Chapter 78
Sun Chao didn't answer Zhao Liang's words, and changed the subject, "Tomorrow, we will go to Fudan to see the house that has already paid the deposit."

"Brother Zhao, have you looked at houses around there?"

After Sun Chao changed the subject, he thought in his mind: How can I answer the conversation, do you mean that I am rich and you are poor!

"I also saw a small one in the community where you paid the deposit."

"The one I showed you is 120 square meters, but the one I saw was more than 80 square meters."

"How long will it take to arrive? Is it okay to give the deposit directly to Feng Qiang today?"

Today I looked at two more houses, because time was tight, Tian Hiroshi asked Sun Chao to transfer the money directly to the boss of the agency.

Looking back at this meeting, Sun Chao still felt a little bold, so he paid 100 million yuan as a deposit. Although this amount of money was not much to Sun Chao, the current per capita salary is only more than 2000 yuan.

"Don't worry, the editor-in-chief asked you to transfer directly, so you should be very relieved of the character of the intermediary boss. After all, the editor-in-chief and the editor-in-chief also transferred the money directly. They can't even cheat themselves!"

"Besides, you are a big client, and the intermediary boss won't be so shallow-sighted. You can earn a lot from this business."

After listening to Zhao Liang's analysis, Sun Chao felt the same thing.

"How long until party time? How long is it on the road?"

It's a little past five o'clock now, and it takes four to 10 minutes at most to get there, and it takes about half an hour to get there.

"There are already arrangements over there, don't worry."

"That's fine, let's do it as soon as possible. Now that it's done, don't make readers wait."

Sitting in the co-pilot, Sun Chao was thinking, he hadn't held any meetings, what would he talk about there, and he couldn't speak, so it would be embarrassing if he was left alone.

What should I do if I want to ask some questions that I can't answer?
Sun Chao arrived at the appointed place while thinking wildly.

Sun Chao and Zhao Liang went upstairs together. When Sun Chao arrived at the door of the private room, he saw that there were already more than 40 people.

When Sun Chao and Zhao Liang walked in, no one regarded Sun Chao as the author, and everyone in their group agreed that the author Sun Chao was a middle-aged man in his 40s or [-]s.

The two looked at each other, and before the staff saw Zhao Liang, they decided to find a seat and sat down.

Zhao Liang did it even better. He heard that the people next to him were called by their online names, and found out that the person next to him was the one he set as the group leader [It's too difficult to name].

The few people I chatted with [It's too difficult to name] are readers who are more active in the group, so I chatted with them directly.

"Do you all use the same screen name to call each other?"

"[Choosing a name is too difficult] Your name is too long." Zhao Liang said.

"What's your real name? Other people's names are only two or three characters long, but yours is five characters long. I can't call you "too difficult"!"

The people next to me laughed when they heard this abbreviation.

"Hahaha!" It's so hard! "Brother too difficult, hello!" Sitting next to him, the net name [Xianjun] greeted with a big smile and waved his hands.

[Xianjun] is also a super active one in the reader group. He alone has contributed three golden leaders to Sun Chao, and there are more than a dozen leaders.

Another reader named [Leadership] also patted Qian Duoduo on the shoulder jokingly and said, "It's too difficult for me!"

The people around also smiled friendly.

Qian Duoduo is just a rich man in his early twenties. He usually has no hobbies, but he likes to read novels. Sun Chao's novels are not the only ones he donates at the starting point, but this is his favorite and he has the most rewards.

At this time [It's too difficult to choose a name] said: "My real name is hard to hear."

Qian Duoduo stood up directly, showing two rows of big white teeth with a smirk, and waved his hand and said, "Hi everyone, my name is Qian Duoduo."

After the introduction, everyone laughed.

Zhao Liang couldn't help but laugh too, and said, "Brother Qian Duoduo, is your family rich in money? I'm afraid no one will know! That's why I gave you this name."

Who would have thought that Qian Duoduo nodded seriously.

【Xianjun】Speaking at this time: "Duo Duo, what kind of industry does your family work in, so proud?"

"My family is from Shanxi, and my family runs a mine."

