Chapter 61 Back to School
Sun Chao turned to stare at the fat man and asked, "Who do you say is not human?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the fat man turned his head and wanted to run, trying to squeeze out.

Sun Chao directly raised his foot and walked towards the fat man.

The classmates standing in front of the fat man also cooperated with Sun Chao to stop the fat man from going out. The fat man couldn't get out no matter how crowded he was, so he turned his head and admitted his mistake directly.

At this time, the head teacher came in and said, "What are you talking about? It's so lively!"

After speaking, I saw a new face.

Just ask: "Which class is this student in?"

The students started to praise and introduce.

When the homeroom teacher heard that it was Sun Chao's younger brother, he thought that this younger brother, like Sun Chao, followed the advantages of his parents.

He also heard that he was also a top student, so he said: "Shuai Sun, isn't it, how about coming to the teacher's class directly after the first year of high school?
Sun Shuai looked at his brother and asked what to do with his eyes.

Sun Chao also saw his younger brother looking over.

He said directly: "Of course, I also hope that you will bring my brother."

The class teacher laughed happily when he heard it.

After chatting for a few more words, everyone went back to their seats and sat down, and asked the students in the front row to send the teacher's bench to Sun Shuai.

"Okay! You are all seated, go to a few class committee members and bring the papers to my office."

After one or two minutes, all the papers were brought in, really moved, a big stack for each person.

Still the same as before, the head teacher is responsible for handing out all the test papers.

Being a teacher is not easy enough, the students are on vacation, and they have to correct papers at school.

As always, Sun Chao is No.16, Fatty No.18, and Wang Bin No.[-].

But this time the squad leader Wang Ying rushed to the fourth place.

Looking at the head teacher's face with a smile like a chrysanthemum, one can know how respectable he is among the teachers now.

This result also surprised Sun Chao. In this life, not only Wang Ying's fate was affected by the butterfly effect.

In the class, according to the results this time, apart from Sun Chao and the other three, there are still four students with heavy books and eleven with one book. This result has not appeared in several years.

It seems that the title of head teacher can be adjusted this year.

Sun Shuai is still surprised now, my brother is very popular in the class, and his grades are so good, he just heard from his class teacher that he is 2 points higher than No.30.
Fatty and Wang Bin's grades have also improved in the past few months, and the difference is not as much as before.

Then there is the winter vacation homework.

Sun Chao realized that he didn't have his own, so he directly raised his hand and said, "Old Ban, why don't you have mine?"

The old class said with a smile: "You will be rewarded, and you don't need to do your homework for the winter vacation."

The class teacher thought in his heart, you only gave me a few questions for my summer homework, and it was a waste of giving it to you.

The head teacher said a lot of precautions for the winter vacation, and even if it is over, everyone will officially start the vacation.

The four of them left the class together.

The fat man said enviously, "When can I not do my homework for the winter vacation?"

Don't you look at how many points Brother Chao has scored in the test, and how many points you have, you don't know how to count! ".

The fat man quibbled: "Then I am also No.16!"

Then you go to the head teacher and say that you don't want to do your homework either, and see if the head teacher can't beat you to death.

The fat man immediately withered, he didn't dare to go to the head teacher.

Don't look at the old class smiling at Sun Chao, he usually keeps a straight face with his classmates.

Lao Ban's stern face is still very bluffing.

"Let's go eat fried vegetables! There are four of us today, and we can order two more dishes." The fat man suggested.

Sun Chao said: "I can do it, it depends on you."

Wang Bin looked at Sun Shuai and asked, "Shuai Shuai, what do you want to eat?"

"I also can."

"Then go eat fried vegetables."

The four of them walked together to the restaurant opposite the Internet cafe they often go to. They bought it for them once before, and Fatty and Wang Bin both said it was delicious.

After sitting down and ordering, Wang Bin asked, "What are we going to do in the afternoon?"

Sun Chao spoke first: "I'm going to take Xiaoshuai to buy some clothes this afternoon. Are you with us, or do you have any arrangements?"

The fat man answered, "I'll go too. Wang Bin will accompany me. Let's go shopping together."

"I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets at home to find clothes, but they were all too big, and none of them fit me well."

"This time my mother specially gave me money to buy clothes."

Wang Bin also agreed to go together.

After eating, the four of them wandered to the center of the county in a bus, wandering around and everyone carrying bags.

