I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 12 It's Obviously You Said

Chapter 12 It's Obviously You Said
"Ah, Mo Ran hasn't woken up yet."

Wang Jianguo nodded: "Well, I studied late last night."

"Study late???" Liang Qian was shocked, how could Mo Ran study? ? ?
"Yeah, this kid suddenly seems to be sensible."

Liangqian was overjoyed, it seemed that she had successfully rescued a young man who had stumbled.

"Oh, are you Mo Ran's grandfather?" Liang Qianguang asked about Mo Ran's situation, and did not ask Wang Jianguo.

Wang Jianguo nodded with a smile.

"My name is Liangqian, and I'm Mo Ran's monitor." Liangqian hurriedly introduced herself.

"It turned out to be Mo Ran's class monitor. Could it be that Mo Ran caused some trouble in the school?" Wang Jianguo asked worriedly when the class monitor came to his door.

Liangqian shook her head: "No, Mo Ran is doing very well in school."

As the squad leader, he actually covered Mo Ran at this time.

"That's good, come in and sit down, I'll wake Mo Ran up." Wang Jianguo pushed open a wooden door next to him and greeted Liangqian.

"Grandpa doesn't need to be so troublesome."

"You sit down first, and eat fried dough sticks when you're hungry." Wang Jianguo went to the back of the house to call Mo Ran.

While Liangqian looked around, Mo Ran's family conditions were even worse than imagined, studying in such an environment, she could still score more than ten points higher than herself, Mo Ran was really admirable.

Soon, Mo Ran came out from the back room, looking at the beautiful Liangqian, Mo Ran was a little lost in thought...

After all, every time I see Liangqian is wearing a school uniform, this is the first time she is dressed like this, and it really has a different feeling.

"Cough, cough, cough." Wang Jianguo coughed lightly from the side. It's too rude for you, a boy, to stare at other girls so directly.

Liangqian was also a little embarrassed by Mo Ran, didn't she just change a set of clothes?just staring at myself...

Mo Ran came back to his senses, touched his nose and said, "You are really here."

"How do you talk, kid? Treat your classmates well. Grandpa is going out for a walk." Wang Jianguo exhorted and walked out of the house slowly.

"Grandpa, walk slowly and be safe." Liangqian stood up and shouted thoughtfully.

Wang Jianguo turned his head and smiled kindly: "Okay, let's chat."

After Wang Jianguo left, Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm going to wash my face."

"Oh..." Liangqian pursed her lips, and sat quietly by the side waiting, feeling a little nervous... It was her first home visit, and she didn't know what to say.

But seeing Mo Ran's situation this time, Liang Qian could understand a thing or two.

Soon Mo Ran came out with a change of clothes, a white cheap T-shirt, washed a little white jeans, although not very expensive, but wearing it on Mo Ran made him look handsome.

"Have you had breakfast?" Mo Ran sat at the table and asked.


Mo Ran took out a fritter and looked at Liangqian while eating.

Faced with Mo Ran's unscrupulous gaze, Liang Qian was a little flustered, and her pretty face gradually turned rosy.

"Why are you looking at me..." Liang Qian couldn't help asking coquettishly.

"I didn't expect you to come." Mo Ran said seriously, and took a sip of water from the teacup.

Liang Qian said solemnly: "As the class monitor, I have to be responsible to you. I heard that you started studying last night?"

"Boring, I have nothing to do." Mo Ran said indifferently, he didn't expect Grandpa to say this to Liang Qian...
"It's a good thing, it shows that I'm still very successful." Liangqian smiled happily.

Mo Ran said seriously, "Student Liangqian."


"I find you very narcissistic."


Liang Qian also said seriously: "Student Mo Ran, you are really a chatter."

Moran: "..."

After hurting each other, the two became quiet.

After eating breakfast, Mo Ran planned to go out.

Seeing Mo Ran walk out the door, Liang Qian hurriedly followed: "Mo Ran, where are you going?"

"Of course it's going out, monitor, your home visit ends here." Mo Ran said as he got on his bicycle.

And Liangqian stood in front of her, frowning and said, "It was agreed yesterday, why are you going back on your word?"

"What did I say yesterday???" Mo Ran was puzzled.

"You! You said...you said..." Liangqian couldn't speak for a while, her face turned red.

"I say?"

I saw Liangqian covering her ears, and said coquettishly, "You said you're on a date today!"

Now it's all right, the neighbors around looked over, they were curious about how a beautiful girl would appear, but they never expected... it turned out to be such a thing.

And Mo Ran's mouth twitched after hearing this, your deceitful posture is really amazing!
At this time, even the thick-skinned Mo Ran was a little bit overwhelmed.

Directly motioning Liangqian to sit in the back, Mo Ran kicked away, I'm so embarrassed... Who knew Liangqian would say that.

At this time, Liangqian was also like a deer hitting the bell in her heart, why did she say that just now, as if she and Mo Ran were a couple, everyone misunderstood... she didn't mean that at all.

The two of them didn't speak all the way, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

However, I envy others.

The men sitting on the bus looked at Mo Ran, envious and jealous.

The men who were driving even lamented that they were no better than a cyclist, it was really annoying, and it was so annoying early in the morning.

"Hey, why don't you talk." After a long silence, Liangqian asked proactively.

"Next time you talk, you have to go over your head. Fortunately, it's not at school." Mo Ran said seriously.

After hearing this, Liangqian held back her mouth, she was fine as a girl, but you were wronged as a boy...
"Whoever told you to speak doesn't count, it was clearly agreed yesterday."

Mo Ran sighed softly: "I was joking, but you still take it seriously."

"I'm serious!"

"Okay, then let's have a good chat today." Mo Ran felt that if this matter was not dealt with, Liang Qian would not give up.



"Then let's go to the park in the city and talk while walking." Liang Qian suggested.

"it is good."

As a fourth- and fifth-tier QY city, the city park is the only park with simple amusement facilities and a simple zoo. Tickets are not required to enter the park, but tickets are required for everything else.

Ten minutes later, the two came to the park in the city. Because it was the weekend, many parents brought their children to play. Of course, there were also young boys and girls, like Mo Ran and Liang Qian.

After locking the bicycles, the two walked into the park, surrounded by joy and screams.

Liangqian hadn't come to play for a long time, and wanted to sit down, but seeing Mo Ran walking in front, he didn't seem interested at all, and kept a straight face, as if she owed him money.

"Mo Ran, I want to play with this." Liangqian suddenly stopped in her tracks, pointing to the bumper car beside her.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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