My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 34 One Day Little Maid

Chapter 34
"You don't need to teach me, first check the other party's background." Wang Zhi lit a cigar and took a deep breath.

"Dad, that kid is completely crazy, not only me, even Zhou Xiang and Zhou Nian were beaten."

Wang Ren's leg was in plaster, but his arm could move. He stuffed a banana from the side into his mouth.

"What? Zhou Nian also fought, how did he fight?"

Wang Li was stunned, and pressed the cigar into the ashtray. Zhou Xiang, like Wang Ren, had no business talent.

He is not favored in the Zhou family.

But Zhou Nian is different. He has excellent grades since he was a child, not only in Yang City, but also in Jiangbei.

The Zhou family is currently using Zhou Nian as a signboard, hitting her is completely slapping the face of the Zhou family.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.


Feng Lin called Su Yun and told her what happened.

Su Yun immediately yelled at Feng Lin on the phone.

Forget about the Forest Group, the people of the Zhou family dare to fight, it's just adding to their own business.

The Zhou family's connections are almost all over Yang City.

Fortunately, Feng Lin and Su Yun's marriage was carried out in secret.

"You're really going to cause trouble for me, how could senior have an apprentice like you, I'm really blind!"

Su Yun complained on the phone, she was very envious of Feng Lin meeting such a master.

If he had accepted himself as an apprentice, there would be no need to marry him.

"Bitch, if you continue to scold me, we will divorce! Since you are using me, be a good wife." Feng Lin shouted into the phone.

"You still have the face to say that you still hold half of my mother's shares."

Su Yun can only complain, she really can't afford to offend Feng Lin now.

With Su Yun's help, Feng Lin went to another high-end residential area.

It is about a few kilometers away from Su Yun's house, behind her villa area.

Closer to the suburban peaks.

This high-end community is at the very edge of the urban area, and every household has a small yard.

"Feng Lin."

Liu Yaran, who was wearing an office uniform, pushed down her glasses and walked out of a room.

"Is this the house?"

Feng Lin looked at the small white attic behind Liu Yaran. Su Yun also said just now that she bought a house suddenly, which could easily disturb other people's nerves.

So I entrusted this task to Liu Yaran, but I didn't expect her to have a house in hand.

"It's not here, it's on the opposite side." Liu Yaran pointed at the building behind Feng Lin with a smile.

"Opposite? Didn't you come out of this house?" Feng Lin asked puzzled.

"Yeah, your house is opposite to me, welcome to come and have a meal in the future." Liu Yaran blinked her eyes charmingly, with a peerless beauty.


Feng Lin was speechless, living with this woman is not good.

Under the leadership of Liu Yaran, Feng Lin visited the structure of the room, a very ordinary double-storey attic.

He suddenly remembered that Fang Keke, if he bought a house, it should be very good here.

However, it is not possible to take her over now, at least until this turmoil passes.

"Here are the keys. I'll go back to work first." Liu Yaran put a bunch of keys in Feng Lin's hands.

As soon as she stood on tiptoe, Feng Lin immediately covered her mouth and took two steps back to avoid her attack.

"You don't know happiness when you are in the blessings. You still despise what many people dream of."

Liu Yaran pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction, adding a touch of charm to her charm.

"I'm very traditional."

Feng Lin laughed a few times, he knew very well that getting close to this kind of woman would definitely be a bad thing.

After sending Liu Yaran away, Feng Lin wandered around the neighborhood as usual, familiarizing himself with the surrounding terrain.

Compared with the tranquility of the villa area, there are more people active here.

Those who have the money to buy a villa are, after all, a minority.

However, this place is different from ordinary communities. In this second-tier city, it is not an easy person who can afford a small penthouse worth 500 million yuan.

"Feng Lin!"

Just as Feng Lin was walking on the street, a familiar voice came.

Feng Lin turned his head and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, Wu Xuanyi.

Didn't expect her to be here.

Beside her was a middle-aged woman with short hair, somewhat similar to Wu Xuanyi.

But the temperament is completely opposite, she gives people a feeling of being a lady.

Outside her house, a black business Mercedes-Benz was parked, and a strong man in a suit was loading luggage into the car.

"Feng Lin! I promise you! I agree to be your girlfriend!"

Wu Xuanyi ran over in a hurry, blinked Feng Lin non-stop, then took Feng Lin's arm, looked back at the middle-aged woman, "Mom! My boyfriend!"

Feng Lin was stunned, he still didn't understand what happened.

"You are Feng Lin?" Wang Qin came from a distance and looked at her carefully.

"Replace as fake! Quick! ID card!"

Wu Xuanyi smiled happily, she didn't expect to be so lucky.

Since her mother found out that she didn't have a boyfriend, she told her mother what she discussed with Feng Lin last time.

It is said that Feng Lin has been pursuing her, but she is still testing and has not agreed.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qin came to Yangshi secretly this time, and wanted to meet her boyfriend on the spot.

Wu Xuanyi was immediately taken aback because she didn't have Feng Lin's cell phone number.

Seeing that he was about to be taken back by his mother, he actually saw him here.

Is this fate?

Thinking of this, Wu Xuanyi's handsome cheeks turned red.

Feng Lin didn't know what happened, but he still obeyed Wu Xuanyi instinctively and took out his ID card.

"Mom! Look, Feng Lin, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Wu Xuanyi hurriedly snatched the ID card and let Wang Qin take a look.

Only then did Wang Qin nod. Other things can be faked, but the ID card cannot.

"What? Forgot? I'm Wu Xuanyi's mother, and we talked on the phone last time!"

Wang Qin smiled at Feng Lin.

This person is as straight as a sword, handsome, and looks a bit honest, similar to her husband.

But Wang Qin was sure that it was this kind of man who was reliable.

"Oh! So it's Auntie! You confused me just now. I thought you were Wu Xuanyi's sister when I saw you were so young."

Feng Lin finally understood, but Wang Qin has taken good care of her. If she was said to be in her thirties, people would believe her.

"You can talk, kid. You are also here to find my daughter this time, right? Come in quickly."

Wang Qin smiled from ear to ear, and took the initiative to walk into the house.

Wu Xuanyi immediately stood in front of the man in the suit who was packing his luggage, "What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you put my luggage back in soon?"

"Yes... miss."

The man in the suit scratched his head, then walked into the room with his luggage.

"Feng Lin! You must help me, otherwise I will haunt you for the rest of my life. If you find a girlfriend, I will tell her that I have your child!"

Wu Xuanyi used a threatening tone.

"Isn't your mother going to take you away? Why are you pestering me? Please be sincere when you ask me for help, or I will leave."

Feng Lin didn't expect such a coincidence that this could happen.

"I... Please! Feng Lin, you are so handsome!"

Wu Xuanyi immediately clasped his hands together. At this juncture, Feng Lin is simply a master.

If she goes back, her family will definitely arrange a blind date for her.

When the time comes to find a man she doesn't like to marry, her life is over.

"Be my little maid for a day, and I promise you."

Feng Lin thought that Liu Yaran had sealed his house for a long time, and there was a layer of dust on it, so he happened to find someone to work on.

(End of this chapter)

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