slapped myself.

Sun Chao ran ahead with Wang Bin holding his mobile phone, and the fat man chased after him wheezing.

In the past two days, during Sun Chaowan's self-study, he started to give mathematics lessons to his classmates again.

Now Chao Sun and the teacher have negotiated and plan to take a day off for two days, and Chao Sun can move freely during the rest night.

Today is the time for rest, Sun Chao didn't go anywhere, just sat on the chair in the dormitory, planning to type.

Time flew by, and Sun Chao put away the computer before they finished class.

Get up and move your neck, stretch your waist, take your toiletries, and take a shower first, there will be more people in a while.

The days passed like this day by day.

More than ten days have passed, during which time Sun Chao's life is very regular.

Play basketball with Fatty Wang Bin for 10 minutes at noon.

Evening self-study for everyone math class.

During the night of rest, I wrote the follow-up plot of "Full-time Master" in the dormitory. I wrote more than [-] words in these five or six days.

Now the class has not lost the daily English conversation.

That is, the protagonist has been replaced by the head teacher. Now the head teacher teaches the whole course in English, but some uncommon words will be stopped and explained, and sometimes a short story will be interspersed, so that it will broaden the horizons. Some words are too much. The local area and textbooks are also very good.

The head teacher also seems to have figured out how to mobilize everyone's interest in learning English.

Today's "Tomb Raiders 2" finale.

After the finale of Pirates 3, he wanted to write another novel. He has been serializing Tomb Raiders, and now he has a large number of readers. He just happens to write another novel. If he doesn’t have time to code words, he will post the Tomb Raiders notes in the manuscript.

Sun Chao was planning to write a novel, so someone planned to ask him for a draft.

Huaxia Publishing House

During this period of time, the president Peng Huan made drastic changes to the publishing house, expelled some who were incompetent and only fished in troubled waters, and reorganized the division of departmental responsibilities.

The auditing standards have also been revised, with a small meeting every three days and a meeting every five days. Now the publishing house has a new look, and even the mental outlook of the employees has improved a lot, and everything is back on track.

For nearly two months, Peng Huan, the president, arrived early every morning and got off work at twelve o'clock in the evening.

Although Peng Huan was very busy during this time, he did not forget to pay attention to the sales of "Why Shengxiaomo", which his publishing house missed.

Every time he saw the increase in sales, his heart ached. This was supposed to be money made by his publishing house.

When he saw that the number calculated on the day it was removed from the shelves was as high as 300 million copies, his heart twitched in distress.

On this day, Xu Chang, the director of the distribution department, came in to deliver the statistical report for this month. Seeing the president's frowning, he sat in the office and chatted for a while.

"What's the matter, boss? Everything has been going well recently, and you still don't look very happy."

Peng Huan frowned and said, "Did you know that "Why Shengxiaomo" is off the shelves today?"

"I am also concerned about this, after all, it is a novel that slipped out of my hand."

"But now that I think about it, I don't have any, and I will only find depression by myself."

"Have you found any good novels recently?" Peng Huan asked expectantly.

Now the most outstanding one is an author named "Like a Dream".

It is the author of "Tomb Raider Notes 1", and his novel is still the one you are trying to publish.

His novel "Tomb Raider Notes 2" is also very good. The last one was published here, and you know the sales.

It is the best hit this year, overshadowing the two veteran authors who published books in the same period.

In addition, the author we are discussing [Mouse], his transformation work is also very successful. Netizens were extremely pessimistic at the beginning, but they did not expect a turnaround. Now the word of mouth is very good, but the book has only been published not long ago.

"Then do you think there are any outstanding novels with the theme of "Why Shengxiaomo"?" Peng Huan asked after listening to Xu Chang's words.

"The president wants to publish novels about youth campuses?"

"Yes, I am very optimistic about this type of novels. The high adaptation rate is very helpful to the reputation of our publishing house."

(End of this chapter)

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