Chapter 79
Sun Chao was signing the book, and the fans gathered together to discuss Sun Chao.

Several female book fans have already gathered together.

[Xiao Xue Piao Piao] said excitedly: "Wow, wow! Did you see that Rumeng is actually a boy who looks like a college student. The main reason is that he is so handsome. I thought I would meet a 40-[-]-year-old uncle this time. "

"Thankfully I'm here, it's a super big surprise."

[[-] Nianhua] answered first: "Who said it wasn't, I also thought he was an uncle, what did he say his real name was?"

[Night Cat] Immediately raised his hand and said: "I know, I know, Ru Meng called Sun Chao!"

"How old do you think Sun Chaoda will be this year? I am 25 years old, and I don't think he may be as old as me."

[[-] Nianhua] also quickly said: "Yes, yes! I think our book fans here are older than him!"

[Swing] At this time, he said: "I brought my camera, how about taking a photo with Rumengda later? You said that he doesn't even want to hold a signing event, would he not want to take a photo?"

[Xuemeizi] also felt the same way: "When I came here, I chatted with the staff here, and they said that Rumeng just doesn't want to show his face and pays special attention to privacy, so he doesn't want to hold a signing event."

[Xiaoxue Piao Piao] asked suspiciously: "Is there really someone who doesn't want to be famous?"

[Xuemeizi] said with certainty: "Yes, it seems that his editor has asked him many times, but he never agreed."

[[-] Nianhua] also echoed and said: "It seems that this time we can see [Huang Ruo Ru Meng] in person, it seems that it is because we are few in number."

[Xiao Xue Piao Piao] said: "If you say that the parents are ugly and don't want to be famous, forget it."

"Do you still remember the other great god from the starting point? He was unwilling to show up at the beginning, but after he showed up, he looked average and short."

"But [Reminiscent of a Dream] doesn't have anything to do with it?"

He even counted on his fingers.

"Look, the character is tall! I just stood up to about 1.8 meters, it's not short."

"Looks! This is a good-looking school grass-level guy, and it's not that he's ugly and shameful."

"Also, he is very talented! If I hadn't been so much older than him, I would have fallen behind."

[Xuemeizi] answered; "I'm 24 this year, do you think I have a chance?"

[Night Cat] sized up [Xuemeizi] from top to bottom: "I'm only one year older than you, and you're not as long as my legs!"

[Night Cat] Touched her thigh sexyly.

The air conditioner in the private room was turned on, and when the coat was taken off, the figure was revealed.

Among the girls, only the chubby girl who had never spoken to her was not in good shape, and the others were all remarkable.

[Night Cat] joked and said: "You see, Sun Chao is so talented, so handsome, and tall. Anyway, I don't think I'm good enough for him."

"You said I don't look bad, right? Sun Chao didn't even look at me just now."

[Night Cat] has a very good appearance, and you can definitely see it when you fall into the crowd.

It's a bit of an exaggeration to call it a school flower in college, and the department flower will never escape.

While chatting, it was the girls' turn.

[Xuemeizi] quickly stretched out his head and asked, "Master Rumeng, how old are you this year?"

Sun Chao was taken aback for a moment. He really didn't ask about his age.

He smiled and said, "I'm in the third year of high school this year."

[Xuemeizi] She was dumbfounded, she was six years younger than her, and she was chasing after her.

the other side.

After Qian Duoduo [Xianjun] and [Leader] got the autograph book, they walked to the side table and sat down.

[Xianjun] said: "I just heard a girl ask how old Sun Chao is, and Sun Chao is so talented!"

[Leader] also said with emotion: "Yes, it's amazing to have such an achievement at such a young age!"

Qian Duoduo also said: "When I was eighteen, I still tried to find ways to ask my family for money every day. If you are looking at someone, they are already worth tens of millions."

[Leader] answered: "Don't let it go! When the first part was released, it would have earned tens of millions.

