My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 33 This Man Is Crazy

Chapter 33 This Man Is Crazy
"Sister! He hit me!"

Zhou Xiang seemed to be very afraid of his sister, so he hurriedly covered his cheek and came to complain.

"To shut up!"

Zhou Nian turned around and shouted, Zhou Xiang shrank his neck in fright, and stayed aside, not daring to speak.

At the same time, Wang Ren has been lifted up by two people and is walking out.

Feng Lin stood in front of the two with a smile, and stepped on Wang Ren's stomach.

Wang Ren hit the ground again, even the two people who were carrying him nearly fell down.

"Are you going to let him go?" Zhou Nian frowned and asked condescendingly.

"Whether I let him go or not has nothing to do with you. Of course, if you want to bear it for him, I can let him go." Feng Lin said with a smile.

"Okay! I'll bear it for him! Now carry him away!" Zhou Nian said expressionlessly.

Feng Lin's eyes froze, this woman is not simple.

He didn't expect the other party to see this scene and really dare to agree.

Maybe it was a conclusion that I didn't dare to do anything to her.

"Okay! Unknown beauty, I am a person who keeps my word."

Feng Lin raised his hand and slapped it out.

The voice was crisp and clear to every corner. He didn't hit hard, but he didn't show mercy either.

This slap still left a crimson slap mark on her handsome face.

This scene made the people around them dare not breathe.

Really dare to do it!
He is absolutely crazy!

A hint of surprise flashed across Zhou Nian's icy eyes, and she never thought that Feng Lin would really dare to hit her.

"Stinky boy! I'll kill you!" Zhou Xiang roared and rushed towards Feng Lin.

Feng Lin grabbed Zhou Xiang's neck with one hand, and pressed him to the ground, with no room for resistance.

"Wang Ren, you should thank this beauty, I look forward to you provoking me again."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he tidied up the remaining chopsticks in his hands, put them on the table, and walked away.

He has gone far away, and there is still no sound here.


Zhou Xiang got up from the ground, kicked over the table in front of him, and kept yelling.

"Send Wang Ren to the hospital."

Zhou Nian's expression was unusually calm, he looked at the people around him, "This time I let you see a joke, next time my brother will hold another banquet, and apologize."

"No need! This incident had nothing to do with Miss Zhou Shaozhou in the first place."

"That's right! That lunatic is here to find Wang Ren, Miss Zhou, don't be as knowledgeable as a lunatic."

The people around explained one after another.

But most of them did not belittle Feng Lin.

Everyone is in the same circle, so they naturally know who Wang Ren is.

If you dare to kill someone, maybe you have already driven him crazy. What kind of things can't be done by that kind of person?
However, everyone present knew very well that that kid's life was over.

They provoked the Forest Group, and beat up Zhou Nian and Zhou Xiang.

This is already a dead end.


Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked on the street humming a little tune.

As long as Wang Ren is a man, he will not swallow this breath, and will only take revenge again in the future.

Thinking of this, Feng Lin decided to move.

If there is only Su Yun in the family, he is not worried, the key is Gongsun Lan.

If he is taken as a hostage again, he will be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Feng Lin took out his phone and spoke to Su Yun.

"Sir! What a coincidence!"

Suddenly, an old voice came.

Feng Lin looked at the steamed stuffed bun shop on the side, and an old man in a wheelchair yelled hastily.

Behind him was still the strong man from last time.

"It's really a coincidence." Feng Lin noticed that he was eating steamed buns, and his face was glowing red.

"Sir, do you want some?" Zhou Qu pointed at the steamed stuffed bun shop and said with a smile, "It's a time-honored brand. This shop existed when I was young and just started my business."

"A treat?" Feng Lin hesitated for a moment, then asked with a smile.

Normally, he doesn't like wasting time with strangers.

If there is no accident, he just hit his grandson and granddaughter, so please help him appropriately.

"Of course I treat you!"

Zhou Qu's face was full of excitement, and he said to the boss, "Two more cages!"

Feng Lin and Zhou Qu sat in the shop, Feng Lin took a sip and nodded, the taste was not bad.

"Sir, since this morning, I have started to eat outside, and my body is really comfortable." Zhou Qu always thought it was a psychological effect.

But since his illness, he has to take a nap after lunch every day.

Today, he is full of energy, and there is no sign of drowsiness.

Feng Lin grabbed Zhou Qu's wrist, felt it, and shook his head lightly, "It didn't relieve much, give me your phone, and I'll write you a prescription."

"it is good!"

Zhou Qu's face beamed with joy, and he looked back at the bodyguard behind him.

The bodyguard took out a black mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Feng Lin.

Feng Lin opened the notepad, wrote down the names of the medicinal materials, and put them on the table, "Remember to ask them to mix the medicinal materials together and soak them in water to drink every day."

Zhou Qu lifted his reading glasses and stared at the herbs on his phone, many of which he had never heard of.

"Sir, how many times a day?"

"There's no need to be so strict. Just take a few sips when you're free. Don't call it medicine. I'm afraid that the person who poisoned you will tamper with the medicine."

Feng Lin whispered in Zhou Qu's ear.

"it is good!"

Zhou Qu nodded heavily, and handed the phone to the bodyguard behind him, "Don't let anyone know."


The bodyguard put away the phone and nodded heavily.

"There will be an effect within three days."

Feng Lin picked up a steamed bun, dipped it in some vinegar, stuffed it into his mouth, and said while eating, "By the way, take out some of this medicinal material and put it in a bag, and hang it on your body, so those bugs won't come near you from now on."

"Thank you sir! Thank you very much!"

Zhou Qu was so excited that he couldn't express it. He asked tentatively, "Sir, if it's convenient, can you leave your contact information? His condition will improve in the future, and I will thank you very much."

"No need, remind me, you are not sick."

Feng Lin picked up the tissue on the side, wiped his mouth, and whispered, "You're a smart person, investigate carefully."

"I understand. I have started investigating since this morning." Zhou Qu sighed, "But I'm afraid to know the result."

"It depends on your own thoughts." Feng Lin got up and left, disappearing here.


On the outskirts of Yang City, a luxurious manor.

A middle-aged man with a full face was sitting on a leather sofa. In front of him lay a man covered in bandages all over his body.

The middle-aged man is the king.

As for the bandaged man, it was Wang Ren who was taught a lesson by Feng Lin.

"Dad! You want to avenge me! If I don't kill him, I won't be able to lift my head for the rest of my life!"

Wang Ren growled, his eyes full of killing intent and unwillingness.

"Shut up! Your brother has already gone to investigate that kid."

Wang Zhi held his cheek with one hand, tried to suppress his anger, and beat his son like this, completely ignoring himself.

"Dad, I heard from my brother, don't you know the killer?" Wang Ren suddenly asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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