Chapter 60 Selling Scripts

Huaxia Publishing House

After Xu Chang answered Zhao Liang's call, he opened the mailbox and read it. After reading only tens of thousands of words, Xu Chang was sure that this novel would also be a hit.

He got up and opened the office door, and walked quickly to the office of the president Peng Huan.

He knocked on the door a few times, and when he heard please come in, he pushed the door open and walked in.

After entering the door, he said, "Boss, [Mouse]'s novel was sent over and I read it. It's very good."

The president was originally leaning on the chair, and when he heard [Mouse]'s novel being sent, he sat up straight.

"Send it over and let me have a look, by the way! Also show it to all the employees in your department."

"Is this novel also about college life?"

Xu Chang replied: "This book was written since high school, and the two protagonists are childhood sweethearts."

"Okay, go get busy, let me see!"

When Xu Chang returned to the office, he sent a copy to everyone in the department.

Xu Chang stood at the door of the office, clapped his hands to see everyone read it, "I sent you a novel, you all read it, and give me feedback before you get off work."

After speaking, he turned and returned to the office.

Some employees were quick, and they had already clicked on it when he was speaking.

Which author's novel do you say this time?

I don't know, I'll know after reading it.

I have already read it. It is the work of the author [Mouse]. Judging from the name, it should also be a youth novel.

Still unpublished new novel.Then this is the author's customized novel that the supervisor asked for.

I think the supervisor missed the hit "Why Shengxiaomo" and was unwilling to ask the author to make an appointment for the manuscript.

This is also the first big move of the president after becoming a regular.

"Let me consider."

"I'll go take a look too."

Everyone looked down.

Slowly the office became quiet.

Spent the afternoon quietly reading a book.Those who read the fastest have already started to express their opinions.

"I really feel sorry for the male second. It's too miserable. The male two are also very good, but they appeared too late."

After reading it, some have expressed their feelings. This novel is not vulgar at all, without those bloody plots, and it is still in the style of [Mouse].

"The height difference is the cutest, it's so sweet to think about."

"Ah! I also want a childhood sweetheart relationship."

"The supporting roles in it are also well written."

When they were discussing, Xu Chang was already listening. It seemed that this wave had stabilized.

Go straight to the president's office.

Just entered the door and haven't commented yet!The president spoke.

"This novel is well written, so it was arranged to be published around the time of the college entrance examination."

"I'll make arrangements right now."

About to turn around and go back, the president called Xu Chang again.

"Wait a minute, you go to the finance department and arrange to send the money to the starting point before get off work."

"What are you calling the editor at the starting point?"

"Zhao Liang."

"Yes! Give him a call and ask him to transfer the money to the author [mouse] today. Don't let the author think that we delay the payment."

"Make a good relationship with this Zhao Liang, and maybe ask him to help contact the author in the future."

Xu Chang stood there waiting for the president to finish speaking, and replied:

"Okay, I see, I will go to the finance department here."

Here, Zhao Liang was about to get ready to get off work, so he received a call from the director of the distribution department of Huaxia Publishing House.

Unexpectedly, the other party transferred the money so quickly.

After hanging up the phone, he ran to the finance department. He was afraid that the finance department would be off work if he was too late.

Sun Chao was still typing, when suddenly his phone rang, he opened it and laughed, and 320 million yuan was credited after tax was deducted.

Huaxia Magazine is quite efficient, and this cooperation is quite pleasant. If there is a next time, he doesn't mind cooperating again.

On the second day, Sun Chao received a call from Zhao Liang, who had to read the script first.

I am not afraid that you will watch it, but I am afraid that you will not even watch it.

Sun Chao spent two hours writing it out and sent it directly to Zhao Liang.

Here, Zhang Xiao is discussing with the assistant director and the representative of the investor which high school to film.

Suddenly the phone rang, and Zhang Xiao didn't like someone calling during a meeting.

Frowning, he took out his mobile phone to read the note, it was Zhao Liang, editor of the starting point, and his brows relaxed.

After answering the phone, he said, "Editor Zhao, what's the matter?"

"Director Zhang, have you revised your script?"

Zhang Xiao frowned again after saying a word, what do you mean the phone call is to ridicule me?
It's not right, she can't do it without socializing with the editor?Is that what the author wanted to ask?

For a moment, Zhang Xiao had several thoughts in his mind.

"Thank you, Editor Zhang, for your concern. Now it has been changed again, and the filming can start after the actors are selected."

When Zhao Liang heard what Zhang Xiao said, he knew there was a door.

Said: "That's it. The author heard that your script was not satisfactory, so he wrote one. I have sent it to your email address. You can take a look."

Zhang Xiao's eyes lit up when he heard it, how could he forget the original author? The previous scripts were either changed beyond recognition, or the pace was too slow.

"Then thank you, Editor Zhao, first. Let me see how much the author paid?"

When Zhao Liang asked about the price, half of the success was achieved, which proved that the author's status in the director's heart was not low.

"The quotation here is 60 yuan. You can read the script first. If you don't like it, you don't have to."

"Okay! Let me see first to make sure if I want to call you again."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Liang got busy again.

Zhang Xiao called his assistant over and asked him to print out the script, one copy for each person.

After the explanation, we began to discuss the location of various places.

After a while, the little assistant trotted back.

Distribute the script and watch them all together.

Zhang Xiao found that the script and the novel had many discrepancies, but they were more interesting, and the interaction between the male and female protagonists was sweeter.

After reading it quickly, Zhang Xiao just had a thought, what are those scripts before.

I looked up and saw that everyone had finished watching.

He said: "You have also read the previous script, and now you have read it, what do you think?"

