Chapter 70
"Xiao Zhao, you are here, who is next to you?"

The owner of this real estate agency is Chen Xinping, about 45 years old, a native of Shanghai, and her husband's family is still a bit powerful in Shanghai.

Looking at her current appearance, you can tell that she was definitely a great beauty when she was young.

"Aunt Chen, this is the little brother who asked me to look after the house. His full name is Sun Chao."

Then he turned his head and introduced to Sun Chao: "Sun Chao, this is Aunt Chen, the editor-in-chief's friend."

"He's also the boss of this real estate agency."

Upon hearing the introduction, Sun Chao stretched out his hand and said, "Then I will also call you Aunt Chen just like Brother Zhao, thank you for your help."

Chen Xinping was very shocked when he heard Zhao Liang's introduction, and now he was thinking in his heart, which family's son this is, and it's both a shop and a villa.

Thinking that the movements of his hands were not slow, he was also very happy to see Sun Chao calling him Aunt Chen. The children in the family were older than Sun Chao.

"Just call Aunt Chen. I didn't expect Xiao Zhao to let me find shops and villas. I didn't expect the buyer to be so young."

At this age, Chen Xinping certainly knows what to ask and what to ask.

"Then which house shall we go to see first?"

Zhao Liang spoke first: "Let's go and see the front room that I contacted in the past few days. I just introduced it to Sun Chao on the way."

"That's fine! Let's go and see this first in the morning."

"Would you like to take a look at the two previous houses that paid the deposit in the afternoon?"

When Sun Chao heard the mention of the house where the deposit was paid before, he worried whether the owner was in a hurry.

Said: "Aunt Chen, is the owner over there in a hurry? If you are in a hurry, you can go to transfer the ownership first in the afternoon. I still believe Brother Zhao's vision."

"Don't worry, I just want to ask if you want to watch it today. Do you want to watch it together and transfer ownership, or?"

Sun Chao was relieved when he heard that he was not in a hurry, and said: "We discussed with Brother Zhao on the way here, and decided to transfer the ownership together. I'm just worried that the owner of the house has been in a hurry for so long."

Chen Xinping waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you directly if you're in a hurry. I also want you to transfer the ownership together, which will save time."

"Then I'll ask the staff in the store to take you to see, how did you get here?"

"We came here by car, Aunt Chen, just find someone to go with us." Zhao Liang continued.

"That's fine, it's convenient that way."

After saying this, he shouted into the store; "Xiao Feng, come here."

Sun Chao saw a burly man about 30 years old standing up from his desk, at least 1.8 meters five.

I saw him stand up and walk over directly.

Sun Chao felt that when he saw it on the walk, he would never have guessed that he was a real estate agent. His first impression was that he was a fitness trainer.

With this height and bulk, it is still very bluffing.

Seeing the young man walking in front of him, Chen Xinping introduced: "This is Feng Qiang, an old man here. He is responsible for taking you to see the house in the past few days."

Sun Chao stretched out his hand and said, "Then I will trouble Brother Feng for a few days."

Seeing that Feng Qiang also extended his hand to shake Sun Chao's hand, and then extended his hand to shake Zhao Liang's hand, and said: "No trouble, this is my job, it should be, then should we start now?"

"Let's go then, it's fine now."

Feng Qiang asked: "Boss, where's the house to see today, I'll get the key."

After some explanations, Feng Qiang went to get a bunch of keys and came back, greeted Chen Xinping, the boss, and walked to the car.

After getting in the car, Feng Qiang said: "I took Zhao Liang to see the house I was looking for before, but the facade house I'm looking at now has only been listed for a few days. If it took longer, it would have disappeared. Another reason is that The boss explained that his friend wanted to buy it."

"The location of this house is also very good. It is not far from the intersection of the pedestrian street. It is vacant now. As long as the registration is completed, it can be rented out immediately."

Feng Qiang paused for a moment and continued: "I took Zhao Liang to see two of the large houses that best meet your requirements. Both are in Lujiazui. One of them has a total floor of 37 floors, and the house is on the 320th floor. The house is a little more than [-] square meters, with four bedrooms and two living rooms. There are no appliances and furniture in the house, but the hard decoration has already been installed."

Sun Chao thinks this is not bad, and the area is not bad.

"The other is an apartment built in 2001, with a total height of 38 floors. The house is on the 36th floor. The area is relatively large, a little more than 403 square meters, with six bedrooms and three living rooms. This one has home appliances but no furniture. This one is two One floor, the 320-square-meter building introduced last time is a large flat floor.”

"Both of these meet your requirements. They are close to the Oriental Pearl Tower and the Huangpu River. They are both in Lujiazui. Standing on the balcony of the living room, you can overlook the panoramic view, and the area is more than [-] square meters." "The layout of the house is reasonable, and the floors are high enough. "

After listening to Feng Qiang's introduction, Sun Chao felt that both places were good.

"How about the greenery and security on both sides?"

"There are security patrols every day, and the green area is good. You have to swipe the elevator card to go upstairs in these two places. The security is definitely very good."

Sun Chao then asked: "What about the housing prices on both sides?"

The price difference between the two sides is still a bit big. After all, the construction years are different. The first one introduced was built in 2004, which is relatively new. The second one was built in 2001, and the terrain is different. "

"The total price difference between the two houses is not too much."

"The unit price of the smaller one is [-], which is the most expensive in the community I live in now."

"What about the other place? How much is it per square meter?" Sun Chao asked.

"The other place is much cheaper than the previous one. This one is a little more than 403 square meters, and the unit price is [-] square meters.

After listening to Sun Chao, let’s calculate how much money he has now. When this month is added to last month’s manuscript fee and the money from Huaxia Publishing House plus the money for the script, Sun Chao now has less than 4000 million, 900 million. more.

Although those who bought a house and a car in Pengcheng spent more than a million yuan, less than 200 million yuan, even with the furniture.

If both sets can be liked, plus the money for the front house, it will be a little over 1000 million.

The money is still enough to buy a villa by himself, Sun Chao will decide whether to buy both, let's talk after seeing it.

In the afternoon, I went to see the two large areas. Sun Chao couldn't wait to see the house reserved for himself.

This is what Sun Chao is looking forward to.

"Brother Feng, look at the facade room today, let's go and see the two places you mentioned in the afternoon."

"It's fine, anyway, I have to watch it sooner or later, just finish this one, and go to the other side in the afternoon."

Sun Chao bought everything he wanted.

Zhao Liang was invisible the whole time.

Just after the chat, the car also drove to the pedestrian street on Nanjing East Road, parked the car and the three of them walked to the pedestrian street.

From a distance, he saw the pedestrian street. Sun Chao felt that he couldn’t see the end at first glance. There was a constant flow of people coming and going. There were rows of shops on both sides of the street. You could see many time-honored brands, clothing stores, pharmacies, jewelry stores, and watch shops. .

Nanjing Road belongs to the Huangpu District of Shencheng. Nanjing Road originated in 1851, from the Bund to the garden of the bowling field on Henan Road. In 1854, it was extended to Zhejiang Road, commonly known as Dama Road.

In 1862, it extended westward again to XZ Road. In 1865, it was officially named Nanjing Road by the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry of the Shanghai Public Concession.

The three of them walked a few steps in and saw the only empty shop.

Sun Chao found that this shop was quite large among the shops nearby.

There is nothing to see, the location is good and the price is not expensive.

Sun Chao came here for another reason, he wanted to buy a watch.

(End of this chapter)

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