Chapter 69 Arrival
Sun Chao saw a time-honored brand across the road, a mutton hot pot that is still there for generations, and eats hot pot in winter.


"Brother Zhao, how about eating hot pot?"

"I also want to ask you if you eat mutton!"

Sun Chao said: "Then we will eat this today."

Sun Chao and the two walked across the road towards the hot pot restaurant.

After a while, the two sat in the hot pot restaurant, ordered some dishes, and chatted on the seats.

"I'll take you to see the house tomorrow, or."

Sun Chao answered immediately: "Of course it's to look at the house."

"I showed you a facade house in the commercial street a few years ago. How about going to see it tomorrow?"

"Okay, I plan to keep the big house I live in, can you help me look at it?"

"There is also a villa."

"The house you plan to keep is already taken care of. It can be regarded as meeting your requirements in all aspects."

"I'll show you a house near several universities."

When Zhao Liang talked about the villa, he had a strange expression on his face, and said: "The villa is considered to be suitable, but the house that most agrees with your request is the house of you, a book lover. If you are not satisfied, I have also found a few alternatives. , someday you can see for yourself."

When Sun Chao heard that it was his book fan's house, he thought to himself, is it such a coincidence?

"Is this book fan just because he wants to sell it, or did he sell it because he knew I was going to buy a house?"

This is very important, not to take away the love of others.

"The reason she gave was that she just wanted to sell it." Zhao Liang continued.

"I told you specifically because this is the house of one of your fans, and this fan is a girl in her 20s."

"I feel that she has something in mind for you, so I pointed it out on purpose."

When Sun Chao heard Zhao Liang's words, his first thought was "an old cow eats young grass."

Don't even think about it, it's impossible.

"Then don't look at it, change to another one."

"Actually, the girls are quite pretty too, why don't you go and have a look?" Zhao Liang winked and said wretchedly.

"Forget it, even if you buy it, you won't feel happy."

Zhao Liang was surprised when he heard it, and opened his mouth. This reaction is not right, shouldn't he be curious about how beautiful it is?What kind of brain circuit is this.

Sun Chao didn't look at Zhao Liang's expression, but he was still thinking in his heart, if he lived there, what would he do if he kept coming here all the time, he was so handsome.

No, it's not safe, you can't buy it.

When Sun Chao saw that the dishes were served, he immediately began to put meat in them. Sun Chao was really hungry, and he didn't eat a few bites on the train. The food was really not flattering.

When Sun Chao saw that the mutton was cooked, he couldn't wait to put it in his mouth.

The hot Sun Chao opened his mouth, unwilling to spit it out.

Zhao Liang has already recovered his expression now.

But I still think in my mind, is this the writer's brain circuit? ? ?

Looking up, he saw Sun Chao stuffing meat into his mouth impatiently.

Exhale hot.

Zhao Liang laughed again when he saw Sun Chao's funny appearance.

Only at this time, Zhao Liang could feel that Sun Chao was a high school student, and also a child who had just grown up.

Seeing Sun Chao started to eat, Zhao Liang also started to eat slowly.

While eating, Sun Chao felt that the mutton was really good, without any smell.

The saltiness of the hot pot base is also just right. In the dipping sauce, Sun Chao put sesame seeds, pick up the mutton and dip it in some seasoning, put it in your mouth, and find that the more you chew, the more delicious it becomes.

Sun Chao ate until he felt that there was food in his stomach, then he slowed down and started to eat slowly.

Sun Chao sighed and said: "I'm starving to death, I didn't eat anything on the train, and this hot pot is really good."


Zhao Liang said with a smile: "Then you can eat more, if we don't have enough, we will order more."

"Sun Chao, do you really not consider coming to Shanghai in college?"

Sun Chao answered, "My brothers and I have made an appointment to go to the capital."

"Okay! Now that you've decided, I won't persuade you anymore."

It took nearly two hours for a meal.

After eating, Zhao Liang went to drive by himself. Sun Chao was so stuffed that he really didn't want to move.

Waiting for Zhao Liang by the side of the road, Sun Chao took a look around and found that the houses at this time were still relatively new, so he walked around and looked around.

After a while, Zhao Liang drove the car over.

Sun Chao opened the door and got into the car.

