My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 58 The Death of Zhou Qu

Chapter 58 The Death of Zhou Qu
After Feng Lin stepped into the manor, he immediately noticed the crowd in the distance.

There were only a dozen of them, in suits, scattered around.

These people gave Feng Lin a different feeling.

Among them, the most striking one was a middle-aged man with a beard.

His hair and beard are already gray, and he is also wearing a suit, holding a watering can, and watering flowers by the garden.

This man is a master!

"Hahaha! Mr. Feng Lin, you are finally here!"

Zhang Yushan and Zhou Qu walked towards Feng Lin together.

Compared to Zhang Yushan, Zhou Qu is much tougher. He has been drinking Feng Lin's potion for the past few days, and his body has gradually recovered.

"I brought something."

Feng Lin held up the Chinese medicine in his bag, and asked with a smile, "When will we do it?"

"Now! Only those who poisoned me will stand up after I die," Zhou Qu said in a deep voice.

The three of them all returned to the villa, and Zhou Qu revealed his plan.

After a while, he will use the reason of recommending Zhang Yushan to call his two sons and grandchildren over.

In front of them, die here.

Feng Lin took out the herbs and put them on the table.

There are two parts, one of which clears the blood from the body and is released from the mouth and nose.

The second dose can make people in a severe coma and the heart is still.

Using the principle of acupuncture and moxibustion, people enter a state of suspended animation.

This kind of medicine is like a top-level anesthetic, and it is used for disembowelment operations.

"Okay! When will it happen?" Zhou Qu asked.

"It will start to take effect in 10 minutes, and the onset will start in about 10 minutes." Feng Lin explained.

"Then I'll call now!"

Zhou Qu took out his phone and walked outside.

Feng Lin looked around, and was about to go to the room on the second floor to hide for a while. He and Zhou Nian and Zhou Xiang had met each other.

His appearance will cause unnecessary trouble.

Feng Lin used the kitchen here to cook the medicinal materials in a pot for Zhou Qu to swallow.

The next moment, he felt his blood qi surge up, his heart speed up, and his originally normal complexion gradually became sick.

"I'll leave it to you, I'll wait on the second floor."

Feng Lin walked up the stairs and entered the room on the second floor.

He opened the door a gap, and he could observe the sofa downstairs from here.

A few minutes later, four people walked into the villa, and they gave people a kind of pressure from the superiors.

Anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see that their identities are not simple.

Headed by two middle-aged men, both wearing suits.

One of them had a cropped cut and a mustache, and his face had a sunny look, and Zhou Xiang was following him.

The other person wears glasses, looks a bit feminine, and has a scholarly air about him.

Behind him, Zhou Nian followed.


Two middle-aged men walked in with smiles on their faces and looked around.

"Hahaha! Old Zhang, you probably don't even know each other, right? The eldest is Zhou Lei, and the second is Zhou Yu." Zhou Qu introduced with a smile.

"It's really changed a lot. When I left, Zhou Lei was not yet 20 years old. Now his son is so old."

Supporting himself with a cane, Zhang Yushan looked at the middle-aged man with a mustache.

"Uncle Zhang, this is my son, Zhou Xiang."

Zhou Lei grinned grinningly, and then pulled Zhou Xiang forward.

"Hello, Grandpa Zhang!"

Zhou Xiang nodded very respectfully.

Zhang Yushan nodded with a smile, and then turned his gaze to Zhou Yu, "You are the second child, right? You should have been a student back then, so I don't have much impression of you."

"Uncle Zhang is right. When you left, I was still in high school in other places."

Zhou Yu nodded with a smile, and then introduced her daughter.

Feng Lin observed the behavior of several people from the crack of the door.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. The time should be almost up. After Zhou Qu fell, the most real appearance of the two was.

"You guys should have heard that my body has recovered in the past two days, and I want to have a big game with Lao Zhang, so I signed a contract."

Zhou Qu looked at the two sons with a smile. Suddenly, he coughed and continued, "I'll let you guys come this time..."

"Dad! You..."

Zhou Qu was interrupted by Zhou Yu before he finished speaking.

He raised his trembling hand and pointed at Zhou Qu's face.

"what happened?"

Zhou Qu touched his nose strangely, and found that his hands were stained with blood.

Then, he coughed violently, coughing up blood.

"Dad! What's the matter with you?"



The crutch in Zhou Qu's hand fell to the ground, and he also collapsed on the sofa.

"Come on! Quick! Call my personal doctor, quick!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yushan hurriedly leaned on crutches and walked outside, his voice was so loud that he was hoarse.

Inside the villa, only the four members of the Zhou family were left.

Zhou Nian's expression was a little crazy, she hurriedly knelt down in front of the sofa and grabbed Zhou Qu's wrist.

Then press on his heart.

The next moment, her expression was dull, tears streaming down her face, "Grandpa, he...he has no heartbeat!"

"What? It was fine just now!"

Zhou Lei roared angrily, and he hurriedly put his hand on the position of his heart, and there was indeed no movement.

The feigning death on TV is all lies, those people have a problem with their brains.

Just put your hand in front of your nose to see if you're breathing.

Little do they know that human breathing can be faked.

But the heartbeat and pulse cannot. Even if you are seriously injured and unconscious, your heart will still beat.

Because people can't stop their heartbeat.

"Grandpa has been in good spirits for the past few days, isn't it... a flashback?"

Zhou Xiang asked tremblingly from the side.

"Back to Nima's egg! Get out!"

Zhou Lei suddenly turned his head, kicked Zhou Xiang in the stomach, and kicked him to the ground.

Zhou Xiang stood up clutching his stomach, lowered his head, and dared not speak out.

"Brother, don't be too sad!"

Zhou Yu took off his glasses, wiped his eyes, and said softly.

"Quick! Quick!"

At the same time, Zhang Yushan brought five or six people in doctor's clothes.

A few of them rushed in and put the instruments on Zhang Yushan's body.

All instruments show life still.

"How is it?" Zhang Yushan came over and asked in a deep voice.

"The head of the house has no signs of life. If it is a simple cardiac arrest, it can be treated within a few minutes, but this gentleman spurted blood before he died, which is brain death."

One of the elderly doctors took off his stethoscope and said with his head down.

"Get out! Get out all of them!"

Zhang Yushan let out a low growl, and slumped down on the sofa.


These doctors packed up their instruments and all left here.

Throughout the villa, only the sound of choking can be heard, that person is Zhou Nian.

"Oh! Old man Zhou, why did you die before me!" Zhang Yushan shook his head and sighed.

Feng Lin observed through the crack of the door, smiled and shook his head.

It really is the old fox, his acting skills are amazing.

But the same was true of his two sons, who both shed tears and did not see heresy in them.

Could it be... a camera?

Feng Lin found the camera above the hall, shrugged helplessly, and missed a link, he would have known that he would have faked his death outside.

(End of this chapter)

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