My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 59 Scumbag 1 Dragon

Chapter 59 The scumbag is one-stop (remember to save it)

"Uncle Zhang, don't be too sad. My mother died early, and my father raised us all by himself. He is tired enough, and it's time for him to rest."

Zhou Lei rubbed his eyes and comforted softly.

"By the way, Uncle Zhang, I just heard from my dad that he signed a contract with you. What is that?"

Zhou Yu put on the glasses again, walked over and asked.

"Oh! What a sarcasm!"

Zhang Yushan supported his arm with a cane. He pointed to the documents on the cabinet faintly, "That's the contract! Exactly two copies, please take a look."

Zhou Lei and Zhou Yu nodded, walked over to each of them, and each took a copy.

For a moment, the eyes of the two changed at the same time, and they saw the signature and fingerprints at the end of the contract.

Proof that the contract has come into effect.

On it are two old men who signed a will contract with each other.

Whoever dies first, the assets in their hands will be divided equally among the family members.

But the shares are going to the living.

After that, the living person will test the two sons and distribute the shares reasonably.

Of course, there is a time limit for holding shares, and it is also to prevent another old man from stealing the house.

After half a year, the equity will be transferred to the family members.

In other words, Zhou Qu is dead now.

The 20.00% stake in his hand will be temporarily handed over to Zhang Yushan for safekeeping.

"Uncle Zhang, what do you mean by the right to manage corpses?"

Zhou Yu read the entire contract and asked in puzzlement.

"Lao Zhou and I come from the same village, and we both thought, whoever dies first, let the other one bury him in the village, and let the fallen leaves return to their roots."

Zhang Yushan sighed helplessly, "I didn't expect that I just signed the contract this morning, and now..."

"Uncle Zhang, where is that village? We also want to go to the grave every year." Zhou Lei asked with his head down.

"Don't worry, I'll get someone to contact me right away and I'll let you know."

Zhang Yushan covered his face and said to several people: "You guys go back with a contract. The family property belongs to you. Brothers can discuss it. I want to be alone."

When they heard the eviction order, they didn't dare to continue disturbing. They glanced at Zhou Qu lying on the sofa, and they all left crying.

After they left, Feng Lin walked down the stairs.

He took out the silver needles from his body and stabbed them several times on the gate of life.


Lying Zhou Qu suddenly gasped and started to breathe.

After a few times, he gradually opened his eyes.

"Hahaha! Did it feel like death just now?"

Zhou Qu's face gradually returned to normal, and he slumped on the sofa with a smile, "Old man Zhang, you didn't tell me, did you?"

"How is it possible? Are you doubting my acting skills? If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Feng Lin."

While joking around, Zhang Yushan gained a new understanding of Feng Lin's medical skills.

Just relying on the means just now, it is not possible for those quacks to do it.

"The acting skills are really good. If the relationship between the two is overplayed, it will make people suspicious. Mr. Zhang's performance is very good, neither deep nor shallow."

Feng Lin sat on the sofa, touched his nose, and asked with a smile: "Now that your son knows you are dead, what are you going to do?"

"I have had people secretly install cameras and bugs in their house, as well as mine."

Zhou Qu brought over the laptop on the side, "What we need to do now is to see their reactions when they go home."

"Do you really dare to see it?"

Feng Lin couldn't help asking, sometimes, knowing the truth, he could only shed tears.

Human nature is the most vulnerable.

"Then what is it, I have seen it all."

Zhou Qu shook his head with a smile, and switched the screen to his own manor first.

Finding that only Zhou Nian had returned to the manor, she sat crying on the sofa in the hall, covering her head with a pillow.

"Oh! I'm so pitiful for this girl. Among the family members, I only know that she is the most filial."

Zhou Qu looked at Zhou Nian on the screen and sighed deeply.

Suddenly, Zhou Nian sat up from the sofa, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Feng Lin's phone rang while standing here.

"Sir, don't reveal your secrets!"

Zhou Qu hastily reminded that if you want to deceive the enemy, the first thing you need to do is to deceive your own people.

If Lin couldn't help but say it, it might be wasted.

"Don't worry! My acting skills are not bad, let's go first."

Feng Lin waved at the two of them, and left the manor. After walking outside, he pressed the answer button, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Can you come out for a while? I want to have a meal with you." Zhou Nian's voice was a little choked up.

"Forget it, I'm very busy, I..."

"My grandpa is dead!"

Zhou Nian suddenly shouted from the opposite side.

"Who are you lying to? I was fine this morning."

Feng Lin said with a smile, he could clearly hear the crying on the other side, and suddenly asked, "Come and pick me up at my house."


Feng Lin returned to his home by car, but Su Yun and Yun Miao were not there.

He retrieved the previous video through the camera.

It was found that the two of them walked along the wall behind the community and jumped into the mountain outside the wall.

Obviously for training.

The strength of the two is about the same. Doing this can improve their combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

After a while, Zhou Nian appeared in front of the house, she was still in the same dress as before, her eyes were red like light bulbs.

"Let me treat you to dinner today."

Looking at her soulless eyes, Feng Lin sighed helplessly.

Zhou Nian nodded lightly, without saying a word, she followed behind Feng Lin, just silently wiping away her tears.

Feng Lin took Zhou Nian to Wei Xiuli's restaurant, where there was a private room, and it was very quiet.

When he came to the restaurant, he found that only Wei Han was here.

"Where's your mother?"

Feng Lin walked in and asked, he looked around, and it was as deserted as before.

"Go out and buy."

Wei Han looked at the delicate girl behind Feng Lin, who was still crying, and suddenly became contemptuous, making a "tsk tsk" sound.

"What are you doing in a daze? Serve me food! Two more bottles of mineral water."

Feng Lin rubbed Wei Han's head, and went to the private room beside him.

This is a small shop with only one private room.

"I want to drink beer!"

Zhou Nian said suddenly, his eyes returned to their former indifference.

Feng Lin took a look and sighed softly, "Okay, two bottles of beer."

"I want to drink white, three bottles!"

After Zhou Nian finished speaking to Wei Han, he walked into the private room.

Feng Lin hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Do as she says."

After that, he went to prepare the ingredients.

"Feng Lin! I won't let you succeed!" Wei Han glared at Feng Lin and said to himself.

She has seen this kind of situation a lot in novels, taking advantage of a woman's sadness, then getting her drunk, and then doing those wretched things.

It's a complete waste of scumbags.

The two sat in the private room, Zhou Nian picked up a bottle of white wine and blew on it.

The hot taste went down her throat and reached her stomach in an instant. The pain was so painful that she coughed violently.

"Drink too much!" Feng Lin frowned.

"I'm a drinker."

Zhou Nian suddenly raised his head and smiled, his eyes were blurred and his cheeks were red.

(End of this chapter)

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