Chapter 59
What Sun Chao didn't know was how much commotion a message he sent asking for tickets and rewards had aroused in the message area.

"Wow, wow, the author is finally bubbling."

"I can see the author asking for votes. The sun doesn't come out from the west today, right?"

"Catch the author alive."

"The Wannian Diving Party has finally come out."

"The author who has never been out before actually asks for a reward, and I have to be the first to do so.

"Come on, take me one."

"And I."

"Go all go."

Sun Chao didn't know anything about what happened in the group, he was just concentrating on typing.

Starting point editorial department

Xiao Wang, the editor who was looking at the ranking of his own authors at the starting point, saw that another reader had tipped a leader for "Tomb Raiders Notes", and he was envious and jealous.

None of his authors are up to the mark, and there is no great master who has signed so many books.

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw a large wave of rewards hitting the top of the homepage. The computer couldn't respond, and they were all stacked together, which was a huge piece.

what's the situation?Got a bug?
The computer just reacted, and within a few seconds, it started again, one after another, without stopping.

Xiao Wang was stunned for several seconds before shouting: "Open the homepage and have a look, there are a lot of rewards."

Xiao Wang deliberately didn't say which book it was, and let everyone read it with hope, which is interesting. "

Some editors began to exclaim.

"Wow! [Resembling a dream] is big and fierce, so many leaders."

"How come there are so many rewards all of a sudden?"

"Usually "Tomb Raiders Notes" has rewards, but it has never been so concentrated."

I just went to the comment section to read it, and it seems that the master of [Resembling a Dream] asked for votes and rewards in the comment area, so there are such concentrated rewards.

"Go to the monthly ticket list to see, it turned out to be fourth, but now it is number one."

The editors who were originally in the top few works were in a hurry. They finally got the recommended position, and they stayed in the top few with the addition of explosive changes.

[Resembling a dream] Then I sent a request for a reward, and I went straight to the job.

At this time, Zhao Liang had no idea that Sun Chao had added a lot of hatred to him.

The original No.1 old master Dashen Fangzhong is sitting by the computer and typing.

Suddenly, I received a call from the editor in charge.

"Your ranking has dropped to No.2."

After listening to Fang Zhong, he was stunned, and immediately opened the ranking, and saw that his work had dropped from No.1 to No. [-].

"Why is "Tomb Raider Notes" suddenly number one?"

"What's [Reminiscent of a Dream] doing again?"

"Is it over directly?"

"Isn't he still fourth?"

"Why did the monthly pass pass over my head after so many shortfalls?"

The one who was taken away by Sun Chao was Fangzhong, the old master of the starting point.

It was also by a coincidence that Fang Zhong came into contact with writing, and he sold two books in a row. It wasn't until the third book rewritten a suspenseful novel that he became a god.

This is his third suspense novel after becoming a god, and this novel has been hovering at No.5 since it was put on the shelves.

Finally, by staying up late and making a lot of changes, I finally reached the first place. After staying on it for more than ten days, I returned to the second place.

Lu Bo, his editor-in-charge, said after hearing him finish asking, "It's not an update, and it's not the end, it's just that the author sent a message asking for votes and rewards."

"Are you kidding! How is it possible!"

"I'm not kidding." Lu Bo said seriously.

Fang Zhong hesitated for a few seconds before asking cautiously, "Do you think I still have a chance?"

Lu Bo: "..."

After Fang Zhong finished speaking, he already knew that it was impossible. The author named "Like a Dream", a series of novels are very eye-catching. Take the first place.

From the time the editor in charge called him, he already knew that there was no chance.

Fang Zhong thought bitterly in his heart, people really can't be compared with each other, and staying up late every day to write more code words is not as good as others to make a fuss.

Zhao Liang didn't know yet that Sun Chao had made such a big commotion again.

Sitting comfortably in the editor-in-chief's office, drinking coffee and chatting, he is the only one in the office who is treated like this.

"You said Sun Chao conceived the script of "Why Shengxiaomo"?"

"Already done?"

"Listen to his tone, just write it out." Zhao Liang said.

