Chapter 35
little maid!
This word made Wu Xuanyi blush, and she immediately put on a defensive posture, glaring at Feng Lin, "Taking advantage of others! Shameless!"

"Then you can find someone else, I have something else to do."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he turned and left.


Wu Xuanyi grabbed Feng Lin's shoulder, lowered her head, and said intermittently, "You can serve you, but you can't...force me."

"Don't force it? Then what kind of maid does I want you to be?"

Feng Lin originally wanted her to work, but she definitely wouldn't do it, so naturally he wanted to force her.

"You... bastard! I misread you!"

Wu Xuanyi gritted her teeth angrily, at this time, she could only stabilize him temporarily, and just refuse to admit it afterwards.

If he dares to force, he dares to arrest him. After all, it is a verbal agreement.

Thinking of this, she smiled again, "Okay! I promise you!"

After speaking, she ran to the living room and sat beside her mother.

Wang Qin hugged Wu Xuanyi's arm, glanced at Feng Lin who walked in, and whispered: "So handsome, just as handsome as your father back then."

"Mom! Pay attention to your image, do you know why I didn't agree at the beginning? I want to see clearly inside him!"

Wu Xuanyi raised her face with a proud look.

"You're not lying to me again, are you? Why don't you even have his cell phone number?" Wang Qin still couldn't believe it.

"Mom! Can our girls give me a mobile phone number casually?"

Wu Xuanyi looked at Feng Lin who came in, and motioned him to sit on the sofa opposite.

Feng Lin had worked in various professions, so it was easy to deal with this kind of occasion.

He sat aside with a smile and said apologetically, "Auntie, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming, otherwise I wouldn't be empty-handed."

"It's okay, the gifts are all fake, not to mention our family has no shortage of gifts."

Wang Qin smiled and got straight to the point, "Feng Lin, what do your parents do?"

"I am an orphan who was taken in by a grandfather. I served as a soldier for several years and just got out of the army."

Feng Lin tried to keep his introduction as short as possible, he didn't want to mention his parents.


Wang Qin's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help nodding.

She is just this one daughter, if the other party has no father or mother, just let him marry her.

In this way, I can still see my daughter every day, and the child I give birth can also be named Wu.

Wu Xuanyi rolled her eyes, and hurriedly bumped Wang Qin with her elbow.

This old mother is crazy. People say she is an orphan, but you actually agreed.

"Ahem! I mean it's good to be a soldier, good to be a soldier!"

Wang Qin smiled awkwardly, and continued to ask, "How is your current job? Do you need me to change it for you?"

"No, it's good to be a teacher." Feng Lin smiled and shook his head.

"Teacher? Aren't you my daughter's colleague?" Wang Qin frowned suddenly, and looked at Wu Xuanyi beside her.

"Mom! It used to be, but now he has changed his job!" Wu Xuanyi immediately explained.

Wang Qin smiled and nodded, looking at her meaningful appearance, I don't know if she has seen it through.

After a few people chatted here for a while, Wang Qin took her daughter out for shopping.

Feng Lin had no choice but to follow.

When they came to the nearby shopping mall, Feng Lin followed closely behind the two of them. As for what the two of them were talking about, he was not willing to listen.

Think of it as coming to familiarize yourself with the surrounding terrain.

Suddenly, the two people in front stopped, Feng Lin followed closely and found that they stopped in the underwear area.

"I'll just wait outside." Feng Lin smiled at the two of them.

Wu Xuanyi nodded repeatedly.

"How can that be? Who do you think my daughter is buying underwear for?"

Wang Qin glared at Feng Lin, but felt more and more satisfied in her heart, knowing that she respected women just like her husband.

In the end, under Wang Qin's pressure, Feng Lin had no choice but to follow them in.

Wu Xuanyi blushed throughout the whole process. She usually buys such intimate clothes by herself.

Even the female colleagues have never been together.

"Hello everyone, are you here to choose underwear?"

The three of them had just walked in when a woman in uniform walked towards her and asked with a professional smile.

"Well, choose for my daughter, her model is more difficult to choose."

Wang Qin said proficiently, looking around, choosing a style.

"Haha! What is the model of the lady? I will take you directly to the special area." The shopping guide asked with a smile.


Wu Xuanyi said in a low voice, when she spoke, she did not forget to sneak a glance at Feng Lin.

That's why every time she came to buy, she was alone.

Because he was a little embarrassed, like a man's head.

After more than two meters, most people begin to be autistic, especially those tall people with underdeveloped motor nerves.

Feng Lin stared, startled, this guy is really similar to Su Yun.

The shopping guide was shocked and envious. If she had this woman's appearance and figure, she would not be a shop assistant here.

Under her leadership, several people came to the innermost part, where the models are relatively large.

"Feng Lin, you pick one."

Wang Qin pulled Feng Lin who was following behind, and smiled meaningfully at him.

"I don't understand either. If you just look at the style, the black and white one is pretty good."

Feng Lin pointed to the style hanging high, and said with a smile.

"Sir, that's the best one we sell so far. It's only for couples. Your vision is really good."

The shopping guide took it off and observed it closely, and found that the body was completely transparent.

Wu Xuanyi was so ashamed that she couldn't help but think of the maid that Feng Lin mentioned just now.

Does the bastard want to wear this when he's a maid?

"I'll wipe it! This one is fine! Just look at me and I'm motivated!"

At this moment, a strong man with a bald head and a woman with a snake face swaggered over.

"Hate it! Brother Wolf, you are so bad!"

The snake girl next to her made her voice deliberately, making Feng Lin who was standing beside her goosebumps.

The one they were referring to was the one held by the shopping guide.

"I'm sorry, both of you, this is the last one of this model, after all, people come first."

The shopping guide smiled professionally, "Otherwise, you wait for two days, and we will buy you as soon as possible."

"Go to Nima! Why do I have to wait for a few days? I will use it tonight!"

Brother Wolf strode over with the woman beside him in his arms, "I'd like to see who dares to buy it!"

Wu Xuanyi was eager to let it out, she would not wear this kind of thing.

But Wang Qin immediately became unhappy. She was originally short-tempered, but she just wanted to impress Feng Lin, so she didn't get angry.

She turned her head in displeasure, "We have already bought this one!"

"I go!"

Brother Lang looked at Wang Qin with straight eyes. This kind of mature woman was poison to him.

Looking back at the women beside her, none of them were real.

Especially the one in front of him, as hard as a rock.

There is no harm without comparison.

"Forget it, there's no need to be angry with them, we don't want it anymore." Wu Xuanyi took Wang Qin's wrist and said with a smile.

"I wipe! This..."

Brother Lang looked at Wu Xuanyi who turned around again, his eyes almost popped out. Is this a star?

No star can compare to her!

"Brother Wolf!"

The snake woman writhed in displeasure.

But Brother Lang ignored it, and walked forward with a smile, looking at Wu Xuanyi, "Show me the clothes, and I'll agree to sell them to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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