Chapter 62

When the hair stylist saw the finished product, he praised sincerely: "Little handsome guy, you are really handsome with this hairstyle, and your facial features are more three-dimensional."

Seeing that the fat man had finished cutting, Sun Chao directly turned to his younger brother and said, "Little brother, it's your turn."

When Sun Shuai heard that it was his turn, he didn't need anyone to take him with him, so he went inside to wash his hair.

Now that Wang Bin has finished repairing, it's time for Sun Chao to play again. He walked to Wang Bin's seat, thought for a while and said, "Take a bigger stick, and curl the long hair on it, and circle it all around." superior."

After hearing what Sun Chao had said, the barber turned around and went straight to the workshop to find tools.

Just as Sun Chao finished speaking, the younger brother also came out after washing his hair.

"Little handsome guy, how do you think you cut it?" The hairstyle just now was really good, and the hair stylist really admired Sun Chao's vision, so he asked directly.

"The whole is short, with a little layering on the top, the eyebrows are not covered in the front, and the tips of the ears are short, just like mine, but mine is a bit long."

He also pointed to his hair.

The hair stylist looked at Sun Chao's hairstyle and knew it in his heart.

What Sun Chao told the hair stylist was that Wang Junkai's hairstyle was a bit shorter overall.

Sun Chao saw that the younger brother had also started cutting, and now he has completed part of the task.

Sun Chao was sitting on the sofa, and when he turned his head, he saw the fat man standing in front of the mirror.

"Okay, it's handsome enough! Don't take pictures."

The fat man came over with a smirk and sat down and said excitedly, "I'm afraid that if I go back, my parents won't recognize me anymore."

"I think you are a bit beautiful and silly. Your mother has never seen what you look like."

The fat man thought about it in his heart, it seems that this is the case!

While chatting, Wang Bin's head was already covered with sticks, white paper and rubber bands.

Wang Bin is the slowest.

Sun Chao wondered if Wang Bin could fix it after he finished cutting it.

Ten minutes later, the younger brother's hairstyle was also cut.

The younger brother turned around, and Sun Chao felt that it was not bad, not so outstanding, not rigid, not bad.

Sun Shuai himself is also very satisfied, and feels that he is much more handsome after the haircut.

After all the cutting, it was Sun Chao's turn.

After Sun Chao washed his hair, he trimmed it as a whole, and after ten minutes, the hair was cut.

The three sat on the sofa, waiting for Wang Bin to finish.

It's just being fat and dishonest. After cutting my hair, I always run in front of the mirror for a while.

Half an hour later, Wang Bin finally started to remove the hair sticks and so on.

After dismantling Wang Bin, he got up and went to the back to wash his hair. After a few minutes, he returned to his sitting position, and the hair stylist began to blow Wang Bin's hair with a hair dryer.

After Wang Bin's hair was blown to [-]% dry, it was Sun Chao's turn to start.

It is better to divide Wang Bin's hair to three to seven. At first, he wanted to divide it to four or six, but Sun Chao looked at it and it still looks better.

Apply pomade with your hands, spread it on your hands, and start to take care of Wang Bin.

carry out.

Sun Chao looked at Wang Bin in the mirror, and felt that someone with a refined appearance like Wang Bin was more suitable for him.

When it was time to pay, the boss was only willing to accept money for Wang Bin's hair perm, and others were unwilling to accept money. Then he said that he wanted to take a few photos, but none of them had any objections, and he didn't want to take a full face.

Walking out of the hair salon, several people felt refreshed.

After such a toss, it was almost eight o'clock.

A few people planned to eat barbecue, because there are not many staple foods at the school gate, or rice noodles, beef noodles, and rolled noodles.

It was almost ten o'clock when we arrived at the Internet cafe after eating the barbecue. Several people went to the second floor and each opened a private room this time, so that it is more comfortable to sleep at night, and it is just right for one person to sleep on the sofa.

Sun Chao didn't plan to code words today, but planned to play games with the three of them, and didn't go to bed until after two o'clock.

After eight o'clock the next day, several people walked out of the Internet cafe together. Sun Chao checked the status of several people, and they were all in good condition. Also, they have been sleeping late at home recently.

After breakfast at the gate of the school, they went home.

Fatty Wang Bin took a taxi with his younger brother to the station.

It was after eleven o'clock at noon when we arrived in the town. Sun Chao and his younger brother strolled towards the house, but they didn't expect to enter the house yet.

Sun Chao saw his father picking up the couplets posted last year.

The little brother was very excited, he ran over to hug his father, and kept saying, "Dad, dad, you are back!"

Sun Chao also went up and shouted.

Dad saw Sun Chao and asked, "I heard from your mother, did you go to get your report card today? How are your grades?"

Before Sun Chao could speak, Sun Shuai said first, "My brother is the number one, the number one in the whole grade, and he is 2 points higher than No.[-]!"

"My brother is amazing. Their homeroom teacher even rewarded him for not having to do winter vacation homework."

"My brother is very, very powerful!" Sun Shuai said excitedly.

Dad listened to the younger brother excitedly talking about how powerful Sun Chao is.

He hugged Sun Chao's shoulder very happily, patted him and said, "It's still my son to live up to it! Dad will wait for you to finish your college entrance examination and hold a celebration banquet for you!"

Seeing the joy of his father and younger brother, Sun Chao also felt very happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Dad, when did you come back?" The three of them asked the younger brother as they walked home.

"It's about half an hour earlier than you."

