I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 11 The guilty Liangqian

Chapter 11 The guilty Liangqian

Liangqian held back her mouth, really narrow-minded: "Mo Ran, can I come and play with you tomorrow?"

"Squad leader, I'm still young, don't do this."

Liangqian: "..."

"I don't mean anything else."

"What does that mean?" Mo Ran asked curiously.

Liang Qian wanted to kick her over, "In a word, make an appointment or not!"

"Is there a meal?"

Liangqian: "..."

Soon after arriving outside Liangqian's community, Liangqian turned her head and said, "I know where your home is."

Mo Ran, who was riding the bicycle, felt helpless, and said softly, "Liangqian, you should put your studies first."

"I'm studying well." Liangqian rode into the community after finishing speaking.

Looking at the gradually disappearing back, Mo Ran sighed softly, the squad leader was much more stubborn than he imagined, and he couldn't run away even if he scolded him.

Stepping on the bicycle, Mo Ran drove towards his home.

In fact, Mo Ran's house is not very far from Liangqian's house, 10 minutes away. I used to pass by here every day, but I didn't find that Liangqian lived there.

What a rich kid.

Back home, grandpa was cleaning up plastic bottles outside the house and putting them in sacks for sale.

Seeing Mo Ran come back with his schoolbag on his back, Wang Jianguo was very pleased.

"Grandpa, let me come."

Wang Jianguo nodded with a smile, and sat on a small stool next to him, his sallow face dripping with sweat.

"Mo Ran, do your homework well later." Wang Jianguo exhorted, and he had to be tough with Mo Ran, otherwise this kid would be disobedient.

Mo Ran, who was packing the bottle, could only follow his grandfather's wishes and say, "Okay, I see."

Seeing Mo Ran's reluctance, Wang Jianguo smiled, took out a pack of Futaba worth two yuan from his pocket, lit one and started smoking.

Although he said yes, Mo Ran was still thinking, if there are any temporary workers who can make some money, it is a little money.

Tomorrow, I still have to go around the street, and if I want to get my grades up, my grandfather has nothing to say... I have to adapt a little bit.

That night, Mo Ran picked up the book again and read it seriously.

Wang Jianguo looked into his eyes and felt warm in his heart. Mo Ran, this child has always been sensible. Before, it was just a boy's rebellion. It would be fine if he figured it out.

It seemed normal, but for Mo Ran, he cheered up again.

If Liangqian saw this scene, she would definitely think that it was her own credit.

Of course, maybe... maybe a little bit.

On Saturday, QY City was sunny, Liangqian woke up early, and was looking at her closet, thinking about what clothes to wear.

Is it a dress?Or a T-shirt?

Holding her chin, Liangqian pursed her lips. When did she become so entangled? She wasn't going on a date... she was going to help Mo Ran, and it could even be said to be a special home visit.

"Qianqian, it's time for breakfast." Ye Xueqing opened the door and walked into the bedroom and smiled, seeing her daughter staring at the closet in a daze, she was a little curious.

Liangqian came back to her senses: "Oh, good..."

Ye Xueqing asked with concern: "Is this going to go out?"

"Yeah, I'm going to visit Xinhua Bookstore." Liang Qian said seriously, sitting with Mo Ran, lying without blinking.

Ye Xueqing probably didn't expect it either, and said with a soft smile: "Study is important, but weekends should also be properly relaxed, and ask classmates for a walk."

Liangqian's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, she didn't expect to be seen through by her mother.


In the end, Liangqian chose a white dress, which was a birthday present from her 16-year-old father, and it was the first time she wore it.

After changing her clothes, Liangqian looked in the mirror and was very satisfied with her outfit today. She then put on a hair clip with a bow, and she looked like a little fairy.

With a light blue backpack on her back, Liangqian happily walked downstairs.

Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing looked at their daughter who was going downstairs, and were slightly taken aback, feeling that today's daughter is very delicate, and looks very happy.

Liangqian, who was originally happy, stopped smiling when she saw her serious father, and was sitting at the dining table eating fried dough sticks and porridge.

"What are you going to do?" Liang Liang asked lightly.

Liangqian whispered, "I'm going to Xinhua Bookstore to look at the study materials."

"I didn't see you dressed like this when I went to the documents before." Liang Liang's tone seemed to be reprimanded, and Liang Qian lowered her head and remained silent.

Ye Xueqing said softly at the side: "Qianqian is also a girl and has grown up, so of course she has to be concerned about her image when she goes out. Could it be that she dresses like a boy when she goes out?"

Liangqian nodded silently, what her mother said made sense.

"Study hard in high school and forbid dating."

"The father I know won't fall in love."

Liangqian quickly drank the porridge and went out on a bicycle. When her father was at home on weekends, she felt terrible.

After Liangqian left, Liangliang said lightly, "It's the first time I'm wearing that skirt today, and I was reluctant to wear it before."

"Girls at this age, of course like to dress up, what are you worrying about, it seems to scare Qianqian."

"That's a guilty conscience. I have a feeling that Qianqian must have gone to play with the boy today." Liang Liang put down the newspaper in his hand and said seriously.

Speaking of boys, Ye Xueqing thought of the poor student mentioned by her daughter, who seemed to be named Mo Ran...
Could it be that he went to play with this classmate Mo Ran? ? ?

Judging by Qianqian's reaction today, she also had it when she was young.

"What's wrong? Is there something I don't know?" Liang Liang asked suspiciously.

Ye Xueqing chuckled: "It's nothing, Qianqian is sensible and won't fall in love early."

"I hope so. I'm usually busy with work, so you have to pay close attention...otherwise you will definitely delay your studies."

Ye Xueqing nodded, hoping that she was thinking too much.

On the other side, Liangqian was riding a bicycle with a happy smile on her pretty face, like a canary released from a cage.

Liangqian had noticed Mo Ran's home address a long time ago, it was not very far from her home.

About ten minutes later, Liangqian came to a PF area. Compared with her own villa, this place does seem a little poor, but Liangqian didn't care, and she lived in it when she was young.

It's just that as Dad's business grew bigger and bigger, the conditions got better and better.

Pushing the car in, Liangqian looked around at the house numbers, some of which were gone...
Suddenly, Liangqian saw an old man walking in from the outside, holding a hot fried dough stick in his hand.

"Hello, Grandpa, do you know where Mo Ran's family lives?" Liang Qian hurriedly asked.

"Mo Ran?" Wang Jianguo was puzzled. This beautiful girl in front of him is looking for Mo Ran?
Liangqian nodded: "Well, I'm Mo Ran's classmate."

"Oh, it turned out to be a classmate. Mo Ran hasn't gotten up yet." Wang Jianguo smiled. He didn't expect that it was Mo Ran's classmate who came here, which is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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