I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 97 Lin Pengpeng plays truant

Chapter 97 Lin Pengpeng plays truant (subscribe)

Sure enough, when Wang Jianguo heard this, his expression changed.

Mo Ran didn't know at all, but according to Grandpa Yan's meaning, Grandpa seemed to have a secret, what was Grandpa hiding?Still say hide for a lifetime?

Could it be the enemy?
"Get out!" Wang Jianguo shouted angrily.

"Get out, get out, look at how cowardly you are, Mo Ran, don't be like your grandpa." Yan Guoqiang walked out of the house after saying that.

Mo Ran definitely had to give it away, two old grandpas in their [-]s actually had a quarrel, and he and Liang Qian had never had such a quarrel.

"Mo Ran, come back to me, leave him alone!" Wang Jianguo shouted in the room.

Mo Ran was so helpless, he could only shout towards him: "Grandpa Yan, please go slowly."

Back home, Mo Ran watched his grandfather drinking, and quickly put away the wine: "Grandpa, drink less, you are already drunk."

"I'm not drunk, give me a drink." Wang Jianguo said in a deep voice.

Mo Ran seldom listened to his grandfather's tone. It seemed that what Grandpa Yan said just now was not a good memory for him.

Mo Ran also wanted to know why, but forget it, Grandpa will naturally say it when he wants to.

"The last glass, drink it, wash off and sleep." Mo Ran poured a glass for Grandpa, and then put the bottle away.

Holding the wine glass, Wang Jianguo had a deeply complicated expression, pain flashed in his eyes, and there was a deep sense of guilt.

Mo Ran was doing hygiene at the side, and the grandfather and grandson also fell silent.

"Study hard and go to bed." After a while, Wang Jianguo said softly, dragging his tired body into the small room next to him.

Mo Ran sighed slightly, Grandpa had a secret that he couldn't tell.

Originally, I wanted to share today's events with my grandfather, but it seems that it will be another day, and my grandfather is not in a good mood.

Mo Ran woke up the next day and found that grandpa hadn't woken up yet, so he helped grandpa prepare the steamed buns and went out to school.

"Mo Ran, why do you feel like you are unhappy today?" Liangqian who was riding a bicycle asked curiously.

Mo Ran smiled: "It's nothing, I'm just a little worried about Grandpa."

"What's wrong with grandpa?" Liangqian asked with concern.

"It's okay, I just have something on my mind."

"Grandpa has something on his mind? What's on his mind?"

Mo Ran sighed softly: "If only I knew."

Liangqian pursed her lips, not knowing how to help Mo Ran.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, it will be New Year's Day in a few days, let's rehearse it then."

"Well, but I feel that Lin Pengpeng has been weird recently, and he doesn't talk much."

"You're the class monitor, haven't you done home visits too?" Mo Ran teased, when he ran to his home, he was plausible, so he already had thoughts about himself.

Speaking of the last home visit, Liangqian was a little shy, as if her secret had been discovered by Mo Ran.

But I also think what Mo Ran said is right, Lin Pengpeng is not bad in nature.

When she came to school, Liangqian planned to have a chat with Lin Pengpeng, but after class, Lin Pengpeng hadn't come yet.


No one came, so the class teacher naturally wanted to inform the parents. Lin Hong also had a headache when she learned that her daughter was not in school, because she was abroad now, and she was not at home during this time.

"Liangqian, come out." The head teacher shouted from outside the classroom.

Coming to the corridor, Liangqian asked, "Teacher Yang, what's wrong?"

"It's like this. Lin Pengpeng's mother is abroad, and Lin Pengpeng doesn't know where to go. I have time to find someone after school and see where Lin Pengpeng will go." Teacher Yang was also worried. , I thought that Lin Pengpeng had corrected himself during this period of time, but he didn't expect that he would not come to school today.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, I will ask some students to find Lin Pengpeng after school."


Back in the classroom, Liangqian sighed softly.

"what happened?"

"Teacher Yang asked us to look for Lin Pengpeng after school, and her mother is not at home."

Mo Ran nodded: "Then let's look for it after school, she is rebellious."

"It's not just a rebellion, it's a problem girl." Xiao Fan, who was sitting in the back, added that it seemed a little unaccustomed not to scold Lin Pengpeng twice a day.

After school, Liangqian asked the students to pay attention on the way home and go to the Internet cafe and game hall to see if there was Lin Pengpeng.

Because Mo Ran had to go to work, he had to go to work first and then look for it. Liangqian said it was fine, so she went to look for it first.

Walking on the street, Liangqian looked around, wondering where this Lin Pengpeng was going back, he couldn't have been kidnapped by Xiao Fan, right?

Who told her to take tens of millions of luxury cars to school every day, so she can't take the bus?
Suddenly, Liangqian saw a familiar figure running towards her.

Huh!Isn't this Lin Pengpeng!
It's just that there are three men chasing after her!

"Don't run! If you run again, your legs will be broken!"

"Eat a king's meal at such a young age!"

Lin Pengpeng saw the class leader who was in a daze, and grabbed Liangqian's hand: "What are you doing in a daze, run!"

Liangqian didn't know what she had done, so she became Lin Pengpeng's accomplice and was chased by several strong men.

Fortunately, the two girls had great physical strength, and the three strong men gave up.

The two hid in a small alley, Lin Pengpeng leaned on the railing and panted: "Isn't it just ten yuan, as for chasing me for a few blocks?"

"Lin Pengpeng, why don't you come to school?" Liang Qian asked seriously.

Lin Pengpeng turned his head to look at Liangqian, and said, "Don't pretend to be a good person, I won't accept your tricks."

"The students are very worried about you, and everyone is looking for you outside." Liang Qian said while grabbing Lin Pengpeng's wrist.

Lin Pengpeng is not a kind person either, so he retaliated.

Liangqian was taken aback, she didn't expect Lin Pengpeng to dare to fight back, did you buy me as the champion of the youth group?
"Pain, pain, pain, I was wrong, I was wrong." Lin Pengpeng hurriedly begged for mercy.

Liangqian let go of Lin Pengpeng angrily: "What are you going to do?"

Lin Pengpeng loosened his shoulders, held his mouth shut and said, "I'm not doing anything, but going to school is too boring, so come out to get some air."

"Then you should at least take a leave of absence instead of playing missing."

"That's a good idea, thanks."

Liangqian said in a deep voice, "Is it because your mother is often away and has no time to accompany you?"

At this moment, Liangqian obviously felt Lin Pengpeng's whole body was stunned.

But Lin Pengpeng quickly said: "Whether she cares about my business or not, I don't want her to care about it, cut."

"Let's go, I'll treat you to milk tea." As she spoke, Liangqian grabbed Lin Pengpeng's wrist and came to a milk tea shop not far away.

Lin Pengpeng leaned on the counter, looked at the serious Liangqian and smiled, "Squad leader, why are you helping me when I target you so much?"

"School is too boring, I have to find something to do."

The corner of Lin Pengpeng's mouth twitched, he really knew how to learn his own words.

"Why didn't you see Mo Ran with you?"

"He went to work."

(End of this chapter)

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