Now the second part will only be better than the first one, plus the revenue from the website, there will be 3000 to [-] million!

And the third part is about to come to an end. If this book is released as a physical book, 2000 million won't be able to beat it. "

Qian Duoduo didn't hear the main point, he only heard that the novel was about to finish, so he hurriedly asked, "Brother [Leader], how do you know it's almost finished?"

[Leader] The fan said with a smile: "Now the climax of the plot is about to pass, and according to the previous routine, it should be over."

"Wait while we eat, I want to ask when the serialization of Pirates 4 will start!"

He went on to say: "You said God is so unfair, he is handsome and has a good figure."

[Xianjun] added another sentence: "Study is okay, and you must be a seedling in Qingbei."

"How did you know?"

Several people became curious.

[Xianjun] explained: "The inside information I got from the starting point is that Sun Chao is still a super academic."

Qian Duoduo asked: "Then you already knew that the author was a high school student?"

[Leader] This fan also became curious.

[Xianjun] Just laugh and don't speak.

[Xianjun]'s friend is the son of the editor-in-chief of Qidian, and this is how his news came.

Sun Chao looked up and there were still three or four more to sign.

When the signing was about to be completed, the door was opened at this time, and a handsome young man in his 20s came in and rushed in.

The one who came late was also a member of the Golden Alliance Leaders group. He couldn't come today, but today's event was temporarily rescheduled, so he bought the train at [-] o'clock in the morning and rushed over.

So it's only now.

This reader is [Mo Huihui] who is very active in the group like Qian Duoduo, whose real name is Xiao Jie.

I took the train all night just to meet the author of [Reminiscent of a Dream].

When he saw Sun Chao, he was still very surprised, Rumeng was too young.

Qian Duoduo came over and said, "You are?"

"My online name is [Mo Huihui] and my real name is Xiao Jie. Who are you?"

Qian Duoduo directly went over and put his arms around Xiao Jie's shoulders and said, "I'm the one who often chats with you [it's too difficult to choose a name], and my real name is Qian Duoduo."

Asked: "Why did you come?"

Xiao Jie heard that he often chatted with him [it's too difficult to name], it was like meeting relatives immediately, and he didn't know who the others were.

Quickly asked: "Is this really the author of "Tomb Raiders Notes"?"

"Why do you seem to be a high school student?"

"Why is it so small? It's true or not, why can't I believe it!"

After admiring Xiao Jie's surprised expression, Qian Duoduo said, "You guessed right, the high school student sitting there is [Reminiscent of a Dream]! His real name is Sun Chao."

Xiao Jie opened his mouth wide open with an expression of disbelief.

"When I just found out, I was not much better than you. Did you see the one standing next to you?"

Qian Duoduo also pointed at Zhao Liang with his finger, and then said: "Standing on the side is the editor in charge of the author of [Reminiscent of a Dream]. The staff has confirmed it, so it can't be fake!"

There was silence as they spoke.

Everyone was also curious about which fan came last.

It was very quiet at this time, and Sun Chao heard this sentence.

When Xiao Jie heard that there were no books, he hurriedly asked: "I didn't bring any books, I came here temporarily, so I will ask the staff to ask!"

Qian Duoduo also urged: "Then you go!"

Then I thought that I would also ask for help: "Forget it, I'd better accompany you to ask, so that it can be faster."

When they reached the staff not far away, Sun Chao saw the staff shaking their heads.

When the two heard that there were no books, they discussed what to do.

Qian Duoduo said: "They are all prepared according to the head. They are no longer available. Even if you buy them now, it is too late. Also, there may not be any bookstores now. This book is too popular now."

In fact, the staff also have prepared books, but they also want Sun Chao's signature.

After Sun Chao saw the staff shaking their heads, he knew that he had not prepared much, and he was thinking about what to do.

With an idea, he suddenly remembered that he had gone to the bookstore to buy a copy, and it seemed to be still in his schoolbag.

(End of this chapter)

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