I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 100 One Semester Flies So Quickly

Chapter 100 A Semester Flies So Quickly (Subscribe)
This final exam is very important to Liangqian, because there is another opponent, Lin Pengpeng.

Of course there is Xiao Fan, and the lovely Mo Ran, I want to surpass them and win No.1!
But for Xiao Fan, this time is a turnaround, success or failure depends on one move!
Lin Pengpeng is also fully prepared to win the first place, and is even more prepared to be the class monitor in the next semester. Liangqian will definitely be very angry at that time, it is interesting to think about it.

Mo Ran is not interested in their battle of grades, he just hopes that Liangqian can perform normally.

With the end of the final exams, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and now they can only look forward to the day when the results will be released.

February 2rd, today is an important day.

In the classroom of class 704, the students are all waiting for their results.

Mo Ran looked at Liangqian beside her, poking her hands all the time. Sitting behind Liangqian's house, Xiao Fan's face was tense, listening to the song and relaxing. Lin Pengpeng, who was sitting behind Xiao Fan, was careless, but deep in his eyes seemed to be Also a little nervous.

As the head teacher walked into the classroom, the noisy classroom instantly quieted down. The grades announced by the teacher were linked to the lucky money.

But the sharp-eyed students noticed that the head teacher walked in with a smile today, which was completely different from the midterm exam.

It seems that the whole class did well in the exam.

Teacher Yang stood on the podium and smiled slightly: "Everyone, everyone did well in the exam this time. The total score of our class ranks first among several key classes!"

Following Teacher Yang's announcement, the students immediately cheered. It seems that everyone's scores are very high.

"And, the top five of the whole grade are also in our class."

Xiao Fan's eyes lit up!
There are five!I, Xiao Fan, should be the only one this time!
Mo Ran doesn't want to win this time, as long as he wins Lin Pengpeng behind him!
"No.5, Xiao Fan, this time the improvement is huge!"

Xiao Fan was still thinking just now, but Teacher Yang's words instantly shattered Xiao Fan's hope, and he was in a bad mood.

Lin Pengpeng, who was sitting in the back, joked and laughed: "Yo, twelve is not bad, this time I got fifth in the exam."

Lin Pengpeng's nickname for Xiao Fan is now widely used in the class.

"Tch, maybe you will become twelve this time."

"That's impossible. I'm either number one or number two."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Teacher Yang continued to read: "Lin Pengpeng, you did very well in the exam, ranking fourth in the whole grade."

Lin Pengpeng, who was still confident just now, twitched his mouth, he was actually the fourth child? ? ?There is no mistake! ! !

"Hahahahaha!!!" Seeing Lin Pengpeng's dumbfounded expression, Xiao Fan laughed out loud.

Teacher Yang frowned: "Student Xiao Fan, what's so funny about this?"

"Oh, you did worse than me in the exam, and you still laugh at me." Lin Pengpeng cut, this person must be out of his mind.

Liangqian's breathing became short of breath, and she clutched Mo Ran's sleeve tightly, thinking in her heart that she should not be the third or the third.

"No.3 this time is a bit unexpected, Hao Lei!"

"Here!" Hao Lei yelled.

"I did a good job this time."

"Mr. Yang, I usually keep a low profile. I won't say anything. This time I have a showdown at the end of the semester. I'm also a top student."

What Hao Lei said made Teacher Yang amused. If it was changed to before, there would definitely be a deadly look.

Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng looked at Hao Lei at the same time, this kid couldn't have copied it, could he?He actually did better than us in the exam, and I didn't see him taking the class very seriously.

"No.2 Mo Ran."

Upon hearing Mo Ran's name, the students were taken aback for a moment, thinking that Mo Ran was No.1 again, but they didn't expect to be No. [-] this time.

Liangqian looked at Mo Ran in doubt, as if asking, why did you pass the No.2 exam?
"The number one in the grade this time is our class monitor, Liangqian!" After Teacher Yang took the lead in applauding, Mo Ran also turned her head and applauded with a smile, and said softly, "I'll just say you can take the first place in the exam."

Liangqian was stunned, she really didn't expect that she would be the first in the exam, it was too unexpected.

Looking at Mo Ran's smile, he didn't let him do it, did he?
"Everyone, please pay attention to safety during the winter vacation. Have a good year, and we will continue to work hard next year!" Teacher Yang looked at all the students softly. This year's students are pretty good, especially those top students.

School gate.

"Brother Mo, what are your plans for the winter vacation?" Hao Lei asked curiously.

Mo Ran chuckled and said, "Work to make money."

"How about we go on a trip for a few days?" Liu Yizhe suggested.

Lin Pengpeng immediately raised his hand in agreement: "Okay, where are you going? Africa?"

Everyone looked at Lin Pengpeng with strange eyes, you are probably a fool.

"Let's talk, let's go first." Mo Ran said with a light smile.

"Brother Mo, sister-in-law Mo, go slowly."

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't participate in group activities, you two lone wolves." Lin Pengpeng teased Mo Ran and Liang Qian.

Mo Ran has to work part-time, and Liang Qian will go to her grandfather's house tomorrow, so she can't participate in group activities.

When the two got on the bus, Mo Ran asked curiously, "Why do you look unhappy after taking the first place in the exam?"

"Did you take second place on purpose?"

"I'm not a god, and I did it on purpose. What if I do worse than Xiao Fan in the exam." Mo Ran joked.

"You really didn't mean it?" Liang Qian didn't believe it.

"Not really."

Liangqian laughed out loud, she really won against Mo Ran, so happy.

Looking at Liangqian's smile, Mo Ran was also very satisfied. When she was happy, she was also happy.

"By the way, let's get out of the car together later, my parents will let you come to our house for dinner." Although Liangqian was happy, she felt blocked at the thought of being separated from Mo Ran tomorrow.


"I'm leaving tomorrow, are you reluctant?" Liangqian asked curiously, knowing that Mo Ran was reluctant, but she just wanted to hear what Mo Ran said.


Liangqian's face darkened: "What! You allow you to reorganize the language!"

"Hahaha, I can't bear it."

"Hmph, if you're willing, I'll blow you up." Liang Qian raised her fist, don't underestimate me, the champion of the youth group!

Mo Ran asked back, "Are you willing?"

"Of course I'm willing, I'm used to you." Liangqian covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

As the number of people on the bus decreased, Liangqian leaned on Mo Ran's shoulder and said softly, "One-sixth of high school is over."

"Yeah, a semester is over soon."

"Where do we go to study in college?" Liang Qian asked curiously.

Moran paused, stroked Liangqian's hair and said, "You can go wherever you want."

"You mean, you will follow me wherever I want to go?" Liang Qian raised her head and looked at Mo Ran with a smile.


"Then you are such a little follower."

"Forget it, don't follow."

"Hey, hey~ Come on, without you by my side, I don't feel safe now." Liang Qian pouted her small mouth, looking at Mo Ran pitifully, full of coquetry.

(End of this chapter)

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