My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 54 A Football Game

Chapter 54 A Football Match
"He is a substitute player of our Yangshi University, you have a chance to meet him!"

Qiu Ying came from a distance, patted Feng Lin on the shoulder, and winked at him.

"Okay! That's good, let's have fun today!"

Liu Wen laughed a few times, he pointed at Feng Lin, then stroked his neck with his finger, turned and left contemptuously.

Fang Keke bent down hastily, picked up the tissue on the ground, and put it in his pocket.

She grabbed Feng Lin's arm worriedly, and blamed herself, "I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"Just now he did it on purpose, I can't let someone bully you!"

Feng Lin didn't care, he looked at Qiu Ying beside him, "I'm not a bench player."

"You are now! According to what you said just now, you can also play football?" Qiuying asked with a smile.

"Know the rules, but haven't played much."

Feng Lin answered truthfully, when he was on a mission in the Middle East, he played with his friends, but later he felt that this sport was too rubbish.

There is no such thing as competitiveness.

Because as long as Feng Lin is the goalkeeper, it is impossible for football to enter.

This is a [-]% probability, no ifs.

"That's good, just be a bench player. I heard from the vice-principal that your motor nerves are very strong."

Qiuying told Feng Lin about this incident. It turned out that the school wanted to advertise through this competition, so that the higher authorities could allocate funds.

This time, Yangshi University only found seven players, and the remaining four were borrowed from Yangshi Gymnasium.

Barely made up eleven people.

Let Feng Lin pass by, just in case.

This time the program is a live broadcast, if the game cannot go on because of the players, it would be a shame.

"Brother Feng Lin, go! I will cheer for you!" Fang Keke smiled and raised his pink fist.

"Haha! Well, for your sake, I'll help them."

Feng Lin rubbed Ke Ke's head, followed Qiu Ying to the locker room.

After changing his clothes, Feng Lin sat on the team bench in the front row.

On the other side, there are five substitute players from the enemy team.

With a whistle, the students in the auditorium began to shout.

Players from both sides also played in turn.

On a high platform in the distance, a middle-aged man with half-white hair spoke his opening remarks for a few minutes.

Basically, this match is a friendly match, and the opponent is the Jiangbei professional football team, so there is no shame in losing.

The players greeted each other and began to distribute on the field.

Game start!
Liu Wen of the Jiangbei team got the ball first, and he raised his face in disdain.

One person went on a rampage, using his own skills, fully passed the attack of three people, and kicked the ball out with one kick.

The ball is in!
It's that simple.

"Liu Wen! Liu Wen!"

In the auditorium, there was also a group of Liu Wen's fans, who stood up and cheered while holding up a sign with Liu Wen written on it.

The two hosts on the live broadcast also started flattering wildly.

"Liu Wen is only 22 years old this year. I heard that the provincial team has already invited him."

"Yes! In Jiangbei, he is almost a star figure. I think his life has just begun."


During the conversation between the two hosts, Liu Wen scored another goal.

Not at the same level at all!

However, at this moment, Liu Wen suddenly pointed at Feng Lin who was sitting in the front row.

She raised her middle finger at him, her eyes full of disdain.

It was obviously a rude action, but in the eyes of the host, it became an alternative.

"Hahaha! Did you see that? Liu Wen is really a man of temperament."

"He has a straightforward personality, but he has nothing to say about his football skills. Many fans on the Internet have said that as long as he has good football skills, whatever he does is right!"


In just a few minutes, the Jiangbei team has scored three goals, all of which were scored by Liu Wenjin.

On the high platform, the middle-aged man who spoke just now had an unnatural expression on his face, but he still smiled when facing the camera.

After the camera passed, he looked at the bald man beside him, "Old Wang, what's the matter with you? Didn't you promise me before, let us?"


Gongsun Lan also walked over from the side, her handsome faces were all tangled together, "It was agreed before, just score three goals in total, and it's just the beginning, and you've scored three goals."

Now it's a live broadcast, so it will completely damage the school's image.

"Hahaha! I'm sorry, Liu Wen has a big temper. Judging by his appearance, that bench player in your school must have provoked him."

The bald man smiled apologetically, but his face was extremely proud.

He is the assistant manager of this football club.

Since Liu Wen joined, he has led their team to win games one after another.

His status has also risen with the tide.

The middle-aged man in front of him belongs to the Yang City Sports Bureau!
In terms of status, that's an official, so why don't you just talk to yourself in a low voice?

Gongsun Lan looked at the bench players in front of her, her expression changed, and it turned out that Feng Lin was sitting on top.

For some reason, she had blind confidence in Feng Lin. Since he was sitting on it, did he also want to play?

At this moment, most of the students in the auditorium are impatient.

Most of the people here are from Yangshi University, and it is understandable to lose on their home court.

But it's all play, tease, even insult.

The ball was passed back and forth by several members of the Jiangbei team, and the people in Yangshi ran back and forth as if they were being walked with a dog.

"Made! How embarrassing! I won't read it!"

A young man in the auditorium stood up and was about to leave.

"Trash school, what are you pretending to be? Maybe tomorrow morning, the news will be full of cynicism."

"That's right! Few of them know how to play football, yet they still hold this kind of competition."


The audience at the scene began to leave in large numbers, and the people on Gongsun Lan's side all noticed it.

Several TV stations in Yangshi are afraid to shoot the audience anymore.

I can only bite the bullet and shoot the game.

Another goal!

Liu Wen ran to the reporter this time, picked up the microphone and said, "Just now that bench player in Yangshi said he was very good, and even said my skills were rubbish in public, why didn't he dare to play!?"

When he said the last sentence, he almost roared, and everyone heard it.

All of a sudden, several cameras were all aimed at Feng Lin.

But he found that he was leaning on the chair at the moment, closing his eyes and resting his mind, as if he had fallen asleep.

"Haha! He still calls Liu Wen rubbish like that, he doesn't know how to write rubbish."

"Yes! Come on! Let me see the gap between you and Liu Wen?"


In the auditorium, Liu Wen's supporters raised their middle fingers one after another, making all kinds of taunts.

Feng Lin suddenly became the target of public criticism, and even the students of Yangshi also shouted.

"Go! Go! Go..."

All of them took their anger out on Feng Lin.

The whistle sounded in the arena, and the coach of the Yangshi team decided to change players, and beside the coach was Gongsun Lan.

She strode towards Feng Lin and shook his shoulder vigorously, "Don't sleep, do you want to take that position?"

"Yo, isn't this my wife?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.


Gongsun Lan wanted to beat him up, but at this time, he could only give in, "Yes, if you can save the situation, I will!"

(End of this chapter)

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