I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 99 To be separated for 1 month

Chapter 99 I'll Be Separated For One Month

Could it be that the one who plays the leading role is the opponent that the son mentioned?It feels like that.

But soon, Xiao Dingtian was also overwhelmed by this funny plot.

Especially Hao Lei, who played the fairy, exhausted his mana with that sentence, and Cinderella's stupid face made the audience burst into laughter.

It simply subverts the cognition of Cinderella.

Of course, there is the last sentence of Mo Ran, why have you been so dark since I haven't seen you for a day?
Amidst the laughter of the students, the skit ended.

The New Year's Day party is coming to an end, and everyone is ready to go home.

Xiao Fan ran away in a big car, Lin Pengpeng and his mother went home in a double R, and even Liang Qian went home in a BMW.

Only Mo Ran rode his bicycle home alone, without Liangqian's company, that feeling of loneliness seemed to strike.

Today, because of New Year's Day, I asked for leave and didn't play the piano. Recently, the business of the western restaurant is getting better and better. It seems that many people like to listen to myself playing the piano.

This feeling is really good.

But seeing their parents sitting under the stage today, and he couldn't get his grandpa to sit under the stage, Mo Ran felt quite useless.

In the future, I must let my grandfather sit upright and watch me.

The cold wind blows on Mo Ran's firm face, no matter whether the road ahead is dark or bright, Mo Ran will keep walking.

The next day was Sunday, Mo Ran came to Liangqian's house early in the morning, and had breakfast with Liangqian's family as usual.

"The Cinderella you performed yesterday was so interesting, how did you come up with it?" Liang Liang asked curiously while drinking milk.

"Yeah, my stomach hurts from laughing." Ye Xueqing thinks about it now, and thinks it's quite funny.

Liangqian smiled coquettishly: "Actually, we didn't think too much about it, so we added a little bit of drama to our character, and it turned out like this."

"Then you are really talented." Ye Xueqing clapped his hands and laughed.

Liang Liang put away her smile and said seriously: "New Year's Day is over, and the final exam is coming soon, both of you have to work hard."

"Dad, don't worry, I'll overtake him to take the first place this time." Liang Qian patted Mo Ran on the shoulder, looking like a good buddy.

Mo Ran gave a low laugh.

Ye Xueqing said softly: "When you finish the exam, I will take you to grandpa's place to celebrate the new year."

"Go to grandpa's house? Are you going right after the exam? Are you in such a hurry?" Liangqian asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, let's go there first, and your dad will come over then."

"Then I'll go to Grandpa's house with Dad." Liang Qian didn't want to be separated from Mo Ran after the exam. After all, after going to Grandpa's house, they would not see each other for a month. For the couple in love, too painful.

Although Mo Ran's expression didn't change, he was also reluctant in his heart. I'm afraid we can only meet each other when school starts.

Liang Liang said in a deep voice: "I'm going on a business trip, you don't feel at ease staying at home alone, you follow your mother to grandpa's house first."

Liangqian really wanted to fight for it, but she was afraid that if she wanted to stay too much, her parents would doubt something.

So it can only be the default.

"Look at your expression, you don't want to be with your mother so much, do you just like being your father's little padded jacket?" Ye Xueqing joked.

Liang Liang thought that his daughter wanted to be close to him, but who knew that this little padded jacket was air-leakage.

Liangqian helplessly spread her hands.

After breakfast, the two went upstairs to study.

Liangqian sighed, "Mo Ran, will you miss me?"

"Yeah." Moran nodded.

"Let's run away."

Moran: "..."

"Look at your unwilling expression, hum!"

To be honest, when Liangqian talked about elopement just now, Mo Ran was thinking about what grandpa should do.

"Isn't there QQ? We can chat." Mo Ran said softly.

Liangqian sighed heavily: "My grandfather is very strict, if you go in, you can't get out."



"It's so scary." Mo Ran clicked his tongue.

Liangqian held back her mouth: "So we have to cherish each other, because we won't see each other for a month."

"Oh." Mo Ran sighed softly.

"Sigh." Liangqian also sighed, the Chinese New Year was supposed to be happy, but the two young people couldn't be happy.

After a while, Mo Ran reminded: "Okay, study hard first, Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng have worked very hard these days, if they are compared by the two of them, I don't know how to be embarrassed."

"Yes, this Pengpeng turned against me right away, really." Liangqian chuckled thinking about it, but in fact it was not turning against me, it was just bickering, but Lin Pengpeng had already allowed Liangqian to call her Pengpeng.

Mo Ran also smiled.

Liangqian said seriously: "Mo Ran, let me tell you, if I'm not here, you have to be more honest, you know!"

"Okay, I guard myself like a jade." Mo Ran smiled wryly and shook her head.

"Then you tell me too."

"say what?"

"What do you say, what I just told you."

Mo Ran chuckled and said, "I believe in you."

"Oh, don't do it, I'll be happy if you just say it."

"Okay, okay, please pay attention to me, don't talk to other boys, you can't even look at them! Or your legs will be broken!"

"Oh~ I know~"

Mo Ran pretended to come here, immediately annoyed Liangqian, she was simply in need of cleaning up.

Liang Liang downstairs heard the commotion upstairs, and asked suspiciously, "What are they doing? There's such a big commotion."

Ye Xueqing, who was in charge of sanitation, said with a smile: "Qianqian must be causing trouble."

Liang Liang chuckled and continued to read the newspaper.

When Mo Ran came home that night, he heard from his grandfather that it would snow at night.

Mo Ran thought for a moment, if it really snowed, it would definitely not be possible to ride a bicycle, and with the recent ice, it is not safe to ride a bicycle.

When he came to the computer, Mo Ran sent a message to Liangqian, telling Liangqian not to ride a bicycle tomorrow, but to take the bus.

The two calculated the time and tried to take the same car.

When Mo Ran turned off the computer and was about to go to bed, it really snowed heavily outside the house. It is rare to see such a heavy snowfall in the south.

The next day, the outside of the house was already white, and it sounded very comfortable to step on the soft snow and make a rustling sound.

According to the agreed time, Mo Ran got on the bus, and when he arrived at the stop by Liangqian, he yelled for the squad leader.

Liangqian, who was waiting for the bus, got on the bus happily, rushed to sit next to Mo Ran, hugged Mo Ran's arm, and leaned on her shoulder.

The main reason was that there was no one on the bus, so Liangqian was so courageous.

But the bus driver glanced at it and lamented that young people are incredible now.

As someone got into the car, Liang Qian was sitting upright, but secretly holding hands with Mo Ran.

"We'll take the bus all this time, okay?" Liang Qian said softly, liking this feeling very much.

Knowing that Liangqian was leaving after the exam, Mo Ran nodded.

Seeing that Mo Ran agreed, Liang Qian started to giggle again, looking at the white snow outside the window, Liang Qian didn't know where her emotions had drifted, maybe after many years, she and Mo Ran were still sitting on the bus like this car.

(End of this chapter)

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