Chapter 1343 I am enough

Fifth Love looked at Yuan Ming strangely, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Hehe! I'm just a small person, but the title of Lord Fifth Love is like thunder."

Yuan Ming glanced at Feng Lin and finally understood.

Why is Feng Lin a geek, with the blood of the fifth emotion, everything becomes logical.

Feng Lin continued to go to the goddess's secret realm, Yuan Ming was startled again, the aura of this woman was unfathomable.

Feng Lin took a few more people and left, heading for Miaoxuan's secret realm.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Ming was startled, because he had sent people here before.

However, I learned that a very powerful existence lived here, so I didn't dare to come in again. I didn't expect the secret realm to be connected here.


Seemingly aware of the breath, Yuan Yaoyao, who was playing a game in the distance, stood up and shouted.

Yuan Wu, who was sitting next to him, also stood up in surprise. When she saw Yuan Ming, she immediately stood respectfully, "Father!"

In the distance, Guan Mengqing, who was watering the flowers with Kitten and the others, also looked over, with a very complicated expression.

"It really surprises me that this secret realm has been transformed into a secret realm with internet by you."

Yuan Ming was extremely surprised.

At the same time, Yuan Qi and An Lian came out from the Rubik's Cube in front of Miaoxuan's computer desk.

The current aura of the two is very strong, and they have all entered the realm of the realm.


Yuan Qi found Yuan Ming standing beside Feng Lin, jumped over hurriedly, and bowed to Yuan Ming.

"Yuanqi, congratulations, you have also entered the domain realm."

Yuan Yi said beside him.

"Thank you, brother!"

Yuan Qi glanced at Feng Lin, not knowing what happened, but he could see that they didn't fight each other.

It's the best choice for her.

"Okay, let's talk to each other here, I'll be right back."

Feng Lin went to leave this secret realm and go to the goddess' secret realm.

Because the secret realm where Senhe is located is not far from the female mysterious realm.

Seeing Feng Lin leave, Ao Xiyu sat in front of her computer.

Yuan Ming walked towards Guan Mengqing, showing a smile, "I didn't expect you to be here."

"Staying here is not bad, there are peers talking, there are children chatting, and my daughter is by my side."

Guan Mengqing said to Yuan Ming lightly.

"Hehe, it's really good. I'm glad now that I agreed to Feng Lin's request before. If I had chosen to confront him head-on, I wouldn't have seen this scene."

Yuan Ming sighed slightly.

You must know that he is a person from a secret realm, and most of the children and mothers are all people from the outside world.

Their life expectancy is up to 80 years old.

After the improvement of drugs, he can live to be more than a hundred years old.

But Yuanming started raising children early, and most of them died.

Guan Mengqing is the only one alive now, because Guan Mengqing himself is of mixed blood.

As for Yuan Wu's mother, she died because of the fighting.

"Hey! That's great!"

Yuan Ming raised his head with a smile and sighed.


Feng Lin came out of the Goddess's secret realm, and arrived at Senhe's secret realm without stopping.

After arriving here, Feng Lin found that Senhe and his wife Zhu Jing were studying the video on the mobile phone in front of them.

Contact the instrument.

Mori He was playing the erhu, while Zhu Jing was playing the pipa.

"A rare guest, Feng Lin, you really surprised me."

Mori stopped the instrument in his hand and said with a smile, "I really can't imagine that you are only in your 20s."

"Hehe, senior, stop boasting, I will be proud of myself."

Feng Lin looked around and asked, "Where's Sen Luo?"

"She is a playful child. Now she doesn't live on a deserted island. She goes out to play with people outside all day."

Senhe shook his head with a smile, "What's the matter this time?"

"The important thing, I want to know, is your relationship with Mu Linsen."

As Feng Lin was talking, he realized that Senhe's expression had changed, and he hurriedly said, "Senior, don't talk, I'm not interrogating this time, but I'm here to tell you that I'm going to attack him."

"Take action on him?" Sen and Shen asked.

"That's right, it's almost time now, and I have also obtained the whereabouts of Mu Linsen. To tell you the truth, the combat power around me now can crush him."

Feng Lin said with a smile, "But I got a piece of news that Mu Linsen is the son of the senior, so I came here to ask."

"Mulinsen is not my son!" Senhe said sharply.

But Zhu Jing beside him turned pale with fright.

"Senior, you must think carefully, and don't be arrogant. If you still say what you said just now, I will leave. I will tell you the news of his death when I come back next time."

"do not want!"

Zhu Jing immediately ran over and grabbed Feng Lin's hand, "Feng Lin, he is my son, my eldest son."

"I want to know what happened. If he didn't commit a heinous crime, for the sake of seniors, I will spare his life and bring him here."

Feng Lin said with a smile.

"He, his character is like when I was young, restless, too ambitious, and will do anything to achieve his goals."

Sen He walked over and said to Feng Lin, "But he is my child after all, before Feng Lin dies, I hope you will give me his heart."

"What does senior want to do?" Feng Lin asked.

"I want to use his heart to re-cultivate him, although it will take me a lot of time and effort."

Senhe said to Feng Lin.

"Forget it, senior, I might as well just capture him and hand him over to you."

Feng Lin sighed deeply, turned and left.

Returning to his secret realm, Feng Lin finds Yuan Ming.

"What? Are you done?" Yuan Ming asked with a smile.

"That's right, everything is done, tell me now, where is Mu Linsen? I'll go find him."

Feng Lin nodded.

"Okay, it happens that there is internet here."

Yuan Ming took out the black mobile phone from the space ring, clicked on the map, "It's here."

Feng Lin took a look, it turned out that it was still in Europe, but the location had changed, not the previous location.

"Do you want me to accompany you there?" Yuan Ming asked.

"No, I'm enough to deal with him alone, but I need your help to deal with the Mei organization later."

Feng Lin wrote down the address and prepared to leave.

"But I don't know the address of Mei Organization. He hides it very well." Yuan Ming said suddenly.

"Hehe, just right, I know their address."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, the figure disappeared here.

He stepped on the flying sword, used his invisibility, and rushed over immediately. The best way to deal with Mu Linsen was to directly inflict serious injuries.


European Dezhi.

Feng Lin stood stealthily above a castle, looking down at the ground below.

This is a huge castle, where Feng Lin feels the masters of the three domains and triple realms.

He stood in the sky, took out the golden mask from the space ring, put it on and landed here.


Accompanied by two strands of spiritual power, two triple peak masters in the field all appeared here.

"You are... from the Moon Palace!"

Feng Lin raised an ice sword transformed from spiritual power, and walked towards the two of them.

The expressions of the two of them changed, and they immediately opened their fields.

Feng Lin turned into a string of golden electric currents and rushed in front of the two of them.

He stomped on the ground.

Apply gravity.

The bodies of the two suddenly bent downward uncontrollably.

But when they found Feng Lin approaching, they exploded with spiritual power and flew into the sky.


A shadow flashed across the heights, and there were signs of fragmentation in the space, and the two died on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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