I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 96 The Past That Shouldn't Be Mentioned

Chapter 96 The Past That Shouldn't Be Mentioned (Please Subscribe)
Of course Mo Ran agreed, he couldn't let Liangqian stand and wait for him for an hour, he would feel sorry for Liangqian.

At six o'clock in the evening, the two came to the western restaurant. Mo Ran put on the prepared clothes and tidied them up. They were really handsome.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the western restaurant is already full of people, and the fragrance permeates the air. It would be great if there is a little piano music now.

"Customers, starting today, there will be a pianist in our store, and the performance time will be from 7 o'clock to 8 o'clock!"

After hearing the broadcast, the customers were also curious. The piano in the middle was finally useful, not a decoration.

At this time, Mo Ran stood up, straightened his clothes and walked towards the piano. Liangqian put down the knife and fork, and looked at the graceful Mo Ran, her eyes almost bent into crescent moons.

Mo Ran, who sat down, didn't talk too much, and played directly. The music he chose was also brisk, which could bring everyone a happy mood.

When everyone heard it, they thought it was good. Although they didn't understand it, it was good enough.

People who know a little bit are even more impressed. It doesn't matter if you are handsome, but you can still play so well, I am really jealous.

Enjoying western food with wonderful music really has a different taste, this is called a western restaurant.

For an hour, Liangqian just propped her chin, looked at Mo Ran's profile, and fell into a nympho state. Of course, she also felt a deep sense of pride in her heart.

I just want to announce loudly that this boy is called Mo Ran, he is my boyfriend, and he will be my husband in the future, hahaha, so shy~
At 8 o'clock, Mo Ran was about to leave work, but the guests couldn't get enough of it and wanted to hear it.

Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Mo Ran changed his style and played a song called "Flight of the Wild Bees", which brought the atmosphere to a climax, and then slipped away.

To keep the unsatisfied guests, some bosses are even willing to pay for Mo Ran to play another song.

Huang Shan's ability to be a manager is also outstanding. Mo Ran's performance is so good for the first time, so naturally he has to make good use of it.

It sounds good, so reserve a seat early, from 7:8 to [-]:[-] every day.

Huangshan felt that the seats from 7 o'clock to 8 o'clock could be sold for money, and the premise depended on how vigorous Mo Ran's fire could be.

Since it was late, Mo Ran was afraid that Liangqian's parents would be worried, so he stopped taking a walk and went home with Liangqian.

"Why are you suddenly upset? I have time to take a walk with you in the future." Mo Ran comforted.

"Well, it's not about walking."

"what is that?"

"I saw you playing the piano on the stage, and there are many girls watching you below."

Mo Ran chuckled, thinking it was something, it turned out to be jealous.

"so what?"

"So you are not allowed to let others know, you can't talk to other girls, or I will be sad." Liangqian said pitifully, pouted, as if Mo Ran didn't want her anymore.

"Little fool, who else can bear my temper except you?"

"That's right, huh!"

Patted Liangqian on the head: "Go home, you are tired today."

"Well, you ride slowly."

"it is good."

After exhorting each other, Mo Ran also rode towards home.

At the entrance of the alley, Mo Ran saw the Audi A6 again. Grandpa Yan is here?

After locking the bicycle, Mo Ran pushed the door open and entered the house. Sure enough, he saw Grandpa and Grandpa Yan drinking. There were three dishes on the table, and there was a piece of peanut shell on the ground.

"Grandpa Yan." Mo Ran called out politely.

"Mo Ran is back, sit down." Yan Guoqiang patted the stool next to him.

Wang Jianguo smiled and said, "Come and sit down, it's okay."

Grandpa said everything, so Mo Ran sat down obediently.

Who knew that Yan Guoqiang picked up the wine and wanted to pour it for himself: "Grandpa Yan, just come by yourself."

"Tsk, I'm coming." Yan Guoqiang said with a chuckle.

Mo Ran picked up the cup with both hands and lifted it up. Both grandpas were drunk.

"Old Yan, Mo Ran is still a student, so don't drink too much." Wang Jianguo said with a light smile.

Yan Guoqiang grinned and said, "At our age, drinking is done in bowls, and boys must be able to drink."

"Grandpa Yan said yes, thank you Grandpa Yan for your help." Mo Ran was bored with one mouthful.

"Look, you still say you don't know how to drink, so bold! You have the look of your grandfather back then." Yan Guoqiang patted the table and drank lightly, and filled Mo Ran again.

Mo Ran is so helpless.

"Old Yan, you are drunk."

"Drunk, drunk, have you ever seen me drunk? That's not enough for me to get stuck between my teeth, isn't it Mo Ran?"

"Grandpa Yan, although the wine is delicious, don't be greedy."

"Hahaha, you kid can talk." Yan Guoqiang patted Mo Ran on the shoulder and smiled.

Taking a sip slightly, Yan Guoqiang said to Mo Ran: "I heard that Mo Ran recently caught a wanted criminal."

How did Grandpa Yan know about this?Could it be grandpa bragging about it?

Wang Jianguo was also taken aback, he didn't mention this matter at all.

"Grandpa Yan, I just happened to see him grabbing an aunt's bag, so I didn't think about it that much."

"It's a bloody man! Did you kill that man with one kick?"

"My grandfather taught me." Mo Ran said modestly.

"Oh, old Wang, have you taught Mo Ran all your skills, so I'm a little moved." Yan Guoqiang joked.

Wang Jianguo frowned: "I'm tempted by your size, but you are not allowed to be tempted!"

"Then I have to ask Mo Ran."

"Grandpa Yan, ask."

"Are you interested in joining the army?" Yan Guoqiang asked curiously.

Before Mo Ran could say anything, Wang Jianguo said in a deep voice, "My family, Mo Ran, is going to go to college in the future and become an intellectual."

"Old Wang, your thinking is backward. Today's soldiers are all intellectuals. I thought it was like ours back then, and they didn't know a single word."

"Anyway, Mo Ran won't be a soldier, you should die!" Wang Jianguo said firmly, he didn't want to see Mo Ran follow his old path.

"Then it depends on Mo Ran's own opinion. What do you think, Mo Ran?"

Mo Ran picked up the wine glass to salute Yan Guoqiang, and sighed: "Thank you, Grandpa Yan, but I still focus on my studies now, and I can still serve the motherland if I get into a good university in the future."

Yan Guoqiang sighed slightly: "It's a pity, Lao Wang, you are pedantic and old-fashioned."

"Go, go, don't think about my family's Mo Ran. There are so many young people, and I am one of many young people."

But Yan Guoqiang didn't give up, and patted Mo Ran on the shoulder: "Mo Ran, if you want to join the army, you can come to Grandpa Yan. Don't listen to your grandpa. If you are a man, you have to be a soldier."

"Old Yan, I think you are drunk, go home quickly, don't worry your son and daughter-in-law."

"You old man, it's fine if you've been hiding all your life, and you want Mo Ran to hide with you!" Yan Guoqiang patted the table and gave a soft drink, finally talking about something he didn't want to mention.

(End of this chapter)

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