I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 98 Treating boys and girls who have lost their feet

Chapter 98 Treating boys and girls who have lost their feet (first order)

"Working? Working part-time with you, how stupid is that." Lin Pengpeng clicked his tongue a few times, if he hugged Liangqian's thigh tightly, he wouldn't have to worry about eating and drinking.

Liangqian said in a deep voice: "Mo Ran's family situation is different from ours, you and I cannot understand."

"Isn't it poor? I really hope my mother goes bankrupt."

"Then I can be with you every day?" Liang Qian asked back.

Lin Pengpeng rolled his eyes.

After receiving the milk tea, the two girls sat in the shop and chatted.

"My dad is also often away from home. When he is busy, he is not at home for a month, and sometimes for half a year. I can understand how you feel." Liangqian said softly.

Lin Pengpeng didn't speak after hearing this, but looked out of the window, as if he didn't hear it, but in fact he heard it all.

"But they are so busy and want to make money so much, don't they just want to give us a good environment for growth?"

Lin Pengpeng chuckled twice after hearing this: "My mother said what you said."

"Peng Peng..."

"I'm not familiar with you, don't call me Pengpeng." Lin Pengpeng said in a low voice.

"Okay, Lin Pengpeng, let me tell you straight, you play truant, don't you just want to force your mother to come back?!"

Liangqian's words seemed to pierce Lin Pengpeng's heart, and she became excited immediately: "I didn't want to force her! It doesn't matter to me where she wants to go, and it doesn't matter whether she comes back or not!"

The young people around all looked over and thought they were girlfriends at first, but they capsized in an instant.

"I know, the school invited our parents to the New Year's Eve party recently." Liangqian said softly, her parents had already received the invitation, and Lin Pengpeng's mother was not in the country at all, so Liangqian concluded that Lin Pengpeng just wanted to use This trick forced his mother back.

So, why is Lin Pengpeng so depressed during this time, he is not as active as before.

"Fuck! You're never finished, why bother me with so many things!" Lin Peng Peng shouted tenderly, threw the milk tea on the ground and turned to leave.

If Mo Ran is here, why do these words seem so familiar.

Hearing this, Liangqian seemed to see that Mo Ran was very resistant to herself at the beginning, but in the end she didn't do it for herself. Now she is so honest, she doesn't smoke anymore, her academic performance is better, and she has earned money. Prepared for the future.

As the squad leader, he naturally wouldn't give up at this time and followed Lin Pengpeng out.

Lin Pengpeng, who was walking in front, was speechless, and finally found out the frightening thing about this monitor. She seemed to know everything you thought.

"Liangqian, are you sick? Why follow me!"

"I can help you. I guarantee that your mother will come back before New Year's Day, and I can accompany you on New Year's Eve."

Lin Pengpeng stopped, but he still wanted to save face: "I said it all! It has nothing to do with my mother!"

"Forget it. If you don't want to, I can't help it. Goodbye." After saying that, Liangqian actually went back, which Lin Pengpeng didn't expect.

At this moment, Lin Pengpeng was biting his lip, as if he was engaged in an ideological struggle. Seeing Liangqian walking further and further away, Lin Pengpeng cursed himself secretly, and quickly chased after her.

"Squad leader."

Liangqian who walked back showed a confident smile, "I can handle Mo Ran who wants to save face, let alone you, a girl."

"Trust me?" Liangqian turned around and asked.

Lin Pengpeng held back his mouth and said, "I just don't want my mother to release the school pigeons, so that I won't be judged."

"Okay." Liangqian didn't say anything, it was not easy for Lin Pengpeng to admit it.

Seeing that it was almost 8 o'clock, Liangqian took Lin Pengpeng to wait for Mo Ran.

"Is Mo Ran serving dishes here?" Lin Pengpeng asked curiously.

"more or less."

"There is such a beautiful and rich girlfriend, and she still has a fucking job."

Liangqian rolled her eyes: "Mo Ran is different."

"It's because your eyesight is different." Lin Pengpeng spread his hands.

At this time, Mo Ran went downstairs: "Found it?"

"Well, I found it." Liangqian smiled slightly.

Mo Ran glanced at Lin Pengpeng, Lin Pengpeng seemed afraid to meet Mo Ran's gaze, and looked away, it seemed that the first meeting left a shadow in Lin Pengpeng's heart.

As a result, Lin Pengpeng, who is not afraid of anything, is only afraid of Mo Ran.

"Let's go home." Mo Ran whispered.

Liangqian said seriously to Lin Pengpeng: "Don't worry, if I say help you, I will definitely help you."

Lin Pengpeng nodded, indicating that I believe in you.

Mo Ran rode Liangqian in his car, and Lin Pengpeng rode Liangqian's bicycle.

When they came to the gate of the community, Liangqian and Lin Pengpeng went home first, and Mo Ran was a little curious about how Liangqian persuaded Lin Pengpeng. Lin Pengpeng didn't seem to be so convincing.

But the next day, Lin Pengpeng came to school as usual.

During lunch, Mo Ran couldn't help asking: "How did you convince Lin Pengpeng?"

"I can convince her as much as I did in the beginning. Is it difficult?"

Moran: "..."

The New Year's Eve party was held in the auditorium of No. [-] Middle School, and all teachers, students and leaders, including donors, came.

Among them were Liangqian's parents, Liu Yizhe's parents, and of course Xiao Fan's parents.

But still did not see Lin Pengpeng's mother.

At this time, Lin Pengpeng changed his clothes in the backstage, and looked outside from time to time. When Lin Pengpeng looked at the empty seats, Lin Pengpeng felt a surge of anger in his heart, and there was a feeling of standing on the stage and yelling.

"Trust me, your mother will come." Liang Qian kept comforting Lin Pengpeng, and even Xiao Fan didn't bother to prod her.

Lin Pengpeng took a deep breath to calm down the turmoil in his heart. Anyway, he has decided, if he doesn't see her when he comes out, then don't blame me, Lin Pengpeng, for not giving me face!

"Here we come, Lin Pengpeng, is that your mother?" Liu Yizhe shouted, raising his hands to everyone.

Excited, Lin Pengpeng took the lead to rush over to take a look. When seeing his mother greet the people around him, Lin Pengpeng bit his lips tightly.

"Let me just say, your mother will definitely come." Liangqian smiled lightly.

Lin Pengpeng snorted softly: "Come on, come on, who cares about her."

He said so, but his eyes never left his mother.

Mo Ran gave Liangqian a thumbs up at this time. As expected of the class monitor, he is good at saving teenagers who have stumbled.

Lin Hong from the audience also rushed back in a hurry, almost breaking his promise again.

Peng Peng has a good monitor, he is responsible.

"Next, we invite Class 704 to bring a sketch, Cinderella." After the host finished speaking, everyone got ready, just like the rehearsal that day.

Lin Hong looked at her integrated daughter on the stage, feeling guilty, but also happy. Fortunately, there are so many friends around her.

Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing laughed when they saw their daughter playing the stepmother. These kids are really talented in comedy.

Xiao Dingtian never expected that his son would play a soldier instead of a leading actor?
(End of this chapter)

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