Sun Chao heard that it was a mining company, and it was from Shanxi. The name was correct, and the money was enough.

Who knew [Xianjun] answered the call again: "Huh? Your family also runs a mine? Mine does too! What kind of mine does your family run?"

Sun Chao was dumbfounded when he heard that, there are two second generations of mines in this house.

Qian Duoduo said in surprise, "My home is an oil mine, what about yours?"

"My home is a coal mine."

All right!These are really two big guys!

At this time, I didn't know who took the lead, so I started to introduce what industries my family was in.

This book fan called [Leader], his family runs a chain hotel.

There is also a family owned by Sun Chao who doesn’t know what his name is, and he knows that it is definitely a chain.

When it came to Zhao Liang, he became silent. At this time, Zhao Liang was so irritated that he didn't know what to say. It turned out that the table was full of bosses, and he was just a middle-to-lower poor peasant.

Zhao Liang saw that everyone was looking at him, so there was nothing he could do!

Zhao Liang stood up and said, "Let me introduce myself, I am Zhao Liang, the editor of Qidian."

Stretching out his hand, he introduced, "It's also the editor in charge of the [Reminiscent of Dreams] next to me."

When Sun Chao heard Zhao Liang @见他, he also stood up and introduced himself: "Hi, I'm the author of [Resembling a Dream], how are you?" He waved his hand after speaking.

After Sun Chao finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

It made Sun Chao stand there awkwardly.

Sun Chao would think in his mind, what am I going to say?But what to say?

Sun Chao cleared his throat, cough cough!

Before he could speak, the audience erupted in an uproar.

Qian Duoduo was the most excited. He stood up and said, "Damn it! Is it true?"

Another second generation of the mine [Xianjun] also said loudly: "Master Rumeng, you are too young! And you are too handsome!"

This [Xianjun] reader is only in his 20s, and may still be in college.

Sun Chao cupped his hands with a smile and said, "My name is Sun Chao, thank you guys for your rewards."

The others also stood up with a clatter, and Sun Chao was startled by this battle.

At this time, a girl in the staff saw Zhao Liang now, Xiao Pao came in and asked very fast: "When did you come in, Zhao Liang? I'm still waiting for you outside!"

"Did Rumeng come? When will you start signing books? I'm still waiting to see Rumeng!"

When Sun Chao heard that he was mentioned, Zhao Liang introduced from the side: "The one next to me is [Reminiscent of a Dream]"

Sun Chao shook hands with the staff member and said, "Thank you for your hard work, you can start now!"

After shaking hands, the staff still hadn't recovered. This girl happened to miss Sun Chao's self-introduction.

He yelled directly and ran out.

While running, he shouted, "Da Rumeng shook hands with me!"

This made Sun Chao dumbfounded.

Sun Chao turned and looked at the crowd: "Should we eat first, or should we sign first?"


The collective said in unison.

Zhao Liang also answered, "Then sign it first, and let's go to the desk next door."

Sun Chao glanced at everyone and counted them in his mind, they should all be there.

Confirmed and asked again: "Is everyone here? Everyone take a look."

Qian Duoduo answered first, "All are here, and the last one is here for you to introduce yourself."

Sun Chao went to the desk and sat down, and found that "Tomb Raider Notes 2" was already on sale on the table. After silently counting, he found that the novels were delivered by head.

And according to Zhao Liang, these books are all sponsored by Qidian.

Qian Duoduo was the most active. He opened his schoolbag and took out "Tomb Raider Notes 1" from it.

This is well prepared.

One after another, more than a dozen people took out the "Tomb Raider Notes 1" they brought.

[Xianjun] Seeing that everyone took out "Tomb Raider Notes 1", he said eagerly: "Why don't you remind me in the group, I didn't even think about it."

Qian Duoduo looked harmless to the livestock: "Didn't you bring it?"

He turned his head and looked around again, and then said, "I didn't expect you to not bring it. When you come to sign a book, shouldn't you bring it along?"

"Who would've thought you wouldn't take it?"

In a word, [Xianjun] is autistic.

Amidst everyone's discussions, the book signing session started.

(End of this chapter)

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