"Could it be possible to go back a few days later this year?" Sun Chao then asked.

"This year I can stay at home until the fifteenth day of the middle lunar month before going back."

Dad also asked: "Xiao Chao, when do you start making up lessons?"

"You have to leave in the third year of junior high school, and start from the fourth day of junior high school." Sun Chao didn't change his face when he lied.

After chatting for a while in the living room, Sun Chao's father went out to the street. It will be Chinese New Year's Eve tomorrow, and he went to buy some food for tomorrow.

Sun Chao played poker with his younger brother again, and it didn't end until Sun Chao's mother came back.

Sun Chao never lost or won all morning.

In the afternoon, Sun Chao was using the computer code in bed, Zhao Liang called, and Sun Chao hung up immediately!My parents are still there.

After putting away the computer and coming out of the room, I saw my parents watching TV in the living room, said hello to my parents, and went to the Internet cafe.

Sun Chao thought, maybe there are not many manuscripts left, otherwise Zhao Liang would not have time to call himself.

When I arrived at the Internet cafe, I went directly to the second floor, and sent a message to Zhao Liang when I turned on the phone: "Is it because you have run out of saved manuscripts for "Full-time Master"?"

During the few days of the holiday, he did not miss the code words. Now there are more than 60 words, which is enough for a period of time.

In the editorial department of the starting point, this year Zhao Liang is on duty with a few local colleagues, and many colleagues from other places went back to celebrate the New Year one week ago.

Originally, "Full-time Master" could last until the new year, who knows, it's not yet the new year, and the readers are so hardworking, they almost used up the saved manuscripts early.

The update of "Tomb Raider Notes 3" is very capricious.

Once every day, the gold lord will only add two chapters, and the silver lord will only update one chapter.

It's almost over.

Seeing Sun Chao's news, he replied: "Yes, the readers are too crazy during the Chinese New Year, and there are not many."

He also said: "Tomb Raiders' Notes can last until the tenth day."

When Sun Chao saw it, he sent a message to Zhao Liang: "I'll send it to you later. After "Tomb Raiders Notes 3" is finished, I want to write another book."

When Zhao Liang saw it, he immediately replied: "Master, don't do any ostentatious operations, my heart can't stand it."

"Do not worry!"

"Don't call me recently, solve things by yourself."

In the blink of an eye, it was the afternoon of the third day of junior high school, and Sun Chao would go to Pengcheng tomorrow, but in the eyes of his parents, he just started school.

In the past two days, Sun Chao's house was a lively place. The grandchildren of the aunt's family and the children from the neighbor's house made the courtyard a lively place.

Since Sun Chao went to the Internet cafe last time, he didn't have time to code words. In the past two days, Sun Chao has become the king of children, surrounded by a group of children every day.

Sun Chao's father is the fourth eldest, and the youngest of the three aunts is four years older than Sun Chao's father, a veritable old man.

The houses of several aunts are not close to each other. In this era when cars were not popular, the nearest three aunts’ house took four to 10 minutes by bicycle.

That is to say, we can get together during festivals. Although grandparents are gone, my aunts and aunts in the second grade of junior high school will still come to Sun Chao’s house to gather together every year.

In the evening, my mother put the four-piece suit Sun Chao brought back in the suitcase and put the two new clothes Sun Chao bought in the bag.

Sun Chao's mother still wants to go to the street to buy two sets of clothes for Sun Chao.

Sun Chao directly refused, and kept saying that the school was still there, so my mother didn't put things in the suitcase.

Although Sun Chao said before that he would not give the younger brother a red envelope, he still wrapped a 200 yuan red envelope for the younger brother on New Year's Eve.

Sun Chao and his younger brother also received a red envelope from their father. Sun Chao didn't expect to have a red envelope this year, and he hasn't received a red envelope for many years.

The next day, Sun Chao took the first bus to go to the county, and then transferred to the city after arriving at the county.

In fact, there was a bus from the town to the city in the morning, but when his father came to see him off, he couldn't take it, so he had to transfer.

After going around in the city, Sun Chao finally got a taxi at the exit of the bus station. During the Chinese New Year, many taxi drivers went home for the Chinese New Year, and the drivers who were in business were those who lived in the city.

It was already noon when I put down my luggage at the house I bought for my parents in the city.

The aunt next door saw that Sun Chao's house had opened, and came over to say hello to Sun Chao enthusiastically.

Sun Chao put his luggage away, sat down for a rest, then put his computer bag on his back and went out for lunch.

I found a Lanzhou ramen restaurant and walked in. While eating, Sun Chao was still thinking, at this time, I don’t know whether the agency is working or not, and the decoration company doesn’t know if there is anyone.

While eating, Sun Chao took out his mobile phone, and wanted to call the decoration company first to ask if there was anyone in the store.

Sun Chao wanted to go to see the decoration of the house in the afternoon.

After thinking about it for a while, someone answered the phone: "Happy New Year, is there anyone in your shop today?"

The designer, who was also one of the bosses, said, "Yes, I'm in the shop right now. Your house has been decorated. When do you want to see it?"

"I'm eating now, I won't go to your store later."

Sun Chao looked at his watch and said, "We will meet at my house at 01:30, and I will settle the money with you after I have inspected the house."

"Okay, then we'll see you this afternoon."

Sun Chao hung up the phone and continued eating noodles.

In the afternoon, I went to see what the shortcomings were, and went to buy them together.

(End of this chapter)

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