The editor-in-chief thought for a while, then said:

"60. After all, it's the first script. It's not too high or too low. The main reason is that he is the author."

"If this TV series comes out with good results, 200 million next time won't be a problem," said the editor-in-chief.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Liang left the office.

When I came out, I found that my colleagues were very excited. What good thing is that?
Zhao Liang walked up to the most popular elder sister in the office and asked, "Sister Gao, what's the matter? What happened?"

When Sister Gao saw Zhao Liang came back, she pointed directly at her screen and said, "Look, look, [Rumeng] Great God's novels, those who donate too many rewards are crazy, and the backstage can't respond for a while. .”

After Zhao Liang realized it, he ran to his desk and sat down, entered the password to open the screen, clicked on the starting point, and saw countless rewards in his eyes.

Zhao Liang thought, I only walked away for half an hour, what happened.

Why are there so many, there must be more than 100 million.

Seeing him raise his head, several colleagues who usually have a good relationship came over.

"Your author's appeal is too terrifying, so I asked for monthly tickets and tips in the message area, and there will be countless tips."

It turned out to be like this, I didn't expect Sun Chao to be so lazy, and asking for a ticket sooner or later would be so effective.

As long as you know the reason, the more rewards, the better.

Click on Sun Chao's chat box and type: "Master, you are so awesome! One of your comments asking for votes, now the starting point is crazy, and the homepage has been floating with reward banners!"

Here Sun Chao is still typing with his fingers flying.

When I saw Zhao Liang's message, I clicked on it. I knew that asking for votes and rewards would be so useful, so I posted more times.

Reply to Zhao Liang: "How much is the reward now? My begging for reward is so effective? Next time, ask for more times!"

When Zhao Liang saw the content of the news, he was very authoritative.

"Don't you know what your nickname is? Salted fish! You know how lazy you are! There are a few books! Which one of yours has bubbled?"

Sun Chao replied: "This book!"

Zhao Liang: "...".

After replying to Zhao Liang, Sun Chao was also thinking, should he interact more with readers when he has time in the future?
Seeing this time, I got mad, no, I am not a fish, so I sent a message asking for a reward, and only so many readers responded, this group of readers is still very cute.

"I asked the editor-in-chief for you, and he quoted me 60 yuan. After all, this is your first script. You can get this price because you are the author of this book. There will be script prices in the future." Much higher."

Sun Chao is still satisfied with the price. He knows that he is still a little transparent in the screenwriting circle, and being able to get this money must also take advantage of his identity as an author.

"This price is OK!" If you are sure, just call me. "

"How is the situation of "Tomb Raider Notes 2" now?" Sun Chao asked with concern.

"It has been on the shelves of bookstores for more than ten days, and the sales volume is even better than the last one."

"That's fine, how long will it be off the shelves?"

"The initial arrangement is two to three months. This time the publisher is very ambitious and wants to hit 500 million copies."

"I'm also on winter vacation now. This time Huaxia Publishing House is very straightforward. I will go to Shanghai next year. If I can't, I will sign some books and make a gimmick."

Zhao Liang was still very happy when he saw it, and said, "That would be the best, you must be very happy."

"I found that my readers are still very cute, so I just sent a message, they are so awesome."

"I will interact more in the future when I have the opportunity. The nickname Xianyu I gave is too ugly. I have to talk about it another day and ask them to change it to a better one."

Zhao Liang: "..."

Sun Chao went on to say: "I have sent the manuscript requested by Huaxia Publishing House to your mailbox, please take a look."

"If you are sure, let them put 400 million on my card first."

"I'm going to Shanghai after the new year, remember to pick me up."

Seeing the content sent by Sun Chao, he said: "Okay! No problem, leave it to me."

After coding for another hour, I wrote a total of more than 6 words, saved it, turned off the computer, and went home.

The next day Zhao Liang spent the whole morning reading the novel sent by Sun Chao.

Editors read books very quickly.

After reading this novel, Zhao Liang is 100% sure that the publishing house will be satisfied.

Zhao Liang sent it directly to Huaxia Publishing House.

Zhao Liang then called Xu Chang, the director of Huaxia Publishing House.

(End of this chapter)

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