I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 95 The teacher is so young and beautiful

Chapter 95 The teacher is so young and beautiful (please subscribe)
"Boy, you can insult me, but don't insult the pianist. Today I will make you pay for your pride!"

Mo Ran seemed to have hit the pianist's sore spot, which made the pianist a little annoyed.

A group of people left the office and came to the center of the restaurant.

The white piano was placed on the table, the varnish was polished to shine, and a sense of elegance filled the scene.

The surrounding employees are also curious about what this is for, the boss and the manager are both there.

The pianist didn't say anything, just walked up to the table and sat down, trying out the tone.

"Mr. Tang, let me introduce myself first. My name is Xiang Tuoshi. I graduated from the Conservatory of Music. I have been learning piano for more than [-] years. I have won the piano champion of the youth group and the piano champion of the civilized community. I have taught countless students."

"A moonlight sonata is for everyone, and for you as a young man!" Xiang Tuoshi gave him a blank look, as if saying that you are not qualified in front of this master!
The long and slender fingers in the neck rest style are quite capitalized, and they sounded with the music.

The Moonlight Sonata is a piece by Beethoven, so it goes without saying that it is difficult to play. This piece is plain but turbulent, at least that's how Mo Ran listened to it on the Internet.

This necklace popped up, but it lacked such a slight artistic conception, just like the song has no soul, it's just purely nice, and it can't make people sink into it.

As the last tone fell, the neckerchief slowly closed his eyes, as if he was still in his own timbre world.

Manager Huang applauded immediately, and the employees next to him applauded together when they saw this, just follow the boss.

Standing up in the neck rest position, bowing towards everyone, I feel that I am in a good state today, and I popped out perfectly.

Tang Xin was a little worried. Mo Ran had helped her, so of course she had to help him.

And Liangqian is very confident in Mo Ran, but Mo Ran is a monster.

Xiangtuo stepped off the stage and looked down at Mo Ran. At this time, you have to admit defeat and leave. You still have a little face.

However, Mo Ran didn't, and went directly to the stage to sit down.

"Croatian Rhapsody for everyone."

Hearing it in Xiangtou style, he immediately wanted to laugh. Even he couldn't play this song perfectly, and the high-pitched artistic conception was very difficult to integrate into.

But when Mo Ran popped up the first paragraph, the contemptuous smile of Xiangtou froze instantly.

An insider looks at the doorway, and the level shown by Mo Ran is only higher than himself!
That kind of natural use, the transition between high-pitched and calm is easy, even including his body language, every detail is graceful like a real master.

The styles of the two songs are completely different, one is calm and the other is passionate.

In the eyes of laymen, they feel that they are evenly divided, but in the eyes of those who know how to do it, Mo Ran has already won.

That kind of calmness is not available in the Xiangtou style.

Tang Xin admired the boy Mo Ran more and more. He was unruffled when facing gangsters, and his piano skills were so high that he might become a pianist in the future.

Mo Ran, who stepped off the stage, said to the necklace: "What you lack is a piece of nature."

Looking at Mo Ran blankly, what he said was exactly the same as the teacher!The teacher also said that he lost his naturalness and calmness, and was too stiff when playing the piano!

I didn't expect this boy to say such a thing!

Necklace took a deep breath: "You are indeed very powerful!"


Judging from this conversation, everyone already knows that the Xiangtou style surrendered.

"Who is your teacher? I really want to visit." Xiang Tuoshi hoped that Mo Ran could introduce him. After all, Mo Ran is so good, the teacher must be even better.

Mo Ran pulled Liang Qian to her side and said, "She is my teacher."

Liangqian looked confused, Mo Ran actually used me as a shield! ! !

"I didn't expect your teacher to be so young and beautiful. Please forgive my rudeness just now. I hope the teacher will not be offended."

Liangqian: "..."

"Don't call me teacher, I don't play well." Liang Qian said quickly.

And Xiangtuo clasped his hands and said: "The teacher is too humble. To be able to teach such a good student, he naturally has extraordinary abilities. If the teacher doesn't dislike it, I would like to be the teacher's student."

Everyone: "..."

How did you become an apprentice all of a sudden?
Liangqian's brains got bigger, and she tore Mo Ran's clothes, blaming you for messing around.

"No, I don't accept students anymore." Liangqian could only bite the bullet and say.

There was a burst of disappointment in Xiangtou style: "I am really unlucky. Every time I meet a good teacher, I can't learn. You are lucky to be able to be taught by such a beautiful teacher. I don't know how long it took you to achieve such an achievement?"

"Have I been studying for two months?" Mo Ran asked Liangqian.

Liangqian said seriously, "Two months and six days."

"What! Such a short time!!! How is this possible! I have been obsessed for 20 years!"

Looking back on the experience of the past 20 years, it is not as good as other people's two months. I feel unwilling, but helpless.

Liang Qian looked pitiful, and said softly, "I play the piano for myself."

Hearing Liangqian's words, Xiangtuoshi was shocked. He always played the piano for others, and never thought that he would play it for himself!

At this moment, the bottleneck that has been blocked for 20 years seems to be broken!
"Teacher! Thank you!" Xiangtuo style bowed to Liangqian and left, he was about to start to meditate after being enlightened.

And the woman who followed also left quietly.

Huang Shan's complexion was not very good-looking, but Tang Xin was very relieved.

"Mo Ran, it's really good and powerful." Tang Xin gave a thumbs up with a smile.

"Aunt Tang won the prize."

"In this way, if you come to play during peak hours every night, you will be given 5000 yuan per month for one hour."

Mo Ran and Liang Qian were overjoyed when they heard this.

But Liangqian seemed to want to help Mo Ran get a higher salary, but was stopped by Mo Ran: "Aunt Tang, I will work hard."

"Then don't neglect your studies. If your academic performance drops, I will fire you." Tang Xin said sternly.

Mo Ran nodded: "Then when will I start working?"

"Today is Christmas Eve, and there will be a lot of people at night."

"Then I'll go to work today." Mo Ran said softly, working early in the morning to make money.

Liangqian on the side thought something was wrong, but when she thought that Mo Ran was only there for an hour and spent the rest of the time with her, she felt a lot more satisfied.

"Okay, Huangshan, make arrangements and prepare a set of clothes." Tang Xin ordered.

How dare Huangshan now have the attitude he had before, treating Mo Ran respectfully.

Everything was arranged properly, and Mo Ran was waiting for seven o'clock in the evening, but it was still early before seven o'clock in the evening, so I could walk around with Liangqian, which was considered a date.

The two discussed it and decided to eat western food in the evening, so that Liangqian could eat while waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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