Chapter 10 Autumn Games

"of course not."

Standing on tiptoe, Liangqian asked again: "Mo Ran, are you free tomorrow weekend?"

Mo Ran stopped in her tracks, and looked at Liangqian with a frown: "Want to go on a date?"

Liangqian panicked suddenly, feeling that there was something wrong with her wording: "No, I just want to know more about you."

"like me?"

"No... I... I'm not..." Liangqian didn't know how to explain it. In fact, she wanted to know what difficulties Mo Ran had, so that she could find out the right medicine.

Seeing Liangqian's flustered appearance, Mo Ran suddenly reached out and patted Liangqian's head, then put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked forward.

But Liangqian stayed where she was, her delicate face gradually turned rosy, and even her jade neck was stained.

Immediately looked around, but luckily there was no one else.

Seeing Mo Ran in front of him who was acting as if nothing had happened, Liangqian was so coquettish that she actually touched her head...
No, I have to go back!
Liangqian trotted over and raised her arms, as if she wanted to slap Mo on the head.

However, at this moment, Mo Ran suddenly turned around.

Liangqian's raised arm suddenly fell down, touched her temples, and pretended to look around, as if something had dropped.

Mo Ran sighed softly, and continued to walk forward, but the corners of his mouth could not help but hang a slight arc.

And Liangqian stomped her feet and chased after her.

Soon the two returned to the classroom. The students paid close attention to the monitor and Mo Ran, and now they entered and left the classroom in pairs.

Mo Ran looked indifferent, but Liang Qian was a bit overwhelmed, the students were all making things out of nothing.

Not long after, the head teacher appeared outside the classroom, peeping through the window...

The class was quite quiet, and no one was doing anything, so the head teacher walked into the classroom.

The head teacher is a woman who is nearly 50 years old, named Yang Nan, wearing a pair of glasses, and has a thin body. Maybe it is because she is relatively thin, and her eyes feel like they are going to pop out. Therefore, under Teacher Yang's stare, there is no dishonesty. .

Of course, Mo Ran must be excluded.

"Students, I'm announcing something." The head teacher stood by the podium and said with his hands behind his back.

The head teacher is here, so Mo Ran has to save face, so listen carefully.

"The autumn sports meeting will be held soon. I hope that the students will actively participate and win glory for the class." The head teacher's tone was loud, but the students' reactions seemed not so interested.

Seeing this, the homeroom teacher chuckled and said, "I heard that our class had a friendly match with Class Two in high school yesterday."

As soon as this sentence was said, the students became interested.

"The teacher also looked at the teaching building yesterday. Mo Ran and Hao Lei played well, as well as Liu Yizhe, Wang Haibo, and Ding Liang. I watched the autumn sports meeting. I will leave the basketball to you. I hope you can play well."

The head teacher didn't object to Mo Ran and the others at all, and just made a decision on it.

"Liangqian, come with me to the office. Students who want to sign up can find Liangqian." After finishing speaking, she walked out of the classroom, and Liangqian hurriedly followed.

As soon as the head teacher left, there was a lot of discussion in the quiet class.

"Brother Mo, why do I feel so confused." Seeing that the squad leader was not there, Hao Lei sat beside Mo Ran.

Mo Ran sighed softly, but he didn't expect to be arrested: "The teacher in charge said, you still don't want to fight."

"I should have known that we would put some more water yesterday and not hit it so hard." Hao Lei sighed helplessly.

However, Liu Yizhe walked over with a bowed body at this time: "Brother Mo, it's a good thing... we might get the first place in the school!"

"What a fart, the games are played after school, or on weekends, and the rest time is taken up." Hao Lei felt that if the games were played during school hours, it would be a good deal.

At this time Liangqian returned to the class, Hao Lei and Liu Yizhe sneaked back to their seats, and Liangqian gave her a hard stare.

I saw Liangqian holding a registration form, standing on the podium and saying, "Students, if you are interested, you can ask me to sign up after class."

Back on her seat, Liangqian asked Mo Ran, "Do you want to sign up?"

"Didn't the head teacher all speak?"

"I mean something else."

Mo Ran looked at Liangqian in doubt: "Do you want to exhaust me to death?"

"No, I'm seeing Mo Ran, you have strong bones, so you must be talented in sports." Liangqian reached out and squeezed Mo Ran's arm as she spoke, feeling that she really has muscles.

Mo Ran said lightly: "I will not participate in those multiplayer sports."

Liangqian sighed softly, thinking that Mo Ran would actively sign up for these long-distance running, sprinting, long jump, table tennis, etc... Will anyone in the class sign up?
With the end of the first get out of class in the afternoon, Liangqian was ready to register.

However, when it was class time, no one came, and no one asked.

"How is it, how many people signed up?" Mo Ran asked curiously after returning from the toilet.

Smelling the smell of smoke from Mo Ran's body, Liang Qian frowned deeply: "No one signed up."

"It's so miserable." After speaking, Mo Ran continued to open the thick novel and read it.

Seeing Mo Ran's depraved appearance, Liang Qian sighed deeply.

Nothing else happened in the whole afternoon, but because it was Friday, we had to do some cleaning, and it was Mo Ran's turn.

"Brother Mo, you go to rest, I'll just mop the floor." Liu Yizhe walked over with a smile, how could he let the terrifying Brother Mo mop the floor.

Mo Ran held the mop and said, "Didn't you see the squad leader monitoring it?"

Liangqian didn't leave, but stood at the back of the classroom with her schoolbag on her back. Hearing what Mo Ran said, she said seriously: "You locked my car, and I can't leave even if I want to."

Mo Ran looked at Liu Yizhe, and patted him on the shoulder: "The squad leader just wanted to find an excuse to stay with me."

"Uh... That's... Then I'll take out the trash, and I won't bother you two." Liu Yizhe ran away immediately.

Seeing Mo Ran's leisurely movements, Liang Qian was anxious... walked over directly, took the mop: "I'll do it."

"The monitor is amazing." Mo Ran smiled, sitting on the desk next to her, watching the monitor mop the floor for herself.

The students around have seen it. How to turn a famous class leader into a small follower, you have to learn from Brother Mo.

Liangqian mopped the floor much faster, and everything was done in less than 10 minutes.

Liu Yizhe pretended to check it again: "Brother Mo, you can go, just leave the rest to me."

"Okay, see you next week." Mo Ran walked out of the classroom with his schoolbag hanging on his shoulder.

It was the first time for Liangqian to see Mo Ran carrying a schoolbag after school. Could it be that she plans to go back and study hard?
Riding bicycles, the two walked along the road.

"Hello." Seeing that Mo Ran was silent all the way, Liang Qian called out loudly.

"Who is it?"

"Of course I'm calling you."

"I'm not calling hello."

(End of this chapter)

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