Chapter 9

At this moment, Liu Tian sat down with two people.

Mo Ran and Hao Lei frowned slightly, what does this mean?
"Thank you for yesterday's game." Although Liu Tian was reluctant, he still formally thanked him. After all, Mo Ran didn't let the water go, and the loss would be ugly and become a laughing stock.

Hao Lei smiled lightly: "It's a small matter, just don't bully the students in our class in the future."

Liu Yizhe held back his mouth, last time he was bullied by Liu Tian...
"Mo Ran, I heard that Ma Yuankai will trouble you, you have to be careful." Liu Tian said softly, and came here to tell Mo Ran about it.

"Who is Ma Yuankai?" Hao Lei asked suspiciously after hearing this.

"It's yesterday's referee, Class Three." Liu Tian said softly.

Liu Yizhe couldn't figure it out: "I didn't seem to mess with him yesterday, so why are you looking for trouble with Brother Mo?"

"Then I don't know, but I heard that Ma Yuankai is not easy to mess with." Liu Tian said in a low voice.

After hearing this, Mo Ran said calmly: "Okay, I see."

Seeing Mo Ran's indifferent face, Liu Tian nodded: "Then I won't bother you for dinner." After speaking, he led the people away.

As Liu Tian left, Hao Lei said in a low voice: "Brother Mo, it seems that we rejected him yesterday, so he took it to heart."

"Maybe." Mo Ran said lightly, as if he didn't care about it at all.

But Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses and guessed: "Could it be that this Ma Yuankai likes the squad leader, so he took this opportunity to take revenge on Brother Mo?"

"It makes sense." Ding Liang followed suit.

Liu Yizhe whispered: "Some students in the third year of high school often play with gangsters outside the school, but they can't be provoked."

"Don't worry, Ma Yuankai will only look for me." Mo Ran patted Liu Yizhe on the shoulder, and continued: "You eat, I'll go back to the classroom first."

"Brother Mo, the dishes haven't been moved yet." Hao Lei shouted.

However, Mo Ran just waved his hand and left the cafeteria.

Liu Yizhe said in a low voice: "Brother Lei, of course Brother Mo went back to the classroom to accompany the monitor. From the beginning of the school year to yesterday, they ate in the classroom every day."

Hao Lei thought about it, and said in a low voice: "Could it be that Brother Mo likes the monitor? It's impossible."

"Perhaps the squad leader likes Brother Mo." Wang Haibo said seriously.

And Ding Liang said naively: "Maybe they like each other."

Hao Lei frowned, and suddenly asked, "Do you have any girlfriends?"

The three shook their heads.

"Then guess what, let's eat!"

On the other side, Mo Ran returned to the classroom and saw Liang Qian's lonely figure staring out the window in a daze.

Liangqian, who was in a daze, heard footsteps and turned her head to take a look. Unexpectedly, it was Mo Ran, and immediately turned her head to look elsewhere.

Mo Ran found that Liangqian's bento hadn't been moved yet, it was exactly the same as the one in the morning, and she was convinced... What was this trying to express, a hunger strike to protest?
"The fried vegetables in the cafeteria are not very tasty." Mo Ran said softly, picked up his bento and opened it.

Liangqian pursed her lips and remained angry. Don't think that you can forgive me if you come back to eat with me...

"It's better to cook at home." Mo Ran said calmly after taking a bite of his meal.

Liangqian's pretty face turned slightly red after hearing this, what does this mean, who belongs to your family, really narcissistic.

"Squad leader, people are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry."

Hearing what Mo Ran said, Liangqian suddenly became a little happy, but she didn't want to talk to him too quickly, she was very unreserved... she said she was so angry and ignored him.

"Squad leader, if you don't have an appetite, why don't you give me some food."

Seeing that Mo Ran was coming to grab the food, Liangqian hurriedly guarded her, and said solemnly: "Who said I lost my appetite, it's just... I'm just resting."

"That's it, then you can eat quickly."


Liangqian opened her bento, and there were indeed more dishes than yesterday, which made Mo Ran's eyes light up.



"You can't finish eating so much. Would you like me to help you?"

"No need, go and eat your stir-fried vegetables." Liangqian snorted coquettishly, so she wouldn't let you eat.

Mo Ran now understands that she is the one who blamed herself for going to eat stir-fried vegetables, and failed her hard work. She is such a kind girl.

Mo Ran chuckled, and said softly: "How about this, if you order for me at noon, I will allow you to sit next to me, and I won't drive you away."

"Really?" Liangqian's big eyes lit up, but she felt that Mo Ran's words were a bit strange.

"Of course it's true, I won't lie."

"That's what you said, don't ask me to change seats again!" Liang Qian said seriously, and if she said that again, she would lift a stool and beat you to death.

Mo Ran nodded, in order to have a good meal, he betrayed his appearance.

After the decision was made, Liangqian's anger dissipated, and the smile appeared on her face again.

The happy Liangqian said casually: "Then you eat some, I asked my mother to serve more."

"What?" Mo Ran was puzzled.

Liangqian was startled immediately, wishing she could slap herself: "It's my mother, I don't know why you have to serve me so many dishes, I can't finish them all, luckily Mo Ran helped me, otherwise it would be too wasteful, haha ··································

Hearing Liangqian's dry laugh, Mo Ran was amused. It turned out that the squad leader still had a lot of talent for being funny.

Seeing Mo Ran's exaggerated laugh, Liang Qian said angrily, "What are you laughing at, don't eat it, it's all mine..."

"Isn't what's yours mine?"

Liangqian: "..."

Fortunately, there was no one in the class, otherwise there would definitely be booing again, Mo Ran molested the monitor, stone hammer.

However, at the back door, the four heads shrank back.

Liu Yizhe was so excited, he said in a low voice: "What did I say, Brother Mo really came back to accompany the squad leader, right?"

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses: "They still eat each other's food."

Ding Liang said naively: "It was said on TV that this is called an indirect kiss."

Hao Lei also never expected, why does it feel like this joke is open, and it becomes true?

"I'm full." Mo Ran stood up and breathed a sigh of relief. He ate some in the cafeteria before, but he ate more when he came back. He hasn't been so full for a long time.

Liangqian lamented Mo Ran's appetite, so many dishes were eaten up.

"I'm going out for a walk." Mo Ran said lightly, he had to go out to digest.

Liangqian stopped Mo Ran: "Wait for me, I want to go too."

Under the shade, the two walked side by side.

Looking around, Liangqian is actually quite tall, standing next to Mo Ran, reaching her ears.

Liangqian also figured it out, if she wanted to help Mo Ran, she couldn't just say it, because he would be very angry if she said it, and she had to find out the problem.

"Mo Ran, why didn't you sleep this morning?" Liang Qian asked curiously.

Mo Ran said softly: "Why, do you really want me to sleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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