As soon as Sun Chao sat down, Zhao Liang said, "I booked the hotel not far from the company, and the venue of the meeting is also very close to the hotel booked for you, so it is convenient to go back and forth."

"Then thank you Brother Zhao, I'm not familiar with this either."

Zhao Liang drove Sun Chao to the door of the hotel booked for Sun Chao on Keyuan Road, and made an appointment to meet in the lobby at nine o'clock tomorrow.

After returning to the room, he didn't want to move or code, so after turning on the air conditioner, Sun Chao took off his clothes and got into bed directly.

A night without dreams.

After breakfast at the hotel the next morning, Sun Chao sat on the sofa in the lobby and waited for Zhao Liang.

This reminds me that I forgot to ask Zhao Liang if he is not at work today. I heard him say that he will be on duty this year.I have to take myself to see the house this morning, so how do I go to work?

Sun Chao was sitting in the lobby playing a small game on his mobile phone. After sitting for a few minutes, Zhao Liang walked in.

Sun Chao saw Zhao Liang walking in and asked directly, "Brother Zhao, don't you have to go to work today?"

Zhao Liang said happily: "I'm going to work now. During the time you are in Shencheng, I will be responsible for accompanying you to buy a house and hold meetings."

Sun Chao suddenly realized: "Then you are on paid leave now."

"It can also be said that the editor-in-chief specially ordered that I don't have to go to work during this time, and I just need to take care of you."

"Your company is quite humane, and I have a lot of face." Sun Chao said jokingly.

"In the hearts of the leaders above, you are now the first brother of our company."

"There are a few masters who can be as prolific as you, and every work can be a hit."

Sun Chao decisively changed the subject.

There are so many great gods who are vegetarians, and each of them is very powerful, right?

Otherwise, his works would not have been lingering in the top few places, and would only stay in No.1 for a few days when the climax and the completion of the book.

"Where is the store you looked at today?"

"how much is it per square?"

"Today I will show you the bustling Nanjing East Road Pedestrian Street. The current prices of shops generally range from [-] to [-] square meters."

"The reason why this store is sold is because the landlord wants to sell the house to speculate in stocks."

When Sun Chao heard the reason for selling the house, he remembered something.

This is still an era of crazy stock speculation. In later generations, how many people will be annoyed by the current behavior of selling houses and speculating in stocks.

"The terrain is very good, and it was only recently that I found the real estate agency that contacted me."

"I've seen it before. It's not bad. It's 268 square meters. It's quite big in that area, and it's very close to the intersection. The main price is 420 square meters, which is about [-] million. Even if the price can be negotiated A little bit, not much, costing tens of thousands of dollars."

Then he went to the side of the car.

"Let's go to the real estate agency first, and they will find someone to accompany us to see it."

"There are also a few houses I looked at before, which were all helped by this agency."

"This intermediary boss has a little friendship with our editor-in-chief, otherwise he wouldn't have paid the deposit for the previous few houses for several months without urging."

Sun Chao knew that he owed someone a favor.

Said: "That night, you call your editor-in-chief and the editor-in-chief, and come out for dinner together in the evening. They are looking for a place, and I will treat them."

"This is borrowing a car, and arranging for you to accompany me, and also helping me find a personal friend to buy a house. I have to invite you to dinner, and express my thanks."

Zhao Liang didn't refuse after listening. The two leaders were also very curious about Sun Chao and wanted to meet him for a long time.

Even when Sun Chao was in class, he never saw him. If Sun Chao hadn't come to buy a house, he didn't know when he would see him.

"Okay, the editor-in-chief and the editor-in-chief have long wanted to meet you, a mysterious great writer."

"What a writer, I'm just a student."

After Sun Chao finished speaking, he continued to ask, "I went to see this store this morning. If I like it, when will I transfer the ownership? Or should I go and transfer the ownership together after I have seen it all?"

Zhao Liang heard Sun Chao's question and said: "I suggest you go to transfer the ownership together, it will be easier."

"We pay the deposit first to sign the contract, make an appointment, and spend one day to transfer the ownership, saving us running back and forth."

Sun Chao heard Zhao Liang's words and thought it was the best way.

While talking, the car arrived at the door of the real estate agency.

After parking the car, Sun Chao and Zhao Liang walked in together.

As soon as I entered, I saw an aunt in her forties walking towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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