Sun Chao bought two coats, two trousers, two long johns, and two pairs of shoes. The younger brother and Wang Bin were the same as Sun Chao. The fat ones were the most exaggerated, three coats, three pairs of trousers and one pair of shoes.

After shopping, the fat man began to dislike too many things and said: "I plan to wait until I get to the dormitory, put all my clothes on in the dormitory, and go home wearing new clothes, so that I only have pants and two coats in my hands."

Hearing the fat man say this, several people think it is feasible.

At 04:30 in the afternoon, several people finally changed into new clothes in the dormitory. Not to mention, the fat man changed into clothes that fit him, and he could vaguely see the shadow of his previous life.

After Wang Bin tidied up the changed clothes, he turned around and saw that the fat man seemed to be a different person.

"Wow, fat man, you've lost a lot of weight. Although you're still a little fat now, it's really different from that fat man before."

"So fat man, you are so handsome!"

The fat man heard Wang Bin praise him for being handsome, so he went to look in the mirror and found that he was more handsome than when he was fat.

The younger brother also echoed and said, "It's very handsome!"

Hearing the little brother also praised him, he laughed out a mouthful of big white teeth!
"Fatty, you have to play basketball all the time before the college entrance examination. You will definitely be a handsome man in college, and you will definitely find a girlfriend as soon as you start school."

Now the fat man is 1.8 meters tall, only Wang Bin is a little shorter, 1.7 meters seven, and he was only [-] meters in his previous life.

I don't know if I can continue to play basketball in this life. Fatty has grown several centimeters this year.

Now the three of them will definitely turn heads when they walk together.

Sun Chao suddenly had an idea.

"Go! I'll take you to cut your hair."

The two cheered, but the younger brother stopped talking.

Sun Chao knew that he also wanted to have his hair cut, so he said, "I'll take you to have a simple one too."

The three of them cheered together, the little brother and the fat man Wang Bin walked around for the whole afternoon, and they got to know each other well, and they were not as shy as they were in the morning, and they returned to their original personality.

A few people talked and laughed and walked towards the school gate. They put all the clothes in the dormitory, and they will come back tomorrow to get them.

Not far from the bookstore is a hair salon.

The four walked in. There were still two hairdressers in this shop, and one person was in charge of washing hair. Is it very formal? Unlike ordinary small workshops, one person does all the work.

I saw a man in his 30s standing up at the cash register, walking towards them, and asked, "Who will cut it?
Sun Chao spoke first: "All four of them cut it, and the other one trimmed and ironed."

Hearing that a man in his 20s next to Dujian also came over.

He said, "I'll take one first and I'll wash my hair first."

"Wang Bin, you go first." Sun Chao said.

It came out within a few minutes, and after sitting down, Sun Chao said to the 30-year-old hair stylist: "Cut a little shorter below the ears, don't trim too much on the top of the head, cut it to a point of three or seven, and then iron it.

Just after explaining, the fat man came out after washing. Sun Chao saw that Wang Bin had already started cutting, so he went to explain to another hairstylist how to cut.

"Turn the sides like I did with this hairstyle, and push both sides with a clipper."

Sun Chao also pointed to his own hair and said: ""Cut one that is similar to mine, but not as long as mine, and shorter. You cut it first, and I will talk to you later. "

After speaking, he turned to Wang Bin and saw that the hair above the ears had not been cut too short. He also looked at the hair in front, and it was also left to the length to cover the eyebrows. After seeing that there was no problem.

Turning to look at the fat man's hair, he found that it was almost cut, and said to the hairdresser: "His forehead is a bit small, and there is fluff. You use a scraper to trim the fluff directly by pressing his hairline. to the temple."

"it is good!"

The hair stylist slowly realized that this hairstyle is really suitable for this fat little handsome guy.

Sun Chao sat on the sofa and chatted with his younger brother. After a while, Fatty's side was almost over.

Wang Bin's cultivation is almost done.

After waiting for a few minutes, the fat man finished first, cleaned the hair on his skin, and then the fat man stood up.

After turning around, Sun Chao found that the facial features of the fat man were still good.

When the little brother saw the fat man turn around, his eyes lit up.

Immediately ran over and walked around the fat man, and then began to boast: "Fatty brother, you are so handsome!"

Le's fat man couldn't find Bei, and Wang Bin also turned to look at his brother when he heard his younger brother praise him.

Wang Bin found that after the fat man changed his hairstyle and lost weight, he looked like a completely different person.

Now he can also be called a handsome guy, especially the forehead hair, after shaving off, it is really the finishing touch.

(End of this chapter)

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