My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 55 This Is Already an Insult

Chapter 55 This Is Already an Insult
When Gongsun Lan said this, she regretted it, and she even felt a little ashamed.

To say such shameful words.

Feng Lin nodded secretly, he stretched himself and stood up, "You said that! I want to be a goalkeeper!"

At this time, Gongsun Lan did not veto it.

She nodded vigorously, ran to the coach in a hurry, and told Feng Lin's location.

"Haha! Yangshi has really replaced the bench player, and the position of the goalkeeper!"

"It seems that Yangshi has given up. No matter how strong the goalkeeper is, he can't make up for it. They have already scored so many goals."

Facing the screen, the two hosts talked boastfully.

This is what everyone thinks too.

There are two games in total, and now the first half is only halfway through.

The Jiangbei team has already scored five goals. If you are a goalkeeper, you can defend against all subsequent attacks.

There is no way to reverse the situation!
What's more, there is Liu Wen on Jiangbei's side. No one can say that he can easily defend against his super attack.

Feng Lin stood beside the goalkeeper, with one hand in his trouser pocket, looking at the field with a blank expression.

For a while, the scene suddenly quieted down.

People are waiting for what happens next.

The Yangshi team kicks off!
After passing three people, he was snatched by Liu Wen. He looked at the players with disdain and accelerated crazily.

He needs a complete slap in the face to tell this kid that he is still far from it!
He kicked it out, and the football flew towards the goal.

Outside the court, those who support Liu Wen have already started cheering.

The goalkeeper didn't seem to know it at all, the ball was in front of him, and he was posing with one hand in his trouser pocket.

Liu Wen already raised his hands and started cheering.

But he found that Feng Lin moved suddenly.

He took a step to the left, grabbed the football with one hand, and easily defended it.

one hand!

The other hand is still in the pocket position.

The people who were still cheering stopped for an instant.

It was blocked!

But the next scene directly ignited the arena.

Feng Lin didn't pass the ball to his teammate, but lightly tossed it, threw the football to Liu Wen again, and hooked his fingers at him.

The audience was shocked!

This person is crazy, is he giving away the chance of penalty kick for nothing?
"This man is too arrogant. Liu Wen's strength is fixed-point serve! Within ten meters, he can easily hit any position!"

"Yeah! It was just luck that I was able to block it just now."


The hosts all sided with Liu Wen, thinking that Feng Lin was here to make trouble.

"Stinky boy! That's not how you pretend to be beeping!"

Liu Wen took a few steps back, accelerated suddenly, and kicked the football out.

The position of the football this time is the upper corner of the goal. Even if you want to catch this kind of ball, you need to jump up.

But Feng Lin remained expressionless, with one hand in his trouser pocket, he took a few steps to the right.

Raising one hand, the football seemed to have eyes, and it fell directly into Feng Lin's hands.

This move left people outside the arena speechless.

Everyone could see clearly that the moment Liu Wen kicked, Feng Lin had already moved.

It seems that he knows where the football will appear!
Once is luck!What about the second time?

The audience outside the stadium all held their breath and didn't say a word.

At this moment, Feng Lin threw the football to Liu Wen again, he hooked his fingers, and then put his hands in his trouser pockets.

What kind of concept is this, isn't he going to use his hands?
This is already insulting!
In contrast, Yangshi's humiliation just now was nothing at all.

"Haha! Interesting! Interesting!"

Liu Wen's face was distorted. Now it's a live broadcast, and this person is obviously attacking everything about him.

He charged with the ball, and this time, he kicked it out from a distance of five meters.

Even a world-class goalkeeper cannot easily prevent this distance.

What's more, Feng Lin belittled himself and didn't use his hands.

Feng Lin made a sudden movement, and with a golden hook upside down, he kicked the oncoming football.

His body turned somersaults in the air and stood firmly on the ground.

The soccer ball passed through Liu Wen's ears instantly like a shot bullet.


At this moment, even the sound of birdsong has disappeared.

what happened?
At a distance of five meters, he didn't need both hands to defend.

How can it be?

Feng Lin looked calm, this is the limitation of football.

Football is the fastest, just at that speed.

Even Superman can't score a goal in front of Feng Lin, because when the strength is strong enough, the football will be kicked instantly.

As long as the football is not broken, Feng Lin can easily block that kind of strength and speed.

"Aww! Feng Lin! Feng Lin!"

In the quiet auditorium, Jiang Ling suddenly stood up and shouted, waving his arms.

The students in Yang City were instantly ignited and cheered.

So handsome!
"Haha! Let you insult us! Do you really think our school has no masters?"

"Yeah! I finally know why he slept, because this game is too rubbish to deserve people's attention!"

"Which department is this person from? He looks so handsome! I don't know if he has a girlfriend!"


The students in Yang City praised him excitedly, and many women were infatuated with asking for information.

University women no longer have the innocence and innocence of ordinary students.

When they fall in love, they must think about the future.

If a person like Feng Lin enters the national team in the future, even if he is a bench player, he will earn more money than he can spend.

Not to mention he is so handsome!

The current scene made the two hosts a little embarrassed.

However, in order to prove that they did not misread, they remained stubborn.

"I didn't expect Yangshi to have such a master, but there is no way, no matter how strong a goalkeeper is, he can't reverse it!"

"Yes! They have already scored five goals."


Everyone knows the ending, but Yang City Sports Bureau and the school are also relieved.

In this game, even if you lose, you won't be ashamed.

With Feng Lin here, that's enough!

"Haha! Gongsun, who is this student? Take the time to introduce him!"

The senior executives of the Sports Bureau laughed loudly, and did not forget to glance at the bald head beside him.

Embarrassing the bald head.

"Okay! I happen to know this student." Gongsun Lan nodded with a smile.

In the meantime, tee off again.

The Jiangbei team began to cooperate, shooting Feng Lin continuously, exhausting his energy.

Suddenly, Feng Lin rushed out of the penalty area with the ball.

He knows the rules, and the goalkeeper can also shoot, but outside the penalty area, he cannot touch the ball with both hands.

"What? How dare he rush out of the penalty area? Isn't this a reward?"

"Yeah! Although he is very strong, his teammates are too good. If no one guards the goal, he will lose!"


The corners of Liu Wen's mouth twitched slightly, is he still pretending?Let me slap you in the face this time.

He growled, "Everyone else is trash, use five people to stop him!"

All of a sudden, five people rushed from all directions, completely surrounding Feng Lin.

Feng Lin took the ball and shuttled in front of these people. The football on his body was like an elf with open eyes.

Can't take it away at all.

Feng Lin shot the goal suddenly, the opponent's goalkeeper didn't pay attention, and the goal had already been scored.

(End of this chapter)

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