My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 1344 The capture is complete

Chapter 1344 The capture is complete
Feng Lin's speed was very fast. After killing the two of them, his body turned into a golden electric current and rushed to the inside of the building.

A middle-aged man here was loading things on the table, and he laughed when he saw Feng Lin coming in.

"Feng Lin, does this count as our first meeting?"

Mu Linsen looked at Feng Lin lightly, revealing a smile.

Feng Lin's expression didn't change, he had a single thought and froze Mu Linsen into ice cubes.

The next moment his body appeared in front of Mu Linsen, and he put his hands on the ice.


In Feng Lin's sleeve, a huge black vortex appeared.

At the same time, just as Mu Linsen broke free from the ice, he immediately activated the transfer formation in his hand, but it was still a step too late.

With a crisp sound, Mu Linsen in front of him disappeared here.

He remembered that Ao Xiyu said before that there is another person of the same race as Mu Linsen here.

However, the other party was from a secret realm, so Feng Lin was going to have a look.

It stands to reason that the master of this secret realm should be nearby.

The battle that broke out just now has caused many people around to come out.

Feng Lin's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing Feng Lin's mask, these people were all shocked and wanted to run away.

"It turned out to be people from the Moon Palace, the people from the Moon Palace are here to kill!"

"Look, our two ancient immortal sect masters are all dead!"

"It must be the people from this moon palace who came to kill him."


Everyone around looked at the corpse on the ground, and they all scattered in fright.

Feeling the fluctuation of spiritual power, Feng Lin grabbed a person who was in the Dacheng realm, and asked, "Where is your secret realm here? Take me there."

"Yes Yes!"

The diminutive man nodded vigorously, his legs shaking with fright.

Feng Lin put him down and let him lead the way.

The secret realm is not here, but it is not far from here.

There is about 2000 meters or so, for these practitioners, that is one or two steps.

The entrance to the secret realm is on a rock halfway up the mountain. After Feng Lin walked in, he saw an old man.

It looks the same as the Mr. Ling I saw last time in the secret realm of the Thunder Royal Family.

"This breath, you are Feng Lin."

The old man stood up, looked at Feng Lin and asked.

"That's right, I didn't expect that the so-called Mr. Ling would reach the Infernal Realm. It's no wonder that a single avatar is so strong."

Feng Lin sensed the other party's breath and was very sure that he had already entered the realm of infinity.

Beside the old man, there is also a sapling. The appearance of this sapling is a human silhouette.

If nothing else, it should be another clone he created.

"Since you know my identity, why don't you die?"

Ling Sheng asked with a smile.

Feng Lin spread his hands and said calmly: "It's okay, I can use spiritual power outside. If I can't beat you, I will escape. At worst, this secret realm will be destroyed."

"Hmph! Didn't you ever think that I would have reinforcements?"

Ling Sheng snorted coldly.

"You mean Mu Linsen? I'm sorry, I have already killed him." Feng Lin said with a smile.

"What? You actually..."

Ling Sheng's face suddenly changed, "Boy, you are lying to me. I specially made an advanced transfer formation for him. You can't kill him."

"It also takes time to transfer the formation, so what if I use the trick of instant killing? For example, this trick..."

Feng Lin's body suddenly appeared behind Ling Sheng, and he slashed out with a dagger.

Seeing this, Ling Sheng was so frightened that he immediately jumped up and dodged the attack.

But Feng Lin's original attack was not aimed at him, but at the little sapling on his side.


The space shattered, and the next moment, the space returned to normal, but the small saplings in front of them were all cracks.

Finally turned into crumbs.

When Ling Sheng saw this, he was shocked. It turned out to be a trick of the law of space. Even in thousands of worlds, this is a terrifying existence.

Unexpectedly, Feng Lin had mastered it.

This kind of trick was unexpected. If Feng Lin used a sneak attack method, he could indeed kill Mu Linsen in an instant.

"Feng Lin, do you think I have the ability to die with you?" Ling Sheng asked with a smile.

"No, you have no chance, I'm not kidding."

Feng Lin shook his head, and finally asked, "Are you related to Senhe?"

"Senhe? After all, he used to be my master, and I'm just his bodyguard."

Ling Sheng said, "But with the explosion of the small world and we drifting together, I am no longer his servant. He is just a coward and has no ambitions for the outside world."

"En! I understand, if this is the case, then let's fight!"

Feng Lin raised his finger and pointed to the sky, "Glorious praise!"


A string of electric current hit Feng Lin's head, and after the light dissipated, Feng Lin was wearing a silver battle armor.

"Hehe! So you said that I don't have the ability to die with you, and now it seems that it is true!"

Ling Sheng knew that the Guangyao Clan had a trick called Guangyao Praise, which could blow away all things made of spiritual power.

This meant that he couldn't trap Feng Lin at all.

Even if this secret realm is destroyed, Feng Lin can still escape, and in the end only he enters the turbulent space by himself.

"Let's fight!"

Feng Lin raised his ice sword and rushed towards Ling Sheng.

"It's kind of interesting. In this way, I am now driven to a dead end by you."

Ling Sheng went up to meet Feng Lin without hesitation.

The two of them showed no mercy, and a real battle in the field would be a catastrophe for such a small secret realm.

Their random collision attacks can cause cracks in the ground.

Feng Lin went out twice in total, eating large quantities of pills to replenish spiritual power outside.

When entering the secret realm again, the world has become a ruin, devastated and broken into many pieces.

Not even a place to stand.

Ling Sheng looked at everything around him, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Feng Lin, the matter between us is coming to an end, let me tell you, you won't win by force."

"This is for sure. If it wasn't for the reason of the secret realm, you are far from losing now. Go back with me and meet Senhe."

Feng Lin asked.

"No need, people are very strange creatures. I used to be a servant, and then I became Mu Linsen's master. I am above ten thousand people here. It is impossible for you to make me a human being!"

Having said that, Ling Sheng jumped down without hesitation, "Feng Lin, maybe we can meet again in the near future."

Feng Lin stared at the other party's figure disappearing here, and also sighed.

He gathered his spiritual energy and made the final blow to this secret realm.

After that, Feng Lin left here.

As for Mu Linsen, let's just take him back. The original plan was to beat him half to death before putting him in.

But when Feng Lin was talking to him, his mobile phone kept rubbing his fingers, and Feng Lin guessed that he had a transfer formation.

So Feng Lin had no choice but to put him in. Once this kind of person escaped, it was basically impossible to find him.

Looking into the distance, all the masters on Mu Linsen's side fled, Feng Lin didn't kill them all.

After all, my purpose has been accomplished.

Mu Linsen, the capture is complete.

Next is the Mei organization. Now that he owns this world, Feng Lin can bring all his combat power to the past.

Straighten the charm organization directly.

(End of this chapter)

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