The representative of the investor spoke first: "I think this script is more interesting, the plot is warm, and the supporting characters are well portrayed. The previous scripts mainly revolved around the two main characters and did not give the supporting characters much plot.

One of the assistant directors spoke, he still prefers the previous script and said: "Will it be too messy to shoot in this way, and if the plot is not well grasped, it will lead to no distinction between primary and secondary."

The other assistant director immediately answered the assistant director's words: "The previous scripts are too routine. What's the difference from the previous campus novels? The plot is too bloody."

Zhang Xiao listened to them, you talked to each other, according to this rhythm, they would immediately quarrel.

Zhang Xiao directly opened his mouth and made a decision: "Just use this script."

Zhang Xiao's two assistant directors were already senior members of his team. They knew if there would be any results in a short time if they quarreled, so they decided directly.

After speaking, he stood up and took the phone and walked outside the house.

The two assistant directors looked at each other, and both of them complained frantically in their hearts, you have already made up your mind, and you still come to ask us.

Tease us!
In the afternoon, Sun Chao received 48 from Brother Media, which was directly adopted, which is a good sign!

Go to school to get your report card today.

Sun Chao got up early in the morning and had to get to school before nine o'clock.

When I woke up in the morning, I remembered that my younger brother hadn't been to the county a few times, so I took him with me this time, so I thought it was fun.

He went to the door of the younger brother's room and knocked on the door, but there was no sound after knocking a few times, so he opened the door and walked in.

I saw my younger brother rubbing his eyes in a daze.

"I'm going to the county today, are you going to play?"

"When will you be back?" the younger brother asked.

"Take you to play in the county for a day and come back tomorrow. In the evening, I will take you to experience the feeling of surfing the Internet at night."

"going or not?"

"Okay! I'm fine at home, and I've done most of my homework." The younger brother thought for a while and said.

"Then get up, brush your teeth and wash your face. Time is running out, so hurry up."

After the little brother finished packing, he wrapped himself in a big padded jacket, and walked out of the gate together.

At the door, Sun Chao remembered that he didn't tell his mother that he took his younger brother to the county, so don't worry at home if he can't find him.

Even in the cold weather, I didn't want to run to the street, so I went to the neighbor's house with my younger brother. There were two elderly people in the neighbor's house, so I just waited for my mother to come back and talk to my mother.When I entered the room, I saw my aunt making breakfast, just in time to see Grandma Sun coming out of the east room.

I greeted the aunt who was cooking, and walked towards Grandma Sun.

"Grandma Sun, I went to the county with my younger brother. When I come back tomorrow, I will meet my mother at noon and tell him."

"Okay! I know, I will tell your mother when I see it at noon."

Hearing that Grandma Sun agreed, she said a few more words, and Sun Chao and his younger brother walked to the station together.

I didn't arrive at the county station until after nine o'clock. It had rained a little in the past two days and the ground was frozen in winter, so the driver didn't dare to drive fast.

"Little brother, when did you come to the county last time?"

Sun Shuai thought for a while and said, "It's been several years, I can't remember the exact years."

I walked out of the station with my younger brother and took a taxi from the side of the road to the school.

It was nine o'clock when I arrived at school, so I took my younger brother to the third floor of the high school.

As soon as Sun Chao and his younger brother entered the class, someone noticed the unfamiliar face behind Sun Chao.

Seeing the students all looking over, Sun Chao directly stood beside the podium and introduced: "This little handsome guy is my own younger brother, called Sun Shuai, who will come to our No. [-] Middle School this year, so he is your junior. gone."

The little brother was a little shy when he was looked at by so many people, but after hearing Sun Chao's introduction, he also greeted everyone.

"Hi everyone, I'm Sun Chao's younger brother Sun Shuai..."

Everyone saw that the little brother was so shy, so they all went up to say hello to him.

The fat man squeezed in first, followed by Wang Bin.

"Hello Shuai Shuai, you are really handsome, this name is really good, it is worthy of the name."

"I'm your buddy Zhang Wei, nicknamed Fatty, you can call me Fat Brother."

In fact, the fat people are not so fat now, but they are still a little fat.

Wang Bin also squeezed over and introduced himself: "Hi Shuai Shuai, my name is Wang Bin, and I'm another buddy of your brother's."

Sun Chao saw that his younger brother was so shy and different from usual, so he took two steps and hugged his younger brother's shoulders.

He introduced: "These two are your brother and my buddies."

"The results are very good."

The classmate next to him heard it and added: "Your brother has the best grades, and he directly took the No.1 in the whole grade. He is a super student.

Sun Chao introduced to Fatty Wang Bin again: "This is my younger brother, and he is also a top student. He is among the top students in his age."

Before Wang Bin and Fatty could speak, the students gathered around the class said in surprise: "Wow, Sun Chao, you have two top students in your family, and your genes are too good."

The classmate next to him also echoed: "Yes! Yes! The main thing is that he is so handsome."

The fat man also came over and put his arms around the younger brother's shoulders and said, "I said what does your brother say that you are our future junior, so you have such good grades."

The younger brother scratched his head shyly and said, "It's not that good. I haven't even been the first in the exam, and I've been hovering between the second, third, fourth and fifth places."

Wang Bin said: "We really feel sorry for each other. We didn't get the first place in the whole school, and your brother took the first place home. There is no chance for us to get involved."

The fat man also answered: "Your brother is a god of learning. He is no longer a human being. Even if he doesn't study much, he can still get the first place every time, and he keeps No.2 behind by dozens of points."

When Sun Shuai heard this, he turned to look at his brother with admiration.

Seeing the younger brother's envious eyes, Sun Chao tossed his hair, and said with a stinking face: "It's amazing!"

Sun Shuai nodded frantically...

(End of